Chapter 52

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Violet's POV

I stirred in my sleep as I felt that there was little space for me to move, and the golden strands of light also hit my face, and the natural urge in me to get up was awakened, "Can't I just sleep a bit longer?" Then, the events of last night hit me, what Troye had done and how I was saved by Reed's security team and most importantly the burning pain in my arm. I opened my eyes to see that I was sleeping on the living room couch, and the stool on which Reed sat was also pushed back to its original position. I checked the time to see that it was 9:30 am and I had to reach work at 10:30 am so I quickly showered and changed into my scrubs and hung the stethoscope around my neck, leaving for work but as soon as I was about to step outside, my phone rang and it was my mother, "Hello mom, how are you? Ugh, it's been so long." I heard her chirpy voice from the other side, "I know sweetheart, we've been so busy with the business and all, your dad always asks about you but calling these days has also become a hassle." I leaned against the wall, "How's dad doing these days, he must have been traumatized after that firing incident." She hummed in agreement, "Yes, he has been a bit down since then but the Weber Industries has withdrawn the Qatar Oil Deal, since the new scandal for their son Troye." My hand started shaking in my hand, "Yeah-yeah I heard, but it's good, we don't want to affiliate criminals with our industry." 

"I think he was found assaulting one of the workers at a local club or something, he used to be very intelligent, I remember his score at the graduation ceremony." His parents would have definitely warped the story to make something else out of it, this was no surprise but it was terrible what he had done and Astrid would have to no recompense for it, "Hmm, I heard, every rich snobby kid has done this." Then she invited me to stay at with them at home, "Sweetheart we haven't seen you in so long, come stay with us for some time, I am sure Reed and his girlfriend wouldn't mind." I decided to take an off from work and give my shift to Amina as her leave was over and I texted Astrid with a sour heart, but the message stuck on sent and wouldn't be delivered to her, perhaps she didn't have an internet connection.

"Yeah about that, Reed broke up with her yesterday, she was cheating on him with another guy." Mother sighed, "I wonder what greed can do to people, anyways, the marriage contract is under legal supervision now, there are some amendments that need to be made as our company is close to paying the debt fully." I sighed, "Oh, so what does that mean for me? Am I free now?" Mother laughed, "Yes dear, that does mean you are back to the old Violet now."  I chuckled, "The old Violet is dead now." Mother almost choked on her dinner and Father stopped cutting his steak, "Old Violet, dead? Is everything okay? Did Reed do something do to you?" A sudden bout of frustration rose in me and I put the fork and spoon down, "I've lost my appetite, I'll be in my room then." Mother had terror written all over her face, "Violet, please tell me is everything okay?" 

"No mom, nothing's okay, I've completely given up on life because of how much I've gone through in this year and a half, I am a human too, I can't be forced into conditions I can't handle, I just want my old self back, I am not the same anymore and I hate it. I hate everything about me, how cynical I've become and how incapable of love I've become. I just- I just- ugh! I don't want to talk to you guys anymore, you never called or listened. You're the worst parents anyone could have asked for."

With that, I strode into my room, not looking back. "Violet please, we're so sorry, please listen to us one more time." Father who was never into talking about feelings also got up from his chair, "Violet please listen to me, we're parents too and make mistakes. I should not have treated you like a sellable item, I am sorry. But I am trying my best to make things better and end the contract." But I was not having any of their talks, I slammed the door and slid down, numb and unaffected. I wanted to cry and pierce the heavens with my screams, God would listen to me but he didn't in all these years so why would he now. Even if I wanted to sob, there were no tears and my entire existence seemed like a parody. I fell asleep on the cold floor and I had no idea how long I stayed in that position until I heard a buzzing sound from my pocket, I decided to ignore it and stumble to my bed; at this moment, I had no idea what reality was and my entire old room was a blur. I even questioned whether I was sober or not but using the vanity and various furniture items, I plopped on the bed. My phone rang again and I had no intention of picking it up for the second time but I decided to see who it was. To my dismay and slight re-assurance, it was Reed. "Hello?" I spoke in a sleepy voice. "Violet, where are you? You're not at the apartment, you should be careful- you were nearly killed-" I interrupted, "Reed, I'm fine." There was silence on the other side, making our conversation awkward. "Where are you?" He spoke in a straight voice, being the douche he was. "I'm at my parents', why do you ask?" 

"You could have messaged me, it's 4 am and you're not at home, you didn't have a late shift either because it's Friday." I rubbed my eyes, "You remembered?" Reed fumbled with his words, "No, yes, but you could have had the liberty to tell me." I groaned, "Reed I'm not in the mood for useless fights, how many times have you gone out without telling me? Don't make a big deal and I'm already having problems with my family." I think I told a little more than what was required. "Why, what's wrong?" 

"I told my parents how unhappy I was because of this contract and how I wanted to be with someone I wanted but I guess that didn't work out." Reed coughed, "I heard your parents are almost a million dollars away from paying the company loan, so you'll be free soon." 

"Yeah, I guess."

"But Violet, is this what you really want?"

"Of course Reed, I want my freedom, I don't want to be a purchasable item anymore."

"Don't you think this could work out?"

"I-no. I am sorry Reed but I don't think this can work out. I guess we weren't meant to be."

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