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  We joined the others after I cried my eyes out and we talked for a while laying under the stars

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We joined the others after I cried my eyes out and we talked for a while laying under the stars. I held onto Newt's hand with my life and Newt nearly winched at how tight I was holding it. I was completely aware of the looks I got, considering my eyes were swollen and red from crying but I was done crying now. I had to stop thinking about myself and do something about getting to the actual serum.

Meanwhile Gally and Thomas had managed to lead Teresa in a trap. Here she was, chained to a chair in the middle of the building we were in. I felt so much hatred towards her at that moment, I blamed her for everything.

"Here's how it's gonna go, we're gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple, where's Minho?" Gally asked, sitting on a chair in front of her.

"You guys don't seriously think—"

"Don't look at him, why are you looking at him? Look at me, Thomas isn't going to help you. We know you have Minho in the building, where?"

"He's with the others in holding, sub level three."

"How many of them?" Newt asked, making me flinch at the sudden sound of his voice. He noticed and squeezed my hand reassuringly.


"I can make that work."

"No, you guys don't understand. The whole level's restricted, you can't get in without a thumbprint ID."

I had enough of it and jumped from my seat. Nearly everyone flinched at my sudden movement. I pulled the knife from my pocket and flicked it between my skinny fingers saying "We don't necessarily need her. Not all of her at least. We just need her finger."


I looked over my shoulder and scowled "What? Are you squeamish? I guarantee you she's not much worse to Minho, I mean look at my face."

"It won't make a difference, do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door. They'll pick you up—"

"Oh don't worry, hun. You're helping us with that too." I smirked.


Newt stuck a plaster on the back of my neck because Teresa had just removed the tag from my neck. I changed into a full black outfit Newt had gotten for me. It consisted of tight black jeans, a black jacket and black boots.

I turned around wanting to join the others again when I realised Newt was smirking at me and he had probably watched me change. "You look hot."

I grinned but the grin quickly faded away again. He stepped closer, making the space between us nearly nonexistent. "Julia, whatever happens out there—"

I cut him off saying "Stop, we're going to get you something for that. We're going to get you that serum."

Newt nodded but I could see the hesitation. I knew he didn't want to go into discussion with me, considering I'd probably win anyways. He cupped my face into his hands and leaned down, kissing me on the lips. I leaned into his touch, feeling nervous of what was going to happen in a few hours. But I was sure of one thing, I'd do anything to safe him.


I was walking behind Newt, his red sleeves being the only thing that made him recognisable. All of us wore masks as we walked into the building. I held onto a gun in my hands, ready to use it in danger. It took a lot of me not to blow their heads of straight away, I was furious.

Newt and I joined Teresa and Thomas. We were walking through the hallway. The clicking sound of Teresa's heels made me nauseous and very nervous.

Gally joined us, his tall figure giving away that it was him. We looked like ordinary guards to others, nothing making us suspicious.

"Hold on, I can get in here." Gally said as we stopped in one of the staircases. I took my mask off and inhaled the fresh air. I turned towards Newt and placed my hand on his shoulder once he coughed.


"I'm ok, love. Don't worry."

I was worried, very worried. I needed to get to that serum as fast as possible. I paced around the door, trying to see if anyone was nearby but luckily there was no sign of anyone.

Gally opened the device, and did some things to it I couldn't understand but I wasn't interested either.

"Let's go!"

"Finally." I muttered and pulled the mask back on. We ran through the staircase and stopped in front of a door, ready to get inside. All of the sudden the door opened and a tall man came face to face with us.

I didn't think twice and pulled the trigger. The man fell onto the ground and I leaped forwards, shooting the other men down as well before anyone else could.


I ignored their concerned looks and threw my mask on the ground. Newt grinned and together we unlocked one of the other doors. A dozen of scared looking kids stared at us with pleading eyes. Newt pulled his mask off and smirked proudly "Come on, let's go."

"Guys, this might take some time." Gally exclaimed, he was trying to get the vault open with the serum inside of it. He used a chainsaw to do the work.

"He's not here. Where is Minho?"

"Someone's moved him up the medical wing, Thomas. That's on the other side of the building."

"Take me to him, right now."

"I'm coming with you."

"No, Newt, you're not. You have to get the serum." I said, holding his arm.

"You can't do this on your own, Minho comes first."

"Newt, you need to get the serum. I'll go with Thomas."

"Julia, I'm here to safe Minho."

I sighed and opened my mouth to protest when Gally interrupted me saying "Just go, you're waisting time. I'll get the serum and we'll meet you out back. Good luck."

"Fine." I gave in and put my mask back on. Together with Thomas, Newt and Teresa we made our way towards Minho. We were going to safe him and get out alive, all of us.

I'll run away with you. | the maze runner [newt]Where stories live. Discover now