Chapter 6

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James POV

Laura opened the front door and power radiated in. Soon I could smell syrup and when I turned the corner I saw my daughter. My baby Scarlett.

She stood holding boxes, her black hair that she gotten form Laura was flowing down around her. Her grey eyes taking in her mother. She stood tall, being five feet and ten inches tall you would think that she would slump her shoulders, but she didn't. Back straight, chin up as she took everything in.

I started to walk towards her, to pull her into a hug as if she just came home from a long trip until Laura's words stopped me.

"My Baby, you came home."

I could tell that Laura was tearing up and anger ran through me. I saw Laura move to give her a hug, I saw Scarlett's eyes widen when I felt my hand wrap around Laura's shoulder.

I saw Scarlett glance at me, her grey eyes taking me in. I felt her power challenge mines.

"I told you Laura, she's only here for her stuff and then she'll officially be a stranger." My mouth had moved on its own and I was shocked at what I said.

But then I saw the pain in Scarlett's face and I cursed myself.

The slap from my wife made me stare at her oddly. She had tears following down her cheeks, her mouth was moving as she screamed at me.

"How dare you, she is our daughter James. We made her, we raised her and just because she becomes an alpha and you cannot control her means that she is a stranger. Scarlett will forever me my child and there is nothing you will do about it. Not even the Goddess herself will keep me away from my daughter." Laura cried as she screamed at me. Her gold eyes begging me to understand.

I watched in a daze as Laura dragged Scarlett away. How could they think that I didn't love her? I thought of the time when Scarlett was young. When she would stay up at night until I got back from work. Her small body would be curled up in a ball as the television was playing for nobody. I remembered picking her small frame up and hearing the way she would sigh and cuddle closer in my embrace. When I would place her down in her bed and cover her, she would smile. 'I love you daddy' she would say as she yawn to sleep.

How could anyone think that I didn't love her. I realized that I was staring at a boy. Dark eyes that challenged me, angered me.

"This is all your fault." I told him.

"You took her away. Everything is your fault." I said again, glaring at him.

My wolf inside barking and scratching.

"It wasn't my idea to kidnap her. It was Samuel, everyone else had to obey." The boy said, his eyes trailing back to where Scarlett left.

I wanted to say that he had a choice, but I knew better.

I turned away from him and walked toward the living room. Ignoring him as we sat down on armchairs.

Soft chatter and sobbing met my ears, and a piece of me died.

"But I will say one thing." The boy continued.

I stared at him. His hands were laced together, his elbows touching his knees as he leaned forward. His eyes on the floor as