Chapter 62 (The End)

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Violet's POV
"What do you mean a short trip to Hawaii? I thought it would be somewhere close by!" Reed and I were having our breakfast before we would leave to get ready for the trip, "Love, I thought you'd be happy, for you I would do anything." I was indeed ecstatic that I would be going out with Reed, just the two of us but Hawaii was a bit too much for just a short trip, "Sweets I know what you mean but we could do something more fun here at home instead of wasting so much money there." Reed put down his coffee, "Love money isn't the problem, I would give away all I have for you, all I need for you is to be happy, and I know that this will make you happy." I smiled, "Anything with you makes me happy." Reed grinned, "You better get ready, I am dying to see you all readied up." I blushed and a tinge of colour spread on my cheeks, "Yeah right..."
In my closet, there were a lot of options for me when it came to casual dates so I wore a half sleeves orange dress with white flowers that were full length and a denim jacket to go along with it right now as it was a little cold but I would take it off when we reached there. I did a light peachy makeup, wore my medium-sized golden hoops and brown sandals, to be honest, I looked kind of hot.
I would never use that word but I loved how I looked, I felt confident and ready to take over the world, my short brown hair was open and it moved ever so slightly that made me look ten thousand times even better. I had packed another outfit with me but my luggage was finally carried away a long time ago.
I came outside to see Reed texting someone on his phone and he himself looked nothing short of a model, he was wearing an all-black t-shirt with a striped coat and matching pants, he looked terribly amazing, it was not fair. "Who gave you the right to look so handsome? Not fair Reed." He smiled slightly and then looked at me, "What explanation do you have for yourself?" I legit saw him gulp when he looked at me, and his eyes travelled down my body, not with lust or anything which was easy to detect but with sheer adoration, as his eyes were glinting with sparkles and I found it cute, "I guess then we are a good looking couple."
"But obviously you're the cuter one," I said while walking towards the kitchen, but Reed grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the wall, "If you could see it through my eyes, you'd see how perfect you are." I blushed, "Reed stop, the Porter can be here any minute." He smirked, "Well what's wrong with that, we're not doing anything wrong." I laughed sheepishly, "But people could get the wrong idea." That was it, Reed had the perfect moment to tease me and with his deep husky voice, he breathed out, "Violet..." He stretched out my name, "We're only getting started." Ticklish shivers travelled down my spine, "Reed, this is cringe, let's go."
"Even if I was alive for a hundred years, I would have never been able to find someone special like you." A smile crept up my lips, "Being with you makes me the happiest person alive too."
"But we better get going, I am dead excited to see your planning skills." He laughed, "I promise not to disappoint love." As we were walking outside, I felt something warm slip into my hand and a cold shiver travelled down my spine, "Do you mind us holding hands?" I shook my head, "Of course not, it's super cute." We both intertwined our fingers and he showered me with compliments all the way out of the apartment which reassured me, Reed had booked a private jet for us and I was feeling really guilty because he shouldn't have gone all this way for me, as we sat in the car, Reed opened the car fridge to give me my favourite coffee flavour which was Iced Americana, "No way Reed, this is too much." He chuckled, "Getting my wife her favourite coffee is too much?" I was grinning like an idiot, "But you remembered, it's so thoughtful of you."
We boarded our private plane and my anxiety kicked in, travelling with Reed alone in a plane for the first time could mean many different things, but I took a deep breath and walked up the staircase, Reed somehow always noticed whenever I was tense or worried, "Love, what's wrong?" I shook out of my trance, "No nothing, I was just thinking." Reed patted my back lightly, "I am here okay? Nothing's going to happen." I was sitting opposite Reed on the plane and a cute pout appeared on his face, "I wanted you to sit with me." Internally, I was going all uwu, "Aww, I am sure we can spend time together when we land." Again he was displeased, "I want you all for myself when we reach there, I hope you don't mind." I was a red colour now, "Nope, the first thing I am going to do is go to the beach, so the beach has me." He liked this side of me, my cute remarks about us and when I got tired on the plane ride, he gently placed a pillow under my neck and adjusted my position, without waking me up. I took a nap for an hour until I heard someone lightly, "Violet, wake up, we're here." Reed gently removed the pillow from under my head and unbuckled my belt for me, I was a little groggy so he supported my body to the outside of the plane till we were seated in a car that would take us to his private island, the biggest of all luxuries. The car ride was mostly silent as I looked out of the window until we casually complimented each other and Reed kept smiling at my cute little remarks; how I often complimented his nose or other features and his inner self too.
We unloaded our luggage into an exquisite villa that overlooked the entire ocean and then it hit me, that there was no second room here and we would have to be here in the same room, I looked at Reed who was taking off his coat and neatly placing it on the chair, he didn't look at me since he was texting someone but I was really uncomfortable and wanted to talk to Reed about this, he quickly put his phone away after a few minutes and he noticed that I was looking at him, "Love you look so afraid, is everything okay?" I gulped, "Reed can there be another room, I don't want to you get the wrong idea but-" Reed slowly approached me and took my hands in his, "Sweets I know that you are afraid and I know it's not my place to speak up for what's going on in your mind, but trust me, I won't be doing anything against your own will, trust me, if you feel a little queasy, how about you take the bed and I can sleep on the couch, what makes me so happy is that we're slowly progressing and being in the same room is not the same as intimacy." I sighed, "I know Reed and I trust you with my life but I am a little insecure about myself, what if you don't like me because of the way I look, I have a stitch on my neck."
