Chapter Fifteen

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PS: Just wanted to say that I'm gonna change something, I'm gonna start writing the story on the present, like each character is describing what happened in that day(: Enjoy!


As soon as I left class, I took my black iPhone out of my pocket and saw that I got a new text. The name showing was from Lauren, and that really got to me. What is she doing? I have no idea if she wants to get back with me, but I just feel like all this teasing is driving me crazy. It said that she needed to talk to me at 7pm, so I went home like usual and stayed there watching tv.

"Are you coming" said a second text from Lauren because I forgot the answer the first one. I answered saying that I was going and she texted back "My parents will be out" and that's when I got even more lost. What she wanted to tell me? The thoughts in my head went crazy and I don't know what to expect anymore.


It was about exactly 7pm when the door bell ringed. One of the things that makes me impressed is how Austin is pontual, well, at the night. Let's just not say he's a morning person. He was wearing a light blue jeans and a white shirts, along with some vans and no hat. The cologne he was wearing smelled perfect. Gosh, everything about him is slowly killing me. "Come on in" I said with a quiet voice while he walked inside. He was looking around like he was analizing every inch of my house. I went to the couch and told him to sit there. "Are you hungry? Do you want some water or something?" I asked try to be polited.

He looked at me and, even not saying a word, I got his look like he was nervous. Looking a little scared about what was going to be happen. I spent the whole day trying to figure out how I was going to tell him. "Hm, Austin... I called you here because... Hm, let's just say that I know who made up that rumour about me and you... You

know..." I said before he looked down. I noticed that anger was staring to take over him. His hands were on his on his head, and when he looked at me again, his hazel eyes turned darker and his mouth was tense. His eyes were locked in mine, and I just didn't knew what I should've done.

"So Alex told you too?" he said with his eyes burning. I wondered myself what did Alex had to do with all of this. Why would Austin ask me if Alex was the one that told me? That meant he already knew it was Vanessa, but how would Alex told him? Hailey was spreading it around to everyone? "Alex? No, Hailey told me..." I answered, and for some reason that made Austin stand up and walk around the couch concerned and with angry taking over his body. "I don't understand why she did that. I mean, why would someone even do this?" he exclamed with a louder voice. I tried to tell him to calm down, but when I did it, he holded my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes saying "How can I stay calm? Don't you realize that this is all wrong?".

His eyes look so mad, but at the same time, upset.


It was like she wasn't understanding how pissed I was. She kept telling me to calm down when this was the last thing I would be able to do. My mind was running into so many thoughts. "You're not mad? You're not mad by the fact that a stupid rumour ruined what we were doing? Hailey should've never spreaded something like this, I mean she has nothing to do with us, who she think-" I was saying to Lauren when she interrupted me with confusion showing on her eyes.

"Hailey... Wait, what are you talking about?" Lauren said pushing herself a little further from me. That's when it got worst. What was SHE talking about? "Hm, Hailey that spread the rumour about me in you..." I answered waiting for her reply, and instead, she just got even more confused and sat down. "But... Hailey told me who spread the rumour... She said it was someone else" Lauren said with her sweet and quiet voice. "But Alex told me that Hailey was the one that spreaded this rumour. But, who did it anyway?" I replied while both of us tried to understand what was going on. I kept looking at the floor trying to control my inner anger that was growing bigger every second.

I stood up all of the sudden and decided that I couldn't stay there without doing nothing, because that wouldn't help. I grabbed my phone and called Alex, putting him on speaker phone with Lauren listening to it. He answered and after saying "What's up?" I decided to be straight and ask him what was going on. "Who spreaded the rumor about me and Lauren?" I said with a rough voice. He sighed first, but then he said "I told you before. It was Hailey, she was the one that told me". I could've threw my phone on the wall at the moment, but Lauren came closer to me and just her presence calmed me down. She took the phone away from me and tried to explain what was going on to Alex. "I just don't know what do say... That's what she told me" he said also confused. That rollercoaster wasn't happening us at all, and we would never find a solution this way. She said goodbye and turned the call off, giving me the phone.


I could see how Austin was mad, but I just wasn't understanding why he was so angry all this time. Ok, we were confused but there was no reason to fell the way he was feeling. He was sitting down at the couch when I brought to him a glass of water. I sat right next to him with my hands on his back, rubbing it to see if that was going to calm him down. "I'm just so pissed, I don't know what to do anymore Lauren" he said looking at the wood floor that covered my entire house. "I know you're confused but... You don't need to be this angry. It's just a confusion, we will find the truth and everything-" I was trying to say when he cutted my words.

He looked at me straight in the eyes and said with anger showing in every inch of his body "You really don't get it right? I'm not angry like this because of a stupid rumour." and he stood up. I took a deep breath and asked, this time with a louder voice "Then why are you so angry? I really don't get it". He looked right up to me and this time, I felt like he was taken over. His head was turning red and his fists were closing, like he was about to punch the wall. I don't know what to do, I'm scared..

I Ain't Going Nowhere (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now