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The island's glory had left. It only reminded me of everything I did not have. I felt guilty even enjoying it for a second. I had to leave, I didn't deserve to be enjoying myself out there in the forest. Nor did I deserve a safe and warm bed, far away from the monsters on the mainland. He made that very clear when his bloodied face stared at me.

It had been a few weeks since I scared everyone away with my nightmare. Most of my friends barely dared to speak with me. I did not care, I liked keeping to myself. I helped Frypan in the kitchen and made myself useful with some other jobs that needed to be done. I worked hard so the exhaustion would take over me and would take me into a deep slumber.

I woke up early that morning. The sun had yet to make itself known. I packed my most important belongings. I barely owned anything of value besides the ring around my finger, a small notebook, a backpack, my bow and quiver filled with arrows and the set of clothes I wore.

I heard the plane's engine turning on. The soldiers, as we called them, were gathering around the plane, getting ready for their next hunt on the mainland. It wasn't anything like the hunting I did back in the forest.

They went on these hunts to look for anything of value. Especially things such as canned food, weapons and medicine. Sometimes they would come across other groups of people, people that managed to survive the horrors of what was left of the world. But most of those groups would stay far away from our soldiers, not wanting to get caught in any kind of trouble.

"Going hunting again?" Brenda asked. I shook my head and climbed into the plane. I felt their presence behind me, their mouths hanging open. I started to put my things away.

"What the hell are you doing?" Thomas asked abruptly.

"I'm coming with you, to the mainland."

"No, no, you're not."

"Yes, I am, Thomas. I'm completely capable of deciding what I can and cannot do."

"I will not allow it."

"It does not matter, I already asked Gally. He agreed, he's the leader of the squad."

Thomas turned around, facing Gally. I watched as Thomas balled his fists, Gally didn't care and turned his lips into a smirk.

"What the hell are you thinking, Gally? She's not ready to go out there again." Thomas yelled.

"You heard her. She can decide that herself." Gally said.

Thomas took a step closer, his face just inches away from Gally's. Minho jumped in between, ready to push them apart.

Rolling my eyes I took a seat next to Brenda and leaned back, ready for take off. Thomas stood in front of me, leaning down and wanting to buckle me up.

"I don't need your help, I have hands." I said while putting my seat belt on. Thomas sighed loudly and took a seat next to me. I knew he wasn't going to leave my side any time soon.

They finished packing their supplies and the plane took off shortly after. The flight would be taking longer than usual, as they wanted to explore a completely new area. It was a small city, half of it had been completely destroyed as the city had been bombed years ago.

I was thrilled to get out and have a change of scenery. My body was full of adrenaline. But with that came a feeling of guilt.

After a few hours we finally landed. Suddenly I became nervous, as if this would bring back all the memories at once and hit me in the face. I breathed deeply and exited the plane.

The warm wind brushed past my face. The air smelled different on the mainland. It wasn't as fresh and clean like back on the island.

"Are you ok?" Thomas asked from behind me as we looked at the horizon. The city was still far ahead from us. We wanted to keep the plane out of sight for safety reasons which meant we still had some hours of walking to do until we would reach the city.

I sighed saying "Yes."

Thomas frowned, obviously not believing my words. I rolled my eyes and swung the quiver over my shoulder.

We began walking towards the city. We walked on what used to be one of the biggest and busiest highways. It was now completely empty. I couldn't even imagine what it had been like before everything changed, before everyone got sick. I tried to imagine thousands of cars driving, all going to different destinations. Their biggest worry being their work or if they had enough money to go on a vacation.

I was lost in thoughts as the squad moved forwards. Gally kept us in a fast pace, wanting to reach the city before sunset. Our eyes met for a moment as I caught him looking over his shoulder at me.

"See that red van over there?" Minho asked as he pointed ahead of us. I nodded, about a half a mile ahead of us stood a rusty red van. I looked Minho in the eyes, a smirk growing on his face. ]

"Catch!" I yelled and threw my bow and quiver at Thomas. I didn't hesitate and began running.

"Hey!" Minho yelled but I heard him running not far behind me. I wasn't wearing the best shoes but I still managed to run fast. Adrenaline rushed through my body. I caught a smile forming on my lips. I giggled as Minho tried pushing me aside.

Our legs moved fast and I had to admit that I had missed feeling the solid ground beneath my feet, it made running easier. We touched the red van at the exact same time.

"I missed this." I said, breathing heavily.

"No, you missed me, Green bean." Minho tried patting me on the head. I pushed him away, making him laugh and saying "Aggressive Green bean."

Hours had passed, the buildings got bigger with every step we were taking. Nobody was talking apart from Minho ranting about some rat he had seen last time they had come to the mainland.

"You should've seen it, it was as big as my torso."

I was about to shake my head in disbelief and make a comment on how that would be impossible when I froze. A loud scream erupted from inside the city. I could feel the scream through my entire body. It wasn't anything natural, humans didn't scream like that. It could only mean one thing.

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