Chapter 43

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Reed's POV

Astrid jerked back- hurt visible in her eyes, if I saw this emotion in her eyes back when we were together I would have never been able to forgive myself but at this moment, my emotions got the best of me and I let her go. "I-I wish you would have talked to me about this- why- why didn't you tell me?" She stuttered, I placed my hand on her shoulder but she quickly removed it, unable to comprehend what I had just told her. "Astrid I didn't want to break your heart, it was easier to part our ways than to talk about our relationship." A lone tear fell from her eye, my heart wrenched on the sight, the truth is never facile. "Reed you're a monster, you were just there for my body, have you ever looked through somebody? Behind the curves and the skin?" I shook my head, I had no words for her. "I do Astrid, but I wasn't able to do that for you. Excuse me, I have to go." With that, I left my seat and walked towards Melanie who was surrounded by her model friends, all of them dressed in scantily clad dresses. They all eyed me hungrily as I motioned for Melanie to come closer, "I'll be back ladies." A smile formed on her ravishing face as she walked towards me, "Hey handsome." I smirked, "Hello gorgeous, how are you doing today?" With that she giggled, "Better, now that you're here." 

"Ladies and gentlemen, my lovely friend here, Violet would like to sing a melodious song for all of us, on my humble request." Alexander motioned towards Violet who was definitely not smiling, instead she seemed dead on the inside. "Thank you Alexander- I really don't want to-" Alexander waved his hand in disagreement, "Violet, I don't want your excuses, you didn't even perform live on my birthday ever, please can you do so now?" Violet grimaced, "Alexander I don't want to impose." He literally pushed her on the stage, "Come on Violet, for me and my fiance please?" 

Violet's POV

I was not in the mood to perform right now, at the very moment when all the people I despised where in one place, the irony of it all. "Any special requests?" I tried to resist the conversation for long but Alexander was hasty as he always loved my voice and wanted me to perform live for him, especially on his wedding. He once asked me to take a pledge in high school that I would perform on his wedding, at that time I laughed it off but little did I know the seriousness of the matter. I picked up the guitar from Alexander as I sat on the stool, my heart was literally pounding. Even though I had taken part in many public speaking conferences, every time I was on the stage felt like it was the first time. My mind kept screaming to stop as I felt all the eyes on me, including Melanie who was eyeing me intently. With much determination, I decided to sing "Somebody Else" by The 1975; it was a heart breaking song that described emotions that had no specific words for them in any dictionary. "So I heard you found somebody else, and at first I thought it was a lie." With that, I strummed the first guitar chords and there were a few cheers from the crowd, which were not even the slight bit motivating. I was not in the mood to play, especially in front of Reed as things between us were far from smooth, they were detrimental. Call it a hunch but it felt like something greater was coming my way. "I don't want your body but I hate to think about you with somebody else." All eyes were on me, including my soul which was on fire, slowly I started to bring in emotions to my song. All the things that happened this year and the future that waits for me, away from all the worries and stress. The song was slowly coming to a close and with that, I strummed the last chord of the song. There was silence for a while as I took in some crying faces, "I'm sorry my song wasn't that good, I wasn't in the mood-" Alexander stood up from his chair, "What nonsense? You were excellent Violet! I can't comprehend my emotions, what do you think about your wife's singing Reed?" It felt like a bucket of ice cold water had been poured on my head as I was brought back to reality, he stared at my eyes and was deep in thought, "Violet was-good." I sighed, you can't expect change from a herd of sheep. "That's it? Violet believe me, you were phenomenal." 

After a few minutes, the food was served and we all were seated on our respective tables, I was seated with Alex's fiance and we both were talking about the New York lifestyle. In the corner of my eye, I saw Astrid staring down from the balcony, all alone. I excused myself and went towards her, "I see that you're all alone." She wiped a tear hastily from her face, "Not in the mood for mixing in with people." I smiled, "But there's so many, like you said, one night of fun didn't hurt anybody." Astrid laughed through the agony, "What's the point? When the person you love doesn't want to talk to you." I was in utter confusion, "You'll understand Violet, maybe you're the medicine he needs." With that, she walked away and disappeared in the crowd. The city lights never felt this bright. As I stretched my hand, almost as if to touch the city in front of me, a few drops of water fell on my hand. "Its raining, ladies and gentlemen, sorry for this disruption but the party's over, have a good night." In a matter of seconds, the raindrops had condoned the entire city, as the people rushed towards the exit. 

"Come on Violet, let's go," I heard Reed's voice as I hastened towards the exit, I followed him as he covered his head with an arm, I noticed that he had given his jacket to Melanie who was nowhere to be seen in the crowd. It was pattering heavily now as everyone was seated in their cars. "Goddamit! The valet service is nowhere to be seen and I can't even recognise Charles." My clothes were practically drenched and there was a cashmere shawl draped around me which I had carried to add a contrast to my dress, I never thought that it'd come in handy. My hands were on my shoulders as I shivered with the intensity of the cold. "Come, there's a bus stand there, we can wait for a few minutes there." We hurried to the farther end of the silent street, not even a single soul in view. We were enveloped in silence as we both stared at the buildings in front of us and the calming sound of the rain. "I wish we had planned better," I stated. Reed sighed, "The rain was highly unpredictable, but that's why I sent Melanie home early so she wouldn't have to see this." I stared at the glowing lights and the darkness of the sky, "I never thought you'd like my song." There was silence between us, "I have always liked your singing Violet." Shocked- was an understatement, I was confused and petrified. "I never thought you did." Reed eyed me, a raw emotion visible in his eyes, like a flaring fire. "There are a few raw and pure things in this world Violet, and I won't hesitate to say that you're one of them." A different kind of atmosphere settled between us as the rain grew faster and heavier, just like my heart. I had some idea of what was to happen right now, Reed took a step closer as I walked backwards. My back hit the glass panel but there was a safe space between us, my heart was practically accelerating like crazy and my breath hitched in my throat. "Is this what you want Violet?" he whispered then leaned towards my ear, "To be close?" I gained my composure but I felt him near my face, only a few inches away from me. Our lips were a few centimetres away, in New York, in the rain, with the blinking lights and stars. "We can't be close Reed, I-I can't." With that, he stepped away. "I know that you're not going to kiss me out of love and I'll never be your first priority, I can't be your toy or a sanctuary for your problems." A stone cold heart. Silence.

Then I walked away, in the rain. 

(Nothing Breaks Like a Heart plays in background)

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