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"I like that idea. Does anyone else have any suggestions?" No one answered and I nodded.

"Okay. shall we vote on which one we are doing?"

"Miss, don't you have any suggestions? Or one you prefer." I nodded.

"I think all the ideas you've given have potential. Don't worry about my suggestions. There's no point me adding onto all these ideas which won't be used. Let's decide one first okay?" They nodded and I smiled.

"So, put your hands up if you like the idea of a book fair planned via the HamSung group?"


"Okay and hands up if you like character costume competition?"


"Does that mean the remaining of you vote for the Amazing Race?"

"Yes" "yes mam" "Yes"

"Very well. The book fair wins. I wan't you guys to give me a preview of this in 3 days and I'll give you suggestions then. Meanwhile I'll be working with the design team to see if we can work something out in regards to a QR code prizes that give book access and scannable library cards on your phone."

"Yes mam!" I smiled.

"Good Job today guys. Meetings over. Go get some lunch now~" They laughed and went and as soon as I saw them leave I sunk in my chair.

"Mam are you okay? It's been 4 days since you left the hospital are you sure you aren't feeling sick..." I shook my head.

"I'm just tired. What's my next appointment?"

"It's your appointment with the librarian director who is your friend."

"Oh is he here?"

"Yes waiting in the lobby." I smiled and grabbed my bag and phone.

"when's my next appointment?"

"You have another appointment with design team in 3 hours. 2 hours for this appointment then 1 hour for lunch. After that you have personal work time to finalise things."

"Okay, I'll be back just before the meeting. You have the next few hours off to eat and stuff. Just make sure the booklets I sent you are printed and set out on the meeting table with snacks and waters."

"Okay. Shall I organise a ride for you back here?" I shook my head. I'll find my way.

I left and walked in the lobby and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch staring out the window while rubbing his ears. I smiled and walked towards him. He seemed deep in thought cause he didn't even realise I was there. I smirked and sat in the chair in front of him and after some time his eyes wandered to my seat. His eyes widened and he sat up.

"Y/n!? When did you-"

"Who has you thinking so deeply." I giggled and he looked flustered.

"Oh... um." I shook my head and stood up.

"You don't have to tell me. Let's go. We don't have much time." He nodded and joined my side as we walked towards his car. We got in and made our way to the amusement park.

"So it was as I predicted?"

"Yup. The book fair won. Good thing we planned ahead."


"So this amusement park... will be willing to let us have the book fair there?"

"Yes. I'm friends with the amusement park director so he can do it for free. Since he'll benefit from the food produce."

The bodyguard (Taehyung ff)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα