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  A loud squeak of metal was heard once Teresa pushed another door open

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A loud squeak of metal was heard once Teresa pushed another door open. A bright light shun upon us, nearly blinding me. It led into a bright hallway that seemed to go on and on.

I held a hand on my bleeding arm and pressed against it trying to stop the blood from gushing out. Newt noticed and stopped me from walking. He ripped a part of his shirt off and tied it around the cut. I watched him carefully and fell in love all over again even if we were in the shittiest situation ever, well, we escaped, right?

Newt looked up into my eyes, realising I was already staring at him and pressed his lips against my forehead. I smiled to myself.

"Alright, lovebirds, let's get out of here."

I realised the others had been waiting and watching us from a distance. I blushed and grabbed Newt's hand who couldn't help but let out a deep chuckle.

Our jaws dropped at how ordinary the hallway appeared. It was strange to finally see the 'other side'. We strolled down the hallway in silence until we stopped in front of a door with a sign above it.

"Seriously?" Frypan muttered, referring to the ironic exit sign above the door, in its glory.

I grinned to myself and watched as Thomas opened it but as soon as he did a defeaning alarm went off inside. Once I stepped inside I acknowledged the dead bodies laying on the ground of people wearing white coats. Blood was splattered all over the floor and glass windows had been broken. The air was thick and filled with smoke making me cough several times.

I walked closely to Newt, cautious of what was going to happen next. Being somewhere else besides the Glade was relieving yet surprisingly terrifying at the same time. We stopped in the middle of what looked like an office with many black screens.

"So, they were watching us? This whole time."

I nearly jumped at the sound of a woman speaking through the speakers and her face appeared on one of the screens. I instantly recognised the blonde woman and stepped closer.

"Hello, my name is doctor Ava Paige, I'm director operations of the worlds kill zone department. If you're watching this that means you've successfully completed the maze trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you but circumstances seem to have prevented it. You must all be very confused, angry, frightened and I can only assure you, everything that's happened to you, everything we've done to you, it was all done for a reason." behind her wrinkly self, people were panicking and running around like something was going wrong.

"You won't remember but the sun has scorched our world, billions of lives lost to fire, famine, suffering on global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. What came after was worse." pictures of death bodies, wrecked buildings and burned down landscapes were shown on the screen. It terrified me seeing that the world wasn't at all what I expected it to be.

"We call it the flare, a deathly virus that affects the brain, it is violent, unpredictable." a recording of a man that had been infected by the flare was shown on the screen, the man was screaming in agony pain, his body was covered in purple, blue and red veins, like he had been stung.

"Incurable, or so we thought. In time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly there was a reason to hope for a cure, but finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be tested, sacrificed inside harsh environments where their brain activity could be studied. All in an effort to understand what makes them different, what makes you different."

"You may not realise it but you're very important, unfortunately your trials have only just began and will no doubt soon discover that not everyone agrees with out methods. Progress is slow, people are scared. It may be too late for us, for me but not for you."

Behind her people were firing weapons, shooting at the glass behind her. "The outside world awaits. Remember, WICKED is good." she held a shotgun to her temple, I looked away and heard the loud gunshot, she killed herself and the recording stopped. A door was opened as if someone had installed it to do so whenever the recording ended.

"Is it over?" Chuck asked searching for our eyes. I smiled in relief that we would finally be getting out.

"She said we're important, what are we supposed to do now?"

"I don't know, let's get out of here."

We turned on our heels to leave when a certain Glader appeared in front of us holding a gun in his hand. His body was shaking and his eyes were dark like he had been stung.

"We can't leave." Gally cried.

"We did, Gally we're out, we're free."

"Free? You think we're free out there? No, there's no escape from this place." He aimed the gun at Thomas, making me gasp in fear. I knew Gally wouldn't do something like that if he hadn't been stung.

"Gally, listen to me. You're not thinking straight, you're not. We can help you, just put the gun down."

"I belong to the maze."

"Just put down the gun."

"We all do."

"No!" we shouted in unison but it was too late. Gally fired the gun whilst Minho threw a spear in his chest. Gally fell onto the ground, gasping for air.

"Thomas.." Chuck gasped and collapsed onto the ground. My eyes went wide and my face lost all its colour. I panicked and leaned over his body, grabbing his hand. This couldn't be happening, Chuck had been shot.

"No! This isn't supposed to happen!" I yelled, tears in my eyes.

"Shit, shit, look at me! Look at me!" Thomas yelled, shaking Chuck's arm but Chuck's normal red cheeks were now pale and his breath turned heavy and slow.

"It's ok." said Chuck, grabbing Thomas' shoulder and showing his small wooden figurine in his other hand. It broke my heart in pieces. We escaped, we got out and here he was, dying. A blood stain formed on his chest.

"No! Remember how I told you you were going to give it to them yourself?"

"Take it, thank you, thank you." his eyes switched back and forth between me and Thomas. I held his hand and gasped seeing him taking his last breath.

I froze in fear, it was as if everything went in slow motion. I could hear Thomas' loud cries ringing through my ears whilst I was getting pulled away. All I could see was Chuck's body becoming lifeless and frozen. A boy who once was cheerful and one of the brightest people I knew was now leaving this world.

I couldn't bring myself to do anything but stare in utter shock. We were taking into a helicopter by unknown men. I blinked several times and realised Newt had been holding me the entire time. The wicks of the helicopter moved in a high speed and soon we were lifted into the air.

The maze was seen, the tall walls that were once intimidatingly big were now small. Every path was seen, every turn, every section we ran through. All that time we spent running through it, was now nothing more than a memory.

For all that time we hoped to find our escape and now we did the exact thing. We made it out, not all of us but we did. We got out and just like that we were going to leave the place behind. The greenest and calmest place that held so many good and bad memories. We were taking the good ones with us and would always remember the Gladers we left behind. Ben, Alby, Gally, Chuck and many more.

We were all very different from each other. But we had one thing in common, we woke up in that box one day without a memory, we weren't sure if we'd ever be free again but we were sure of one thing, no matter where we'd be, we would always be Gladers.

I'll run away with you. | the maze runner [newt]Where stories live. Discover now