"Love, I wish I could tell you that I would love you even if your face was disfigured and a little stitch doesn't change my feelings for you, you're the most beautiful human being I have ever seen, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, then you'd know the adoration I see you with." A smile found its way on my face, "Honey, you're the sweetest, I love you so much it hurts." Reed bobbed my nose, "I love you too princess, now I am starving, how about we have some dinner then talk."
"Let me freshen up a bit, then we can go out." Reed nodded and he went outside so that he could go out and sit on the table and wait for me, I touched up the light makeup and did my hair in a loose bun, and took off my jacket, now I looked even better. I walked towards the dinner set up and Reed trailed my moves as I finally got seated on the chair that he had pulled out for me, "You are making this even difficult for me Violet." I was confused, "Did I do something wrong? Is my dress okay?" Reed smiled at me, and whispered in my ear, "Trust me, it's more than okay and what I meant was that how do you expect me to keep my eyes to myself when you look this beautiful." I chuckled nervously, "I don't look that good but okay." Reed inches closer to my neck, "You don't see it through my eyes so you would never know." We were served our dinner which consisted of tuna and a mouth-watering soup that was rich and creamy, "Do you like the food?" I wiped the corner of my lips, "It's more than good, it's delicious, thank you so much, Reed, I love this romantic set-up so much, and having this island to ourselves is so much better." He smiled, "The day's not over, I have set up, something even better, I want you to go to the top of the hill and wait for me." I was confused, "Top of the hill?" He nodded, "Trust me, it's over there." I saw the hill which was not too far away and after a heartwarming conversation, I climbed up the hill which was made easy due to the help of the wood boards.
The top of the hill had a beautiful swing that was decorated with white and red roses, along with fairy lights around it. The whole sea was visible from the hilltop and the blue sea water looked majestic, I took a deep breath and sighed, taking in the fresh air. "This is so pretty." I sat on the swing and gently pushed my body, feeling as if I was in heaven. Reed didn't come back for a long time but I swung in peace, slowly calming down my nerves, my breath hitched when a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders, "Do you like this?" I gulped, "Yeah the view is amazing, this is too much Reed, thank you for this trip." Reed slowly walked in my front and knelt down at the swing's level, rubbing my knuckles, then he took out a beautiful white box from his coat and my heart stopped beating, he took my left hand again and kissed it which made a whole sea of butterflies erupt in my stomach, "Violet Emery Carlot, you have made me the best version of myself and I can never thank you enough for that, you helped me up and brought all the sunshine you could in my life. You forgave me when no one else did, even when I was unable to do so to my own actions. You are the most ravishing person I have ever met and your personality is the most beautiful thing that could light up a dark room, I can't put into words, how much I love you and want you to genuinely be in my life, without any strings or contracts, Violet, would you make me the luckiest man on planet Earth and marry me?" I was sobbing and tears of happiness flowed out of my eyes, I was filled with adrenaline, "Y-yes." Reed removed the fake ring from my ring finger and took out the most gorgeous of rings, a platinum ring with a big diamond in the middle and gently placed it on my finger, rubbing his fingers over it. We stared at each other for some time before his eyes travelled to my lips and we slowly inched towards each other, our kiss this time was full of love and pure love, it was passionate, and Reed swayed me from side to side afterwards, my head was on his chest and the moment felt complete like it should have always been this way.
He helped me down the hill and we both reached our villa, where I wasn't too afraid of being with Reed, "How about your shower and get ready? I'll wait outside." I smiled and nodded, I went inside and got ready after a quick shower and wore my linen pyjamas like I always did and called Reed back who was waiting outside, leaning against the wall. When he showered, I removed the remains of the light makeup that were left on my face and toned it. He came outside, wearing a dark blue set of pyjamas that seemed to be similar to mine, "I'll take the couch love." It didn't sit right with me that he would be sleeping on the couch all alone, "You can uh- uh-" Reed looked at me expectantly, and then he smirked, "I can do what darling?" I was flabbergasted and flustered, "You can sleep on the bed if you want." Reed cocked an eyebrow, "It's fine with me here Violet, are you sure?"
I gulped, unsure of what to say next, "Uh-uh I am fine with it, of course, if you are." What a great end Violet! I mentally smacked myself, "I am fine with everything my fiancé is." I blushed so hard I hit Reed with a pillow, "Reeeeeeed." He laughed in a cute way, "I didn't lie." We both ended up having a pillow fight and I eventually won, "I give up. I give up." We both laid down on the bed and honestly it didn't feel that bad, "So what did you decide?" I fidgeted with my fingers, "You know what, I trust you. Besides how bad can it be?" He got up from the bed and I fixed it, I laid on the farthest end of the bed, then Reed also slipped in, we both had our backs facing each other but I couldn't sleep, "Awake?" He asked in the dark. "Yeah, you too?" He chuckled, "Me too, I don't know why I can't sleep anymore." I turned my face towards him, we both faced each other but we couldn't see it in the dark, "Thank you so much, Violet." I was confused, "What for Reed?"
I heard him sigh, "For everything: for giving me another chance at redemption and making me the happiest man on planet Earth." A smile formed on my face, "I wanted to thank you too, Reed, for always being there for me and when I was at my lowest, you brought me up." We talked endlessly like that for hours, until I fell asleep mid-conversation and even though Reed did repeat his question, I babbled something and went to sleep. "Good night love, sleep tight." I hummed something completely out of this world in response and then my senses were enveloped in darkness, causing me to go into a deep slumber.

