Chapter Four

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Musics for this chapter:
Remember December - Demi Lovato
Please Be Mine - Jonas Brothers
On The Line - Demi Lovato ft. Jonas Brothers
(oh my gosh, I'm obsessed)

I had no idea of what Lauren was doing. We agreed that I was going to talk to her, and I had it all planned in my head. I was so confused and Vanessa was looking at me, but she obviously looked even more confused than I was. We got inside the car. I was on the driver's seat and Vanessa was by my right, while Lauren was on the back seat with her head in the middle of us. "Why are we here? I'm getting scared of this" said Vanessa, pulling herself a little away from both of us. "So... Remember that me and Lauren were going to study at my place?" and she nooded with her head. I took a deep breath and decided that the best way to tell her was saying it all at once. I won't lie. I was scared. Having her blue eyes staring at me with her eyebrowns showing how much she wasn't understanding was getting me nervous. All the things she could do. And since we're talking about not lieing, I'm not gonna say I wanted her back with me. To be honest, I was hoping that she would accept it and just move on with her life while I would do the same with mine, but then a thought came into my mind. She cheated on me so many times, and I forgave her. Why wouldn't she forgive me and Lauren? That was the worst part. What about Lauren? What if that one quick kiss ruined her friendship with Vanessa? I felt so guilty in that moment. Of course I wasn't in love with Lauren, but I was worried for her. I didn't wanted to see her broken, specialy because of me. "In that day, something happened. Me and Lauren kissed. We decided to tell you cause we didn't wanted to hide it from you. It's not right, we know but it happened and now all" I was saying when Vanessa cutted me. "You. Two. Kissed?" she said in a calm tone of voice. "Yes, and we're so sorry about it but it's just" said Lauren when cutted again "But you two are friends... That's weird". Weird? That's her reaction? "Well, if you two wanna be together I don't wanna be the one in the middle" she said not really carring about the kiss situation. "No, we're not gonna be together, but are you really okay with it? Seriously?" Lauren asked with a look that was able to see the question mark on her head. Well, at least I knew that she didn't liked me. I felt my heart beating faster in that moment. "Yeah, I don't care to be honest. I'm gonna find someone else. I guess this is a goodbye Austin" Vanessa said smiling at me as she left the car not even mad or worried.

I couldn't believe in what was happening. She didn't minded about both of us. All she said is that it was "weird" cause we are friends. That was the most weird moment of my entire life. After she left the car, I just leaned on the seat with the most lost face ever. Austin did the same, and we didn't said a word for about five minutes. My thoughts were interrupted by Austin saying "That was... wow, I don't even have words to describe this moment. I'm sorry by the way". "Sorry?" I asked with a soft voice and I could already feel those chills that I got everytime he talked to me. "Yeah, for causing this situation...". He was saying it was his fault, so that meant he wanted to kiss me. Or maybe it was a mistake. I replied "It's not your fault, and you know that. And she sounded like it wasn't a problem at all, so we're fine. Oh, and I'm sorry too... For your break up with her". He took a deep breath and turned to me. His hazel eyes kept staring at me and I started to blush. "To be honest, I didn't wanted to be with her anymore. She was keeping me away from everything else. I guess I was changing myself when she was around. It was like she controled me and I got tired of it. I don't hate her, but that annoyed me so much.". I paied attention to every single one of his words, not forgetting about it for a second. He was opening up for me and in that point, I realized that we were friends. That whole embarassing situation brought us closer, even not sounding like the right thing. "I don't think you changed. I mean, I think she holded you just to herself and that kinda took you away from everything else. But I think you're still the same sweet and genuine guy that you were before you date her, about one year ago". He looked at me staring at my eyes, but this time was different. It was like we were sharing something. Our breaths were sharing almost the same space, as you can tell by the distance between us. I was feeling the same thing I felt at that "study day" on his house. It was like a replay button, but then the sound of someone knocking on the car door made me and Austin go back to reality. We got back to the "normal distance" between each other while Alex came inside the car, sitting where Vanessa was before. He asked about how she reacted, so we told him the story and he got shocked just like us. "But... You two broke up?" he asked with a shy voice so Austin replied with a confident and smiling "Yes, but there's no problem. It feels good to be single again". Those words stayed on my mind. "It feels good to be single". That meant he didn't wanted nothing for a while right? That's what I thought. After that, we decided that we needed to go somewhere else, so I invited both to come to my place. Since we were on Austin's car, Alex asked if he could bring Sarah too and then he went with his car to get her. Me and Austin went to my place on his car. My mom and my dad weren't home, but I thought my little sister was home with the babysitter. On the drive to my place, me and Austin talked about lots of things. We talked from school to music, and both of us were confortable, just acting like normal friends. As soon as we got home, I took my keys from my pocket. I looked outside from the window and saw that it was raining, with the drops of water on the window. I just kept looking throught the window while Austin parked the car on the street. "Let's go?" I heard Austin's deep voice behind me. "Sure, but you will be wet" and he just smiled and me and nodded his head. He opened the door with a leather jacket over his head. When I was about to open my door too, he runned faster and opened it to me. "Come here, you don't wanna get wet" he said indicating a space under the jacket for me. "No, it's not raining so much it's okay" so he just looked at me repeating it again "Come, it won't make any difference". I laughed a little bit and got under his jacket. His arms were around my shoulders and the jacket on our heads. I closed the car's door and when I turned to my left, all I saw was Austin's eyes and his face close to mine. I smiled to the floor, and when I brought my eyes back to his, I felt his hands letting the jacket fall on the floor. He smiled at me, but instead of catching it, he stared at my eyes. I could feel his cold breath in the middle of my nose and mouth again, and when he pulled himself closer to me, I just took a step behind. I couldn't let him do that. I didn't cared about how much I loved him, I just think he needed some time. If I wanted to kiss him in that perfect moment in the rain? Of course I wanted.

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