Chapter Fourteen

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As soon as Alex told me what happened, I couldn't believe in what he was saying. I would never thought that someone like her could do that. I was shocked. No word could describe better the way I felt. Wow, just wow.

At the next day, it was finally wednesday, the last day of school before summer break. I was obsessed with summer. Just the thought about going to the beach, no school and doing everything I wanted amazed me. I had my breakfast and since you already know that I wasn't a morning person, I was late. As soon as I got to school, I ran to take all the books I needed and go to class. After all the classes (that didn't really mattered because we were going on summer break), I went to the spanish class to do my test and finally be off from school.

The moment I got inside, I only saw one specific eye turning in my direction. The brown eyes and the hair softly falling in her shoulders were making my heart run. It was a good pain, but at the same time, I couldn't have her. I sat down as far as I could from Lauren, but this time, she stood up, took all her books and went to sat right next to me. It was driving me wild. Why would she do that? That was the biggest question hitting my brain in every inch of it. She sat down and looked at me. Our eyes found each other, and my eyes were locked on hers. She smiled, moved her hair away from her face and placed it right behind her ear. Gosh, was she trying to kill me? Even though it felt great, I was confused. The same question was repeating itself inside me.


Finally the last day of hell before going to summer break. I couldn't wait anymore. I've been daydreaming about the beach, Hailey's beach house and no school since day one of school. I was exausthed. I got into my last class, which was spanish. It was kind of irrelevant because my mom was from Spain, so I already knew what we were learning at school. Basically, the only lost person in the whole class was Lauren. Every word was like a puzzle inside her head, even though she was great in every other subject.

I got inside and sat on the only place left, which was about two chair away from Lauren. I noticed that she was sitting right next to Austin and it actually didn't felt so awkward. They looked at each other a few times, and she even smiled. Maybe they were back, I had no idea. The test started and I started to do it, and I was about two questions from the end, I saw Lauren standing up and walking to the teacher's table. "I finished my test already, we can leave earlier right?" she asked with her good girl's voice. The teacher told her to speak a little more quietly and agreed with his head. She thanked and after getting everything, she left the class. Everyone was a little confused about it, specially by the way she acted. A few days before, she would never ask the teacher to leave earlier, and she wouldn't do it specially by the fact that everybody would noticed her behavior. It was like she decided to change from one day to another, from sweet girl to cocky and... Well, she changed really fast.


And when I looked around, I realized what I've just done. I acted all cocky and showed everyone that I wasn't who they used to think I was. I was stronger and I could stand up for myself. The look on Vanessa's face was the best part. It was like she was jealous and at the same time blown away. She looked surprise, like I was showing a whole new side of myself.

Before going home, I decided I couldn't just do whatever I wanedt. As much as I wanted that revenge with all the credits for me, it wouldn't work. I need someone with me. I needed someone that knew why I was doing this, and that understood everything I planned. That's when I realized the truth. The only person that would understand was Austin. Alex would say it wasn't a good idea, Hailey would try to be defensive saying that she didn't had anything to do with it and Robert just wouldn't know what to do. Austin knew how that rumour effected both of us, and if he knew that Vanessa was the one that texted everyone, he would agree with me.

I was so sure about it that I texted him while I was already next to the car, but still on the parking lot. Yes, I wasn't going to school Vanessa anymore. Only a few times when my mom would make me, but I started to ask for a ride with Alex. While waiting for Alex, I started to think in what way I would tell Austin the truth. I decided to text those exact same words: "Austin, I need to talk to you. Can you come to my place at about 7pm today?". I pressed the button send. I felt actually good about it, because it would be good to have someone knowing about what I was doing and the reason.


Right after school and after seeing all those face expressions excited to finally leave school, I got home and decided that I needed to plan our trip to my parent's beach house. Robert was the most hyped about it. Every day he came to me doing this little countdown. He asked what time we were leaving on friday, how are we going to go there and all those little details. I was happy to answer them, because inside I was feeling the same way as him. Those little things were the ones that made me happy.

----- Note from the Author ----

Hey guys, have have you all been lately? Just wanted to appologize for taking long to post, but I needed some time to study and I was having some personal issues. Thanks for everyone that understands me, and I'm truly thankful for every single one of my readers. I love you so much

Stay Strong, Livia.

I Ain't Going Nowhere (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now