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My mind started racing, panic washing over me. I tried to gather my thoughts. Thomas must have noticed, his hand searching for mine. I let him hold it for a brief moment, realizing I wasn't the only one hurting.

"That sounds welcoming." Brenda stated, referring to the monstrous sounds coming from inside the city.

We waited for a sign from Gally and Sam. They tried finding a way into the building we crouched behind.

After what felt like an eternity, Gally whistled, signaling that they had found a way in. With bated breath, we followed them inside, the darkness enveloping us as we stepped inside.

The interior of the building was eerily quiet, the only sound being the faint echoes of our footsteps against the concrete floor. We moved quickly but silently, wary of any potential threats lurking in the shadows.

Suddenly, a low rumble echoed through the building, followed by the distant sound of thunder. The air grew thick with anticipation as we realized that a storm was brewing outside.

With a shared glance, we knew that our plans had been thrown into disarray. We would have to wait out the storm inside the building, hoping that it would pass quickly and allow us to continue our scavenging hunt through the city.

As the storm raged outside, the sound of rain pounding against the walls drowned out any other noise. Inside the building, we sat down waiting for the storm to calm. Brenda paced back and forth, her footsteps echoing in the empty space.

Thomas sat with his back against the wall, his eyes darting around the room, searching for any sign of danger. He tightened his grip on his weapon, ready to defend himself but mostly ready to defend me as he kept watching me closely.

Gally, Sam and Minho took refuge in a corner, whispering to each other in hushed tones. They  were plotting our next move once the storm subsided.

As the storm raged outside the building, my mind couldn't help but drift back. The memories were flooding back with a painful clarity, each moment etched into my mind like a scar.

I remembered the chaos of the city streets, the sound of gunfire and explosions echoing in the air. I remembered the desperate scramble to save him, his fading strength slipping through our fingers with each passing moment.

The weight of his body against mine, his labored breaths, the blood staining his lips – it was all seared into my memory. Goosebumps formed on my skin, I rubbed my hands over my bare arms.

I could still feel the echo of my screams, the crushing weight of grief pressing down on me like a physical force. And in that moment, as I sat in the darkness of the building, surrounded by the storm's fury, it felt like I was back there, reliving the nightmare all over again.

Thomas must have noticed my troubled mind as he sat down next to me, leaning against my shoulder. Without a word, he simply sat there, offering silent support. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to not think about my haunted memories for a few minutes and to just lean into Thomas' touch.

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