I felt light in front of my eyes, "Ughh! I want to sleep more." I put the pillow on top of my head, not wanting to get out of bed, "Good morning love!" Reed smiled at me from the opposite side of the bed, "How was your sleep?" Then the events of last night hit me like a truck, I was an officially official engaged woman, without any pretence. "Holy moly." Reed laughed, "What's wrong?" I scratched my head as I got out from the sheets, "I am engaged now." Reed was in shambles from laughing, "And did you just realise that?" I fell back on the bed, "Sorry sweets, I just want to sleep a bit more." He patted my back, "Honestly, it's only 6 am right now, I'll wake you up in an hour." I hummed and Reed got out of bed, to God knows where.

At 2 pm, I and Reed were having a picnic at the beach, it was a little windy and our picnic mat flew off somewhere else, "How am I supposed to find a yellow picnic mat on the sand?" Reed laughed, "But I picked it because I thought you liked yellow." I smacked my head lightly, "Reed, it was an expensive one, I thought you'd think of buying a cheaper alternative." 

"Talking about an alternative, I didn't tell my parents about our official engagement, I am going to call them." I pulled my phone out, "Darn it, no signals." Reed was puzzled, "I thought my island had internet signals, you can try from my phone." He pulled his phone out, and I saw the cutest thing ever, Reed's wallpaper was a picture of me sitting in a New York subway when we went on a short road trip. "Awww, Reed." 

"Put the phone on speaker, I want to hear their reaction too." The calling line was incredibly long so I started pacing back and forth, "Hi Reed, how are you?" my mother picked up, "Hi mom, this is me, Violet, I called from Reed's phone." Her voice became sweet, "Violet, how are you? Is everything alright?"

"I um wanted to share something with you." She became concerned, "Uh-huh, go on." I was silent for some time, unsure of how she would react, "Mom Reed proposed to me." Mom did not reply for some time, "And what did you say?" I dissolved in laughter, "Why are you so concerned? OF COURSE, I SAID YES." She squealed like a little girl from the other side, "Yay, I am so happy for you, but are you sure?" I nodded, "Of course I am." 

Reed and I did a lot of activities that day, we rode in a boat, climbed a mountain and took a lot of aesthetic pictures, which made this the best day of my life. 

At the end of the day, we were both sitting on the beach, and I was playing my guitar while Reed kept looking at me, then it started to rain, "Ughhh! Why does it have to rain?" I quickly gathered up everything and so did Reed, then we both raced to the villa but Reed started chasing me and it became a race, he tackled me and I fell to the ground, "Hahaha, what was that for?" He shrugged, "It was fun." I got up and I saw Reed stare at me, "Would you love me till the very end?" I smiled, "As my favourite quote goes: For you a thousand times over."

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