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 I stared at the destroyed world outside

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I stared at the destroyed world outside. It was unlike anything we expected it to look like. The world appeared lifeless.

Silent tears rolled down my cheeks. I leaned back into Newt's arms. He held me protectively, keeping me safe from the world outside.

But I felt anything but safe. I had just seen the life disappear out of one of the greatest persons I knew. It physically hurt me to know he was never coming back, it was unlike anything I had ever felt.

The others were falling asleep, exhausted of everything we had to go through to get where we were. The flight took hours and they were hours filled with silence as nobody dared to speak.

I nearly jumped when suddenly one of the men that had rescued us started to tell us we were nearing their home. We lowered to the ground slowly.

The sun had set meaning it was completely dark outside, only a few lights coming from a tall building were seen.

"Ok, let's get out of here."

As soon as the helicopter touched the ground we jumped out and were ordered to run inside. I held Newt's hand as we ran.

Thomas was last to run inside. Together we watched as the doors closed behind us, a scary sight. I couldn't help but feel trapped again.

It was crowded inside. People were moving around and the building was filled with large containers.

We were led through the building until we were told to wait inside a small room. None of us spoke, we simply complied in silence. I looked around at my friends, they all looked tired.

I shared a look with Newt standing across from me, he looked down at my legs covered in bruises and dirt. I could only imagine what a mess I must've looked like.

Suddenly the door swung open.

"You kids doing alright?"

A man with a cocky smile stood in the door opening. His hair was grey, matching the shirt he wore.

"Sorry about all of the fuss."

"Who are you?"

Once again the man's lips curled into a cocky smirk, I disliked it very much.

"I'm the reason you're all still alive, it's my intention to keep you that way. Now, come with me, we'll get you kids squared away."

We shared some questioning looks but had no choice but to follow him so we did. We followed him through the rusty old building. I could tell we were all exhausted and our bodies were sore and drained of energy.

"You can call me Mr.Janson. I run this place, for us its a sanctuary, a safe place from the horror of the outside world. You should all think of it as a way station, kind of home between homes."

"You're taking us home?"

"A home of sorts, sadly there wouldn't be much left of wherever you came from but we do have a place for you, a refuge outside the scorch. Where wicked will never find you again, how does that sound?"

"Why are you helping us?"

"Let's just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation and we're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the flare virus makes you a target, as no doubt by now you have noticed. Beyond this door lies the beginning of your new lives."

He scanned some sort of card along the door and it caused the door to open, revealing a long white hallway.

"First things first, let's do something about that smell."

Janson led us into the bathrooms. It was a wide space of bathrooms stalls with white tiles on the walls. I had to admit, we smelled disgusting and were in need of a long hot shower.

A few of the guys cheered in excitement while I limped towards the sink. I glanced at myself in the mirror and came face to face with my exhausted reflection. My face had become bony and I was covered in dirt and blood remains. My hair was a mess and the white of my eyes had become red due to the lack of rest.

Newt stood behind me, placing his hands on my hips. It was odd seeing us standing together in the mirror, seeing us from another point of view. But we fitted like two pieces of a puzzle. Newt kissed the back of my head and smiled.

"We're safe, love."

I nodded even though I might not feel safe for a very long time. I got into one of the shower stalls and undressed myself. I turned the water and turned it to be as hot as I could take.

I glanced down at my bruised and skinny body whilst I stepped under the warm stream of water. I washed myself with actual soap and felt like a whole other person.

But enjoying the shower didn't exactly take long. Before I knew it I was reminded by every loss. I clutched my arms to my chest, hugging myself and closed my eyes as I let the tears flow. I was both mentally and physically exhausted.

I jumped at the sudden touch of Newt's arms around me. I leaned back into his chest and rested my head against him. I smiled through my tears but only a second after I broke into sobs. Newt tightened his grip around me with every sob.

It was unfair. How could people like Chuck die? And Alby who was supposed to have an entire life to come. They were supposed to be rescued just like the rest of us. My heart was broken.

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