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Julia's point of view

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Julia's point of view

I woke up in the middle of the night, laying in Newt's arms. For a moment I panicked and sat up in bed. It took me a few seconds to realise we were safe and no longer in the maze.

Luckily I hadn't woken Newt up and laid back down. I watched his calm face and trailed my fingertips along the scar on his cheek.

I feared for him, for his wellbeing, for his disappointment, I didn't want him to ever be sad or heartbroken. I had always been truthful with him but this time I feared that telling the truth would do more harm than good.

He fluttered his eyes open, surprised to see me awake. He pulled me closer and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Can't sleep?"

I looked away from his eyes and nodded slowly. I couldn't even look him in the eyes, I felt terrible. But Newt lifted my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"

"I know." I whispered and snuggled into his touch. I entwined my legs with his and listened to his slow heartbeat. "I love you." I whispered and closed my eyes, letting my mind take a short break.


"I wanna know what's through that door." Thomas whispered, I nodded in agreement, feeling the exact same curiosity, no wonder we were siblings. But Newt sighed and shook his head "No, we've been over this. You said you didn't know what you saw. It could've been anything up there."

"I know what I saw, there were bodies. Aris said they bring a new badge every night."

Earlier Thomas had informed us on his little night adventures he had with Aris. The two had spotted bodies being brought into a medical room. It made me even more suspicious than I already was. I already had a bad feeling about that Janson guy.

"Who the hell is Aris?"

Thomas pointed at a hooded guy in the corner of the cafeteria, playing with his food in a delusional manner. I grinned to myself. He looked somewhat odd but innocent and intelligent in a way.

"Wow, I'm sold."

"Until we know anything for certain we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, alright?" But Newt's words were completely ignored. Thomas and I shared a knowing look and once Janson finished his speech we jumped from our seats and hurried towards the door.

We stopped when the guards noticed us. One of them grabbed ahold of my arm in a tight and painful manner. I scowled at him "Get your hands off." he did as I said and held his hands up as if showing his innocence.

"What's your problem man?"

"What's happening here? Thomas, Julia, I thought we could trust each other. You know were on the same team here."

"Are we?" Thomas and I muttered in unison. Janson narrowed his eyes in suspicion and moved his eyes between the two of us.

"Get them to their bunks."

Something was definitely off and whatever it was we'd be their next victim. I shared a look with Thomas and nodded. I knew what to do and snuck away whilst my friends were being escorted back to the room. I tried not to draw any attention to myself and got away without getting noticed.

I watched them getting dragged away by the guards and continued my place. I sat at a table with a certain boy.


He looked up, confusedly.

"I'm Julia, Thomas' sister. He told me you have a plan."


"I'll get the weapons and you'll get my friends out?"

Aris nodded in agreement and pointed at a door at the end of the hallway. "That's where they keep their guns, just grab a few and find us in wing C."

I gave him a nod and watched him disappear into the airshaft. I took a deep breath and quietly snuck towards the door. The hallway was completely empty. I pushed the handle of the door down but as expected it didn't open. I huffed and kicked my foot against it. After several attempts it opened to my surprise.

I grabbed several guns and left the room in a hurry. But when I turned around the corner I bumped against a tall guard. I gasped and held my finger against the trigger of the gun.

"You won't shoot." he stated with a creepy smirk. I knitted my eyebrows together and did the exact thing he told me I wouldn't do. I pulled the trigger and shot him in the chest. He collapsed onto the ground and began shaking due to the electrocution.

I grinned in satisfaction and snuck towards wing C. I was nearly there when I heard some voices. I pressed my back against the wall and tightly held onto the gun in my hands. I peaked around the corner and saw one guard making their way towards me.

I inhaled sharply and jumped around the corner. I pulled the trigger and shot him into his chest several times. He fell onto the floor, gasping for air.

"Damn, you scare me." Frypan chuckled. I looked up, relieved to find all of me friends but they looked somewhat shocked to see me holding the gun. I grinned and threw the remaining guns at Newt, Thomas and Minho. Newt didn't look too pleased with my sudden disappearance and furrowed his eyebrows at me.

But there was no time to argue. We ran to the end of the hallway, followed by Janson and his buddies. We stopped at a dead end and I cursed to myself. There was a door but even though Thomas scanned it with a card it didn't open.

"Thomas!" Janson called. Thomas and I shared a look and aimed our guns at him and the guards.

"Open this door, Janson."

"You really don't want me to."

"Open the damn door!" I scowled.

"Listen to me, I'm trying to save your lives. The maze is one thing but you kids wouldn't last one day out in the scorch. If the elements don't kill you the cranks will."

"Thomas, Julia, you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you."

"Yeah, let me guess, WICKED is good?"

"You're not getting through that door, Thomas."

But suddenly the door opened with a buzzing sound, revealing Aris and Winston on the other side. Aris smiled sheepishly at us saying "Hey, guys."

"Come on!"

"Thomas, Julia, let's go."

I pulled the trigger and shot several times at Janson and his guards in anger until I was out of bullets. The both of us started running towards the door that was near closing. I held my breath and slid underneath the door just in time together with Thomas. We shared a grinning look, proud with each other.

"Let's go!"

Newt pulled me up even though he still seemed annoyed with me. I grabbed his hand and together we left the building. Not only was the wind howling like a monstrous beast and had the sun completely disappeared but we had no idea where to go next.

"What do we do?"

I'll run away with you. | the maze runner [newt]Where stories live. Discover now