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Three months later

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Three months later

"Chuck, wait up!" my voice echoed through the glade as a ran.

Chuck turned around with a tooth full smile. Like every other morning I tried to sneak an extra piece of bread with me to give Chuck. By now Frypan was used to it and gave it to me before I even thought of it myself.

Chuck and I became friends straight away. Chuck was only thirteen years old making him the youngest glader. I gravitated to being in his company, he always knew how to make me laugh.

"Do you want me to be fat?" Chuck asked.

"You still have some inches to grow, Chuck."

"Says you." Chuck laughed, patting me on my head. Chuck was the only glader that didn't tower over me with his height.

I walked with Chuck to the showers, it was his job to clean them every once in a while. Chuck was assigned to be a slopper as they called it, it basically meant doing different tasks everyday that nobody else wanted to do. I felt bad for him but Chuck didn't really mind it, he always told me he tried to make the best out of every situation, even if that meant scrubbing toilets.

"Don't run run too fast, Minho was looking real tired this morning."

"I'll keep that in mind."

I laughed and walked over to the wall. Minho seemed to have been waiting on me for a while, he wasn't looking all too happy.

"You're late, Greenbean."

"I stopped being a greenie three months ago."

"Do I look like I care?"

I pushed his shoulder and quickly tied my hair into a high ponytail, getting ready to run.


Minho and I had raced back home, to see who would be faster. He almost won until I surprised him with a sprint on the last part. He blamed it on not having slept enough because Gally was snoring next to him, I had to admit it was a good enough reason.

"Today felt useless, we've ran every inch of that maze and still nothing." Minho sighed, wiping some sweat off his brow.

"It wasn't useless, you risk your life out there everyday, don't forget that."

"Thanks, Greenbean. I needed that I guess, do we hug now?"

We both bursted out into laughter and parted ways. Minho had become my best friend. Even though we both hated to admit it we liked to be in each others company. We were both stubborn but somehow we managed to laugh with each other at every end of the day.

My mind was already halfway in the shower when I got distracted seeing Minho greet Chuck and another boy whom I hadn't seen before.

I walked closer and saw the boy looking quite shocked as he saw me approaching.

"A girl?"

"Weird, right?" Chuck laughed.

"I'm Julia, you must be our new Greenie?"

He didn't reply, merely stared at my outstretched hand like it was the most abnormal thing he had ever seen. I shared a questioning look with Chuck but quickly broke the uncomfortable silence.

"No name yet? Don't worry it will come to you soon, took days for Chuck to remember his." I said making Chuck roll his eyes.

"I thought no-one was allowed to leave." Greenie suddenly decided to speak up.

"We're not allowed to leave, they're different, they're runners. They know more about the maze than anyone, isn't that right Jules?"

I nodded.

"We leave at dawn, run for a while and then return right before the walls close again." I explained. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait, what?"

"What?" Chuck and I asked in unison.

"You just said maze."

"Wait, I did?" Chuck stuttered.

"Yeah," Greenie suddenly began walking, his eyes burning into the opening of the walls.

"What are you doing?"

Chuck and I ran after him, hoping he wasn't planning on running into the maze, speaking from experience it could turn out badly.

"You can't go in there!" I shouted even though I knew all too well I didn't really listen to those words too when I first got in.

"I'm just gonna take a look."

"I told you, you can't. No-one leaves, especially not now." Chuck explained, holding Greenie by his arm to stop him.

"Ok, I won't go in there."

I knew how he felt, the curiosity, the feeling of wanting to escape, feeling trapped in the glade. Those feelings never went away.


I had to blink twice to realise Gally had pushed Greenie onto the ground. I wasn't surprised at Gally's outburst but that didn't make it ok.

"Calm down, Gally." I grabbed ahold of his arm, trying to make him back off but he shook my hand off like it was nothing.

"We gotta stop meeting like this, Greenie." Gally held Greenie onto the ground, but he was trying to get loose.

"Get off me! What the hell is wrong with you guys?" Greenie yelled.

Other gladers had come to see what all the commotion was about. I wasn't surprised to find Newt standing behind me. His eyes first looking into mine then looking at Gally and the Greenie in front of us.

"Just calm down, alright?" Newt said in a calm manner. I leaned back against his chest, feeling a sense of safety overwhelm me.

"We're just trying to protect you." Alby said, holding his hand up in innocence.

"For your own good." Newt added.

It wasn't until the walls started closing that Greenie realised why it especially wasn't safe to enter the maze at night. His face was pale, I felt bad for him and imagined all the questions racing through his mind.

"Next time, I'm gonna let you leave." Gally said.

Welcome to the glade, Greenie.

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