Chapter 11

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A/N: This chapter contains some words you might not like. Advance sorry for that.



"Eeeek, Miss Y/N caught us already!"

"Oi!! Get back here you brats!"

They didn't heard me, they just run away with that. I turned around and started walking away. 'Psh..'


I have checked the night attendance. I was assigned that I need to check the cadets who are supposed to be in their room. Even tho I'm not a superior, I'm still in a higher section. The cadets see me as one of the Captain and still respect me..

I knocked at the last door. "Cadets, open this.."

No response. "Hey!" I knocked twice again, no response. I did not hesitate to open the door. The boys were not there, "tsk." I looked around the room and there were no presence of them. They really have gone off. I closed the door and turned around angrily.

'Where have they gone at this hour?' i thought to myself as i scratched my head. I started walking around, searching for the lost boys. ' Even tho, I'm already free with the injury I got from the previous fight. That doesn't mean they'll disobey me..'

"Ha! No way Kana is way more beautiful."

"Psh, Are you blind? Yasu is here too!"

"Yea, she's pretty too. But Kohana is pretty damn!"

"Hey hey, Miss Y/N is cool too."

"Ah yeah, Miss Y/N gorgeous too!"

'Thank you boys but, y'all leaving ya room while I'm checking the attendance and making me search for ya is horrible..' I smiled while my eyes were stick to them. I put both of my hand to my waist and said..


❀Flashback end~~

"Tsk tsk.. they'll surely go back to their room for now.."


"Watch were you're going."

"H-huh.." I backed away a little to see who's talking but instead, I stumbled and my ass meets the floor. 'Ouch!'
"T-that hurts.." I said while touching my butt. I looked back up and see Levi with a confused look. "What.. triping on nothing?" He said.

"You're the one at fault.." I stand up and put my right hand to my waist. I tilted my head as I smile. "Mhh?" I hummed.

"Come with me, Erwin ask for our presence.."


"...." He didn't say anything. He just walked pass me and started heading to Erwin's office, I just followed him there and open the door without bothering knocking.

"Bushy brows! Hanji!" I shouted as I spotted them really quick. I stepped in first then Levi closed the door. "Ah Y/N! Glad you can come." Hanji cheers.
I sat down at the chair that was beside Hanji and Levi just stands beside Erwin. "Erwin, you can start now." Hanji started.

"Yes. Y/N we need to discuss something." Erwin smiled to Hanji then looks back at me. He smiled to me as I slightly smiled back with my eyes open.

"What is it..?"

"From the previous mission." He strictly said with both of his hand on his chin. He stared me off with a calm expression on his face and with his icy blue eyes. My eyes can't stick with his eyes because of his thick and bushy eyebrows. I laughed softly and slowly move my eyes back to his bluey eyes.

"..What about it?"

"You pull out a suicidal act, Y/N."

"That's not suicidal. Erwin." I sartiscally fought back. I dropped my smile off and swap it off to a serious face. "We almost thought you were dead there Miss Y/N." His face is serious but his eyes looks calm.

"Almost, but I came back.." raised my eyebrow as I crossed my arms. "Erwin. I came back, killed the titan and nothing more. I survived and not died. What else do you want?"

"Y/N.. I was glad that you were alive. I just want to discuss something. Can we?"

"We are already discussing, Erwin."

"Do you know what are we gonna discuss..?"

"That's why I asked earlier, right?"

"...." Silent was the only this that response. I heard someone click their tounge supposing it was Levi. Erwin sighed and suddenly changed his eyes.  I was shocked, my mind was in hell. I put my left elbow at the handle of the chair and pressed my cheeks onto my left palm. ' This is so damn..'

"You keep doing dangerous things.. We're afraid we'll lose you, Y/N."

"Erwin. I'm tough. I'm ambitious. And I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, ok."

"...That's not what I'm saying. I just want you to avoid getting into danger."

"To what I do, that's not danger. We all kill Titans, that's what we do." I narrowed my eyes while smiling.
'Erwin, I'm bored. This need to be fun.'

"We kill titans, you're right." He closed his eyes and only sighed. He put down both of his hand and lay back to his chair. "Now that's done. Y/N, tell us your story?" Hanji bugged in. My eyes moved to her who was wearing a forced smile. 'I mean who would smile in this situation. I do.

"My story, eh? I don't have any story?" I asked confusely and look to Levi. Our eyes met, his face wasn't saying anything nor his eyes. "Yeah! Your life story." Hanji presume. I end our staring shit and changed in to the cold floor.


"Yep!" Hanji says happily.

"..I got one." I said while my eyes were still on the floor. My hair were stucked into a bun style while some of my hair were falling. My long eyelashes were curled up and my E/C were same as always. "Let us hear it then!"

"..Once upon a time, I was sweet and innocent. And then shit happened."

I smiled and look to Hanji who's eyes were staring dead at me.I stand up and started streching.











"Alright guys.." I looked at them. Hanji were staring at the floor. Erwin was staring at nothing obviously having sad eyes. Levi eye's were on Erwin's table and then moved to mine.

"Come with me, brat.." and started heading to the door.

"Where we going, huh?" I teasingly said. "Office." he shortly said. "What are we doing there? Naughty things?"
He didn't said anything. He opened the door and walked out, I followed him once again. I turned around one last time, "We'll be going.. Hanji, Erwin. Wished you both had a nice sleep tonight." with that I looked back to Levi and walked away not closing the door.

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