Chapter 21

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Violet's POV

It was the afternoon, another day at the most boring part of life. Tomorrow, Reed and Melanie were leaving for France so I decided to stay back and chill for a bit at my parent's house. There was a bit of a communication gap between us so I had to repair the broken pieces. I was about to prepare the things for dinner until I saw Reed looking like one of those Armani models, hands crossed over his chest, LOOKING AT ME! "Do you need anything?" I did not look at him. "Nothing in particular, I just wanted to tell you that a few of my friends are coming over tonight and we're going to play some high school games before we leave tomorrow." I literally choked on my saliva, "Oh, uh, is there a special occasion or something?" He laughed and came closer to the kitchen island, "No, nothing really, we just wanted to bring back some childhood nostalgia, so I ordered food from an expensive Italian restaurant downtown so you don't have to cook." YAY! At least, I was free from the hustle of getting things done in time. "So, you can go change or dress up, while I call Melanie and do the same." I nodded my head, "You make really impromptu plans." He grinned, "What's life without a little uncertainty." 

"Chaos, that's all," I replied. "Okay Ms. Goody Two Shoes I get that you're Thanos' perfectly balanced kind of person." I laughed, "As all things should be." It was fun to have a light moment once in a while, especially after work or a long shift. Speaking about shift, I had a 24 hour shift tomorrow so that would mean that tomorrow would be an easy day. After showering, I decided on light green baggy pants and a cotton full sleeves shirt with a lace turtleneck and pearl pendant. I had never been to a high school party before so I was waiting for the impending doom that comes my way. I lightly curled my hair and tucked my shirt in, deciding on a pair of Ferragamo slides. Have I told you how good Reed looked, like an Italian model or something? He had a good personality too but I internally loathed him, the irony, I loathed my husband. "Wow Violet, you clean up good." I scowled at him, "Whatever Reed." The doorbell rang, "I guess they're here." Reed opened the door to reveal a group of 8 people, of which 5 were girls and they all wore skimpy clothing that made me look like a church-girl, "Reed, sweetie, we're here." I shook my hands with them and they all seemed really kind including Melanie. "Don't pretend Violet, they know." I looked at him while he was holding Melanie, "Yeah okay."

"Tequila everyone, where's the wine?" I motioned towards the champagne bucket on the kitchen island, "Here, can I pour you some?" The woman smiled, "Yes, that would be awesome." After they all finished their drinks someone proposed the idea of playing Spin The Bottle which to my dismay was the unanimous decision of the party. "Okay, Violet, you spin the bottle," Alexander, one of Reed's friend insisted. I spun the bottle in a hurry which landed on Reed, ugh, why life why! "Okay Melanie, you shoot a question." Is this how the game worked? "Okay babe, who's your celebrity crush?" He was deep in thought, "Megan Fox." I rolled my eyes, "Why does that not surprise me?" He shot daggers at me, "Okay you tell your crush Violet." My heart was beating like an electric shock had passed through it, stress was my worst enemy. "I have no one as my crush." He laughed, "Liar." Someone really needs to diffuse the tension, "Okay, lets play 7 minutes in Heaven." We spun the bottle again which landed on Alexander and one of the girls at the end of the circle. "OOH!" everyone unanimously added more fuel to the fire. 

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