Chapter 25

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Hello lovies! Uploaded just for you today!!! Hope you love it and if you really paid attention to the previous chapters you'll going to know who the little person is!

Decication to the awesome Onni who always makes me glad that I never gave up on this ladies and gents should thank her as well!!!!

>.< Okay!!! Vote/Comment/EVERYTHING!!!! >.<





A week passed before I knew the meaning behind the red rose. Well even then I didn’t know the meaning but the wheels in my head were starting to turn.

 Night had become my worst time of the day. Vincent would come to my bedroom and sleep with me. The fact that he had no heartbeat was starting to scare me. What human had no heartbeat?

I had tried calling the police, but there was no phone that I could get my hands on. I started getting angry with my parents. Both of them seemed so false and they wouldn’t meet my eyes whenever I would ask them a question about my personal life.

Vincent made my blood boil and I would pray that he wouldn’t touch me. We kissed once since I awoke, and I hated it. He would always be touching me and when he climbed into bed, he would hold me close. I barely get any sleep because of that man.

It took me days to convince everyone that I hated the dresses that they laid out for me every day and therefore I had my closet re-stuffed with the clothes that I did like.

Dressed in some jeans and a sweater because it was that cold in the house, I walked downstairs and did what I did every day. Make breakfast. Eat. Consider killing Vincent with a knife when he kissed my neck. And then take a walk outside.

It was lightly snowing, but I loved it anyways. My mind had been hurting for the past seven days…images of being held against a wall, of wolves fighting, someone screaming my name had been popping randomly.

I dream of a white wolf. Her bright silver eyes called out to me but whenever I tried to speak to her, I would wake up. I sighed and pushed some snow away with my shoe, making it dance with the wind before settling back on the pile of soft snow.

Staggering through the snow, I made my way to the trees. Snow clutched the branches but I wasn’t afraid if a pile of snow would fall on me. Finding a tree, I lay down on the snow and closed my eyes.

Strangely the position felt familiar. I wondered why, and then an image of me leaning on a man’s shoulder came. Thinking it would disappear, I didn’t pay attention but the image stayed. Frowning, I thought harder on the person. He was big, broad shoulders, long black hair that came to his shoulders. He had his eyes closed, an arm wrapped around my waist. A smile was resting on those full lips of his.

Just looking at him and I started to feel a warmth spread through my body. I bit my bottom lip, tugging at the flesh with my teeth. He was handsome. So, unbelievable handsome that he started to fill my mind with thoughts of him, I wondered who he was. What was his name, why did he smile like that to me?

My body began to pulse, my body arching into nothing. I wanted him. I really wanted those large arms around me; I wanted to see that smile up close. The pull towards this man was so new to me, so unique. My insides started to throb, my hormones rising. The snow was falling onto me, making any reasonable person stop lusting after some imaginable person but I wasn’t reasonable.

I heard my name being call from a distance, easily getting a turn off. Frowning I got up and patted the snow from my body and walked towards the house.

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