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No one's friend

They all looked at me wide-eyed. Myra was the first one to recover. "Your son? How did that happen?" She asked. "He is sleeping can I..." Violet looked at me and gestured to place him on the couch beside her. I placed him there.

 "He is mine and that is the only thing you all need to know. I am here to take Violet home. We have journeyed for long and I am tired." I told them. Only Ezra knew the truth and I am content in that. No one else needs to know.

"Does that mean that my sister and her child don't matter anymore?" Myra asked. "I never said that," I shouted and Violet flinched. I took a deep breath. "I never said she doesn't matter or her child doesn't matter. Even when I have a son, I am still going to take care of them. Like I am doing for the past several months." I didn't want to frightened Violet.

"Don't shout, I am just trying to understand what is going on here. I am just trying to understand where my sister stands in all this." Myra asked. "I told you, haven't I? I am not going to leave her or her child alone." I told them. 

"Now I am going to take my son and Violet home. If you don't have any more questions. I need a drink. Someone close to me is dead. I need a little bit of me-time."

"Daddy" I looked at the grey eyes of my son. I reached towards him. "Yes, do you need anything?" He shook his head and held my hand. "Don't fight mommy always fight. I don't like when she fights." I smiled. "I am not fighting. Let's get you home." I looked at Ezra. "I need your help. His crutches are in the car. He cannot walk properly."

"I will hold him," Violet said suddenly surprising all of us. "No, you cannot, you are pregnant, your due date is close. You yourself need holding." I said looking at Ezra. "Ezra will help you down and..." I saw my son stood up on his wobbly legs. 

"He can walk. See he is standing. So, they were lying to you Lucian, as they were lying to you about him being your son." I heard Myra's voice. I hate her sometimes. He held the arm of the chair.

"I can walk, but my legs are weak and it hurts if I do for a long time." He told Myra. "I do not lie, Miss, lying is bad. Mommy taught me" I heard a chuckle from Rosa. "The person who most likely lied all of her life, taught her son lying is bad imagine that." Violet was silent through all this. "If you all done mocking my son, I would like to go. He is tired and I need to get him and Violet for a check-up early tomorrow."

"Oh, so you remember that? Good for you." Myra turned towards her sister. "This is for whom you have given up everything Violet? He doesn't even care about you more than a mere object. He doesn't respect you. He left you in the car and didn't even bother to come back to see whether you are alive or dead. This is the man you chose for yourself." Violet crouched down to Lucas's level. "Don't listen to her, she is angry ok? Your Daddy is a good man." Lucas looked at Violet and then she gave her hand to him. He held it supporting himself.

"I like to go home; I have forgotten my medication for today." I took her hand and led her carefully towards the car the entire time Lucas was holding her hand. I helped Lucas into the car. And then helped Violet into the car. The drive was silent. After we reached, I helped them to the elevator to my penthouse. And then led her to her room. 

"Get some sleep," I told her. "I will get Lucas's room ready. "Can I watch over him?" It was a strange request. "No, you are ill and sleep-deprived. Go and sleep I will help Lucas." She didn't argue. I showed Lucas his room.

"Do you need any help buddy?" He shook his head. "Who is she?" He asked suddenly. "Who?" I asked. "The lady, the nice lady with a big tummy." I smiled at his question. "Violet, you can call her that." He nodded yawning. "Get some sleep, I will tell the cooks to make something good." He yawned again. "I want mac and cheese."

Belong To The Night (The Billionaire's Love) Book 6 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now