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  Brenda had found us and was kind enough not to kill us

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Brenda had found us and was kind enough not to kill us. She led us to our escape. The building was dark and a cheerful song was playing through the speakers. I was slightly confused by it but shrugged it away. I shot my head up seeing planes flying over the building, WICKED.

We ran up the stairs and stopped being back in the room with Jorge who was rummaging through some of his stuff.

"Brenda, hurry up. We don't have much time, right this way."

He pushed a window open, revealing a tightrope connected to a building on the other side.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Oh come on, Fry/ It'll be fun." I chuckled and patted his shoulder. It was meant in a sarcastic manner but by now nobody really knew if I were kidding or not, I was too unpredictable these days.

"You freak me out sometimes." Frypan chuckled. I rolled my eyes and watched as Jorge pulled on an elastic band that was attached to the rope. "You kids wanna get to the right arm? I'll lead you to them, follow me." he swung his body out the window, holding onto the elastic band until he landed in the other building.

Minho was next and jumped out the window like it was nothing, he barely knew any fear and thought everything was cool. I poked my head over the edge seeing how high it was. But I tried playing it cool, ignoring the risk of falling to our death.

"Hold onto me, love." Newt ordered. I smiled and shook my head "It's ok, I can do it myself."

"I know you can." he replied with a smirk. Frypan sighed and muttered "Oh, come on. You guys are making me nauseous."

I giggled and jumped into Newt's arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso like a monkey. Newt jumped out the window. I let out a soft yelp. I let an arm loose and cheered feeling a rush of freedom with the wind blowing through my hair.

"You're crazy!" Newt chuckled.

We landed inside the dusty old building, Newt was still holding onto me, smirking at me. "You know you can let go now, right?" I asked but he didn't answer and pressed his lips against mine, making me melt in his touch.

"Let's go, love birds!" Jorge yelled. A smile formed on both of our lips and Newt set me on my own feet. I waited for the rest but after Frypan, Aris and Teresa nobody else came.

"Where's Thomas? And Brenda?"

"They'll make it, there's another way out."

The music stopped and finally I understood the meaning behind it. The building exploded into a thousand pieces.

"So, that's what the music was for."


We had made our way into the city, apparently many people lived there. After walking through the crowds of people we arrived at some weird party a guy named Marcus was throwing.

Don't ask me how but Jorge managed to tie the man up and began interrogating him, beating him up whenever he didn't answer. My eyes were wide as I watched Jorge's fists meeting the guy's jaw again and again. I hissed every time I heard his fist punch against his jaw.

I looked over my shoulder, smiling with the sight of Thomas sleeping on the couch. I was relieved he and Brenda made it out alive. I didn't know Brenda that well but I was grateful for her helping my brother.

I smirked when Teresa jumped up as quick as a flash when Thomas woke up. This thing between them was getting too obvious. There was some unspoken thing between them and I couldn't deny that they were perfect for each other.

"Fine, they have an outpost but it's a long way from here. You have WICKED on your ass, you're never gonna make it."

"Not on foot. Where's Bertha?"

"Not Bertha!"

"Who the hell is Bertha?"


"This is Bertha?" Minho chuckled. Him and I shared a look and leaped forwards, both wanting to get into the passengers seat of the blue truck.

"Too late!" Newt smirked and hopped onto the seat. Minho and I pouted our lips and hurried for the other seats but once again they were all taken, even Minho sat down.

"Karma's a bitch, huh?" Minho chuckled. I stuck my middle finger in the air making him laugh and sticking his tongue out in return.

"I'm waiting." Newt smirked, patting his lap for me to sit on. I blushed with everyone staring at us whilst I sat on Newt's lap.

Jorge shook his head and laughed along with the rest. He started the engine and a roaring sound filled the air.

I rested my elbows on the car and stared out the window, twisting my head around to look at the beautiful landscapes that passed by. Newt snaked his hands around my waist. Just like always, I loved his touch, it was addictive.

Several hours passed by, we had been in the car for a while and it resulted in me bickering with Minho and Frypan. We were fighting over whatever those creatures were called.

"I'm telling you, I swear I heard Janson mentioning something like Cranks." Frypan exclaimed. I nodded in agreement but Minho shook his head and nearly died in laughter. "They're not Cranks you slintheads. They're called zombies."

I noticed Jorge and Brenda sharing a look before bursting out in laughter before Jorge decided to speak up "Actually, as much as I like the name zombie they're known as Cranks."

"I knew it!" I squealed and highfived Frypan. Winning a discussion when it came to Minho was like earning a golding medal. Minho pouted his lips like a little kid and pretended to be hurt.

"Oh, come now. Don't cry, Minho. Not all of us are gifted with intelligence." And the bickering continued. But this time it was about Minho disagreeing and telling me he in fact had a lot of other talents.

Everyone groaned in annoyance and yelled us to stop. Newt covered my mouth with his hand to stop me from fighting. Minho and I shared a look through the car window and smirked, pleased with ourselves for annoying the others.

"Hey, Jorge." Thomas spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Yes, kid."

"Why did you work for WICKED? Did you agree with them killing innocent kids?"

Jorge was slightly taken aback by Thomas' sudden accusation and sighed before answering his question "I do not agree with their methods. In fact it was merely a matter of survival to work with them. You'd do anything for you and your friends to survive, isn't that right?"

Thomas nodded, glancing into our direction. "I would."

"Trying to survive does something to a person, Thomas. Why don't you give that some thoughts?"

I'll run away with you. | the maze runner [newt]Where stories live. Discover now