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  The city was crawling with soldiers, guards and surveillance cars

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The city was crawling with soldiers, guards and surveillance cars. We crouched behind a wall, trying not to get seen. I cocked my head to the side at the sound of Newt's heavy breaths. He held his hand one is stomach and coughed.

"Thomas, he needs that serum, fast."

"How are you feeling?" Minho asked Newt, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Terrible, it's good to see you though."

"Come on, bud, we gotta get you up." Thomas said and pulled Newt to stand. We began moving again but Newt couldn't walk properly. I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and wrapped my own around his back to support him.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." he kept repeating but I knew damn well he wasn't fine. He looked to be walking slightly easier with my support. But at a sudden explosion we nearly fell onto the ground.

"I thought they'd take out WICKED, not the whole damn city."

"Come on." Thomas supported Newt's other side and Minho took it over from me, insisting I'd let go. I sighed and let him, I wasn't too much use anyways.

Gunshots were being fired around us and explosions occurred one after another. The air filled with a thick smoke due to a large fire.

"Stay low."Gally ordered. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and covered my ears hearing the screams of people. We were in the middle of a war.

Minho and Thomas kept supporting Newt but he wasn't looking good, not good at all. Thomas talked to Brenda on the walkie-talkie. We were close to the tunnels, where Brenda told us she's pick us up.

"Newt, we're almost there."

"Just leave me." Newt muttered, his head hanging forwards. I shook my head and looked over my shoulder at the blond "I'd never leave you, Newt."

"We gotta go!"

"Go without me!" Newt yelled, blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth. He coughed and the blood splattered onto the ground.

I placed my hands on either sides of his face and looked him in the eyes, but his usual bright blue eyes were losing its colour and turning dark. "Newt, we're not leaving you. Guys, we need to get the serum."

"Minho, you gotta run ahead, get the serum and get back as soon as you can."


"Minho, please." I begged.

"He's right."

"Thank you, Minho." Newt said. Minho nodded and said "Just hang on, you hear me?" Gally and Minho left us, getting the serum.

"Don't you dare leave me, Newt, just focus on my voice. Now, let's get you up." I spoke. Newt nodded and together Thomas and I helped Newt to stand. But before we walked any further he ripped the necklace off his neck and gave it to Thomas. "Take it, please."

Thomas and I shared a look but Thomas grabbed it anyways. I wrapped Newt's arm around my shoulder and so did Thomas. We limped into the train station, nobody was there.

Suddenly, Newt coughed again and fell onto the ground. I gasped and kneeled down, pulling his arm so he would stand again but he refused.

"Newt!" I leaned over his body and caressed his cheek "Newt, listen to me. We're almost there. Please, just hold on for a few more minutes."

Newt gasped for air, obviously unable to walk any further. I climbed to stand and grabbed Newt's legs. "Thomas, help me pull." but Thomas was distracted by a voice speaking through the speakers. "Thomas!" he didn't answer and Newt called out for me.

"Julia.." he whispered. I nodded and leaned closer, placing my shaky hand in his. I felt the tears escaping my eyes seeing the state Newt was in. I was shaking in fear.

"Remember how I told you we'd run away together?" he asked, as quiet as a whisper. "Yes." I stuttered, tears falling from my face onto his.

"We already did it, we ran away together."

I held my hand on his cheek and brushed the hair out of his eyes.

"Yes, we did."

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Julia. I'm so thankful to have met you. I love you." he smiled through the pain I knew he was going through.

"I love you too." I said, my voice breaking. He closed his eyes and I cried his name over and over again. I shook his body but he remained unresponsive. "Newt! Thomas, help! Newt, wake up!"

I fell back when Newt abruptly jumped on his feet. His eyes were dark and he moved his eyes between me and Thomas.

"Newt?" I called but he limped towards Thomas. Newt let out a horrifying scream and jumped at Thomas. Fighting with each other, Thomas yelled for Newt to stop. I tried pulled Newt off Thomas but he pushed me onto the ground. I hit my head and grunted in pain, feeling drops of blood mixing with the sweat and tears on my face.

"Tommy, kill me!" Newt begged. But he grabbed ahold of Thomas' gun and aimed it at his own head. I screamed and Thomas pushed the gun out of Newt's hands. I was about to grab it when Thomas stabbed Newt in the chest.

"No!" I screamed, my voice full of pain. I leaned over his bloodied body and watched his eyes becoming lifeless. I shook his body and screamed in horror. I threw the gun on the ground and pressed my ear against his chest, hoping to hear a sign of life.

Everything around me was a blur. I continuously screamed for Newt to wake up but he remained unresponsive. I wanted him to squeeze my hand, smile at me and wrap his arms around me like he always did. I wanted to feel his heartbeat and hear his breathing. I wanted him to tell me everything was going to be ok and he was fine even if it was a lie.

I looked over my shoulder, seeing Frypan, Minho, Gally and Brenda watching me going insane. I ran towards them and pulled the serum from Brenda's hand. They were yelling at me, calling my name but I ignored them and stabbed the serum into his chest.

I punched my fists onto the ground and felt the bones of my fingers break as I did. I couldn't even feel the pain in my hands. All I could focus on was his body. His lifeless body.

I continued shaking his body and calling for his name. I expected him to open his eyes and wake up with those bright blue eyes looking back at me but he didn't.

I felt two arms around me, dragging me away. It weren't the arms I wanted it to be, I needed it to be. Gally pulled me towards the plane but everything went in slow motion.

I tried fighting his grip as Newt's body became vaguer and vaguer. I couldn't face the fact that he wasn't going to wake up. I was afraid to admit to myself that he wasn't coming back.

My body shook in fear as I sat on the floor of the plane. I was held by Gally but I didn't want it to be him. I wanted Newt to hold me but he was gone and he wasn't coming back. But all I could think off was his body just laying there, on the ground, lifeless.

I'll run away with you. | the maze runner [newt]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora