Final End.

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Note: The final chapter of Elutheromania.

(n.) an intense and irresistible desire for freedom

"Y/N, darling. Can you also buy three potato? I wanted to cook something since I always served the same dish for the past three days."

"Sure, I got enough money in my pocket." I assured her. I tapped my pocket to hear the sound of the coins as I open the wooden door.

"Thank you, be safe!"

The moment I closed the door is the moment I took three deep breaths and blow it out in the end. I double count the money I got first before walking towards the market.

There are children running around as they laughed loudly same as the adults who are yelling and gathering costumers to buy their items.

My short hair blew in different directions on how the wind is aggressive today. I fixed my hair and combed it with my fingers. And then I placed both of my hand behind my back as I continue to search for someone.

While my eyes were roaming around, I saw soldier's were also roaming at the market. Their brown uniforms, on the right side had the patch symbol of two roses with their veins. In their kind of position right makes me think that they are securing the area.

I halted myself as memories flashes in my mind.

Who wouldn't thought that the person who have been sending me letters is just my father's friend. Who claimed that my father had a debt to him and my father offered his daughter, which is me.

But their group wasn't that big they just have maybe, 5, 6 people so I just reported it on the police. And now they're in jail. They did a childish act to me and made myself thrown out of the scouting legion.

I mean, I did that to protect people. Because they used my past to me, it made me terrified. So I did the easiest thing than telling it with the others.

I got the info that they know my scar because they had a sorta connection to Kenny. They confessed that they got it from Kenny's friend. So I think maybe the guy he was with when.. my mom and I was.. maybe.

I asked about Kenny to them and they wouldn't speak a word.

So I lost my hope on getting revenge...

"Oh! Y/N, I'm here!" a sweet voice echoes toward me making my train of thoughts zoom away and replaced it with reality.

Smiling at her while I march towards to her placement on where she sells their hand-picked vegetables.

"Good morning to you too, Rae." I first greet her when I was infront of her store.

"Good morning!" She greeted me with the match of her smile. "Are you gonna buy something?"

"Yeah. 3 potatoes please." I pointed the three potatoes that I preferred to be pack. She puts the picked potatoes and place it inside a small bag. She handed it to me while smiling.

"Here! Anyway, take it free, Y/N. I got quite a lot of costumer today and they bought many potatoes."

My eyes widened. "No no no no, I hot money in my pockets, hold on." as I slid my hand in my pockets.

Rae pouted.

"Take it or you won't be able to biy here anymore." She threaten me with her words, made me stop rummaging in my pockets. I look to her.

"I already said that I won't be paying, Rae." I awkwardly laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. So.. is Jen making a curry?" She asked.

Eleutheromania -- Levi Ackerman x Reader --Where stories live. Discover now