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  We were shocked to find out that the walls hadn't closed and it was nearly completely dark outside

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We were shocked to find out that the walls hadn't closed and it was nearly completely dark outside. Not only did the usual opening not close but the other walls opened as well. I flinched hearing them open, there were now four possible entries for Grievers.

"Everyone hide!"

I swung around trying to have Newt in my sight, but he was nowhere to be found. My heart began racing hearing the growls of those monsters. I needed to hide, I couldn't fight them off on my own.

"Julia! What are you doing? Run!" Gally earned my attention. I held my breath and began running as fast as possible. He stood next to the box and held it open for me to run in. But behind me I could hear their growls and feel their heavy footsteps.

I looked over my shoulder and saw one of them. An enormous dark creature I hoped to never see again but there he was, more terrifying than before.

Gally reached his hand out for me, I grabbed it with both hands and jumped inside with him. The top of the box was closed but I could still hear the horrifying screams of people around us. Our people, Gladers, were getting thorn apart by those monsters.

I collapsed onto my knees and breathed heavily in panic. The tears had already began to roll down. Just hearing their screams and growls made me want to crawl under a rock and never leave.

I covered my ears with my hands to mute the horrifying screams and cries for help. There wasn't anything I could do to help them and that was an even more terrifying feeling. I feared for all my friends, my brother and Newt..

Gally kneeled down in front of me and placed his hands on mine, covering my ears even more to stop the screams. I just looked into his green eyes, it was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.


I woke up like nothing happened with teary stains on my cheeks. I was covered by Gally's jacket but he and the others weren't in the box anymore. I was all alone in the box but sighed in relief to see the sun was up.

I slid my arms in each sleeve of Gally's jacket and climbed out of the box. When I poked my head outside the Glade looked as peaceful as ever apart from the burned down trees, broken parts of dead Grievers and the most heartbreaking part were the dead bodies of my fellow Gladers.

I clutched my arms to my chest scared to see his body. The tears brimmed in the back of my eyes but I had to push them back, I had to have hope.

"Newt!" I called over and over again but no response. Until suddenly he came running towards me from the tree line. I took a sprint forwards and crashed into his arms. I exhaled long as I pressed my face into his shoulder.

"I thought you—" I cried but he interrupted me saying "Shh, it's ok, I'm fine, we're fine."

He brushed a hand through my hair and kissed me lovingly. I couldn't be happier and relieved to have him with me, alive and well.

But our moment was interrupted by Chuck's voice "What the hell were you thinking?"

I poked my head from beside Newt's arm and realised Chuck was talking to someone inside the slammer. I grabbed Newt's hand tightly and together we walked towards the wooden cage.

I was shocked to find out Thomas and Teresa were locked inside. My mood instantly churned seeing my brother locked up in a case. I stretched my hand through the wooden bars and grabbed ahold of Thomas'.

"Are you ok? What happened?" I asked. But Newt replied instead of Thomas, who seemed clueless himself.

"Gally's taken control. He said we had a choice, either join him or get banished at sundown with Thomas." Newt explained. "He can't do that!" I scowled.

"The others agreed to that?"

"Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason all of this has happened."

"Well, he's been right so far.."

"What are you talking about?" Minho asked, I nearly jumped at the sound of his voice and looked him in the eyes. We shared a smile before turning our attention back to Thomas. I was glad Minho was ok, I cared a lot about him.

"This place, it's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test. It started when we were kids, they'd give us these challenges. They were experimenting on us. Then people started disappearing, every month, one after another like clockwork."

"Sending them up into the maze."

"Yeah, not all of us."

"What do you mean?"

"Guys, I'm one of them, the people who put you here. I worked with them and watched you guys for years. The entire time you've been here I was on the other side and so were you two." Thomas claimed looking both me and Teresa in the eyes.

It wasn't news to me, but still hearing it out loud made it reality. I hated the person I was before all of this, the fact that I helped WICKED was making me nauseous.

"Why would they sent us up here if we were with them?" I asked. Thomas quickly replied saying "It doesn't matter."

Newt grabbed my hand, my small hand disappearing in his big one. I looked him in the eyes, finding so much comfort in them.

"He's right, it doesn't matter, any of it. The people we were before the maze they don't exist anymore. These creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now and what we do right now. You went into the maze and you found a way out."

"Yeah, but if I hadn't Alby would still be alive."

I coughed and nearly choked hearing those words. Alby was dead, one of the people I learned so much from in the short period of time I was in the Glade. Alby didn't deserve this, he deserved a long blissful life.

I scrambled to my feet and scurried off trying to hide the tears in my eyes. I felt my friends their eyes burn into the back of my scalp but I simply ignored it and walked away. I cursed to myself trying to process all those deaths, when was it going to stop or was this merely the beginning?

"Julia, what's wrong? Are you ok?" I turned around to see the tall Gally standing behind me. Once he saw the tears on my face his eyes turned into concern.

"Everything's wrong, Gally. All those people died, for what? When will it stop? You have to let Thomas and Teresa go, this isn't their fault."

Gally sighed and shook his head "They broke the rules, they brought this onto themselves, they're the ones to blame."

"I broke the rules once, I ran into that maze just like Thomas did. Do you want to banish me too?"

"That's different."

"How is that different?"

"They know more than they're letting loose, for all I know they're behind all of this."

"Yeah? News flash, they did work for WICKED and you know what? So did I. But we woke up in that box one day, memories wiped, no clue of whatever was going on and here we are. We're not the same persons like we were before the maze. Please, Gally, don't do this." I said grabbing his hand but he refused to look me in the eyes. I couldn't figure him out, he was impossible.


He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes, finally. There was an emotion flashing through his eyes that I couldn't put my finger on. He tugged a strand of my brown hair behind my ear and sighed "I'm sorry, Julia, I have to do this." He said almost as quiet as a whisper and with that he left, head held high, too proud for his own good.

I'll run away with you. | the maze runner [newt]Where stories live. Discover now