Chapter 13

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"So, he basically has a girlfriend named Melanie who is a bitch like all sluts?" I winced at her statement, no one deserves to be treated that way and no Melanie was someone who was apparently very caring and considerate of Reed's needs. "Sarah no one deserves to be treated that way, and she is a wonderful person to be around with." I poured myself some coffee from the machine. "Of course, you'd say that, Violet, not everyone is hippity hoppity good, this is a dark world, and you're a part of it." Am I really, I have a dream job, education and family. "I really think you need to re-consider your recent statement about me being part of the dark life, what do I not have?" Sarah sighed and patted my shoulder, "You'll understand Ultra-Violet." I laughed hysterically, "Who said that you could call me Ultra-Violet?" She shrugged, "I kinda like the name." I went back to typing my medical journal article, "Oh and what about your boyfriend, Caleb?" She frowned, "Yeah he's been a little distant lately, we haven't been talking that much." I couldn't really relate to her pain but I tried being as comforting as possible, "Talk to him, send him a text or call him." Sarah slumped her shoulders, "I dunno Violet, this isn't really working out between us, I-I just think I'm gonna break up with him." My eyes widened, "But I thought you had this chemistry?" She was visibly distressed, "I just wanna break up with him, I've been dating someone new now, his name is Jason, he's a model for brands like Abercrombie and Fitch and Forever 21." I chuckled, "So you really got the metaphor of looking like an Abercrombie and Fitch model." Sarah joined in, "But your husband looks like he could easily model for Paco Rabanne and Polo Ralph Lauren, God, you're lucky." I suddenly stopped laughing, "Sarah he's not my husband and looks don't mean anything to me." I could see that she got my remark, "Sorry I just got carried away by the heat of the moment." I grinned, "It's okay, now, what do you say, wanna go for coffee tomorrow?" She almost jumped in excitement, "Yes I really missed our old coffee trips, you're the best Violet." I suddenly remembered Reed's offer, "Yeah Reed asked me to go for cycling with him at Central Park." Sarah smiled, "Have fun Violet, just be friends with him, something is better than nothing." I too smiled, "I think he was really drunk yesterday, I hope it was the truth and not a drunk mistake plus he heard me play the guitar."
"No way! That's so cool, I remember how awesome of a player you are." That was the only talent of mine that I could really marvel at, "Yeah, classes really paid off." I checked my wrist-watch, it was 3 pm. "Yeah, I'll be going home now." We both hugged and I walked out to the parking lot, carrying my laptop. I spotted my car and sat in it, I started the ignition and drove away. "Oh Reed, what are you implying?" After reaching my apartment complex, I carried my stuff back and went inside the apartment. I flopped down on the couch, "Hey Alexa, turn off the lights and set an alarm for 20 minutes from now." A little nap never hurt nobody, I took off my shoes and went to sleep.

Reed's POV
I knew about my offer that I had presented to Violet for cycling, I was always punctual and I decided to take an early leave from work today. After parking my car outside the complex, I took the lift. I checked my watch and it was 3:45, 15 minutes early. I entered the security code and behold what I saw! Violet was deep a sleep on the couch, her stuff was scattered on the table and she looked hella tired like the kind of tired a businessman would look after they have to argue with an irrational person. Ugh, would I have to cancel the plans? Of course, I had to. The best thing to do was put a blanket over her because New York City was kinda cold right now. I grabbed the throw which was placed on the couch and put it over her. She didn't even budge, she was visibly exhausted. Who wouldn't be? After being forced into a loveless marriage, who wouldn't be after not being allowed to be in a relationship? But was I any different? I showered and changed my clothes, Violet would usually make lunch for herself and would leave me some on the kitchen island but I guess we had to work things on our own now. I opened the fridge and saw that there was a transparent box with lunch prepared? Why was she so organised? I emptied it on a plate and re-heated in the oven. I ate on the counter-top while responding to Melanie's messages. After finishing my food, I put the dishes in the washer and went to my bedroom. I watched television for a while and then sleep overcame me. At 5 in the afternoon, I woke up and saw Violet still asleep. Wow, she was going to set a record of sleeping today. I went to the upper portion of the apartment and opened the gym door. I wore my AirPods and did my workout. After an hour, I showered again and wore my comfortable clothes. I came down and saw that Violet was still asleep? Is she even alive? I took out my laptop and worked on a new deal for a while, now it was 8 pm. I heard Violet's room open, I thought she had died.

Violet's POV
I completely forgot about the alarm, poor Alexa and Reed, Reed shit! I overslept and now it was 8 pm, I was so disorganised that I had a full dream party on the couch, how was I going to sleep tonight? I heard my stomach grumble, I didn't eat anything the whole day. I opened the fridge door to look for the lunch I had made myself, it was not there. Great, Reed must have eaten it! I looked around the kitchen to find some grocery items but there were none, I made a mental note to go grocery shopping. I was hungry and fatigued but I had to think of something. There were some items for white sauce pasta so that was what I needed, a good pasta or food in general. After changing and showering, I decided to make dinner. At 9 pm, the dinner was ready. I knocked on Reed's door. "Reed, the dinner is ready." He replied, "Did I eat your lunch in the after noon?" Okay great, "No it's fine really, I made dinner now so it's okay." Could we not have a house-keeper? "Reed, can we hire a house-keeper?" Silence, the dreaded silence. "Yeah, I'll call the agency and then we can hire an afternoon maid." Yes, my work was made a little easier." I dished out the food and he came outside, we both sat on opposite sides and ate awkwardly. "So I'm sorry about today, the cycling idea, we can go on the weekend?" He looked at me, "No forget about it, the whole idea was super cheesy, we can go for dinner on the weekend." Really! "Oh okay, I'll make a mental note to oversleep." He laughed, "You sure did sleep a lot today." I chuckled, "It was just the fatigue of work." Progress, we were communicating. We ate and placed our dishes in the washer, "Good night Violet." I said the same and we both parted our ways.

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