Chapter Three

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Musics for this chapter:
On My Mind - Cody Simpson
How To Love - Lil Wayne
One In A Million - Hannah Montana


At the next day, I went to school. It was a sunny day, but cold. I hated those kind of days cause I never knew what kind of clothes I should've wore, but it's okay cause I just putted some dark jeans, a black shirt with a leather jacket and some white vans. I got to school and it was a hard day with the most difficult classes, because since there was only 2 more weeks till summer vacations we needed to study a lot. At the lunch time we sitted on th table like always. Me, Austin, Robert, Vanessa, Hailey and Lauren. "How was the tutoring yesterday Austin?" Vanessa asked with a cocky voice. "It was... ok, I guess" Austin replied. I said a little confused "Did you learned what you needed Lauren?" and she replied "Yeah, I won't need a second class by the way". Vanessa was looking at me with a confused look, but I just didn't gave it too much attention. "So, my parents are going to LA at summer because of work, so they told me I can get the house on Miami Beach for a week after the end of school. Are you guys in?" said Robert with a exciting voice. I said it was a great idea, and everyone agreed when I said that. I noticed that Austin and Lauren looked at each other before answering. It wasn't a normal look. It was like they were ashamed of something, scared at the same time. I invited Austin and Robert to go home after school, but Robert needed to study for math so he went to his place. After classes, Austin and I went to my home, that was 2 blocks away from his. Fortunately, all of us lived close from each other so it was easy to reunite.


After the school time were done, Hailey invited me and Vanessa to go to her place, but I was tired so I just went home. Okay, to be honest. I wasn't tired. I just didn't wanted to hear Vanessa braging about Austin or both of them asking me about the "study" time I had with Austin. The moment I opened the door, my mom was spinning Amy (my little sister) in the air while both of them laugh. It was one of the cuttest moments ever so I just stayed at the door watching it, about 1 minute after I got inside my mom saw me, and stopped spinning around and putted Amy on the floor. "Hey sweetie, how was your day?" my mom asked me while she hugged me. I don't know why, but I felt safe in her arms, it's probably cause she's my mom. I told her about how hard it was getting to study, but she gived me a dirty look "You're not missing your summer because of bad grades right?" and I answered that I would not. I enjoyed the moment to ask her if I could spend one week at Hailey's house in Miami Beach. "Who's going?" and I replied "Me, Hailey, Vanessa, Alex, Robert and Austin". She looked at me with a strange look. "What mom? Those are my friends!" I said a little louder. "Nothing, it's just... There are going to be boys there... and I don't wanna see my baby growing" and she started to cry a little bit. I went to her and hugged her, and she just did that little laugh. After staying a little more at the living room, I told my mom that I needed the answer about the trip. She said yes, so I went upstairs to chill and study after. I took my phone with my pink case out of my pocket. I got 2 new messages. One from Hailey asking me if I could go. I answered and the other message was from Alex. "Lauren. I need your answer... What happened between you and Austin?" and after reading that I got so scared. All I could think about was what if Austin told him what happened. I decided to tell him that nothing went wrong, that we just studied, and he replied me clearly "Come over. I need to talk to you". I got a little afraid, but I wasn't going to tell him. I went to Alex's house walking even knowing it was already 20:30 and the streets would be dark. I went out only with my phone, and when I got there I ringed the bell. The only guy I would never expect to see there answered. Yeah, Austin again. I tried to act normal and just said hey and he invited me in. Alex was on the kitchen, so Austin screamed his name and sitted on the couch. I was just standing next to the door looking at nowhere. Alex came and hugged me, and to be honest, it felt really weird. I didn't even knew why I was there, why Austin was there and most of all why they were acting so weird.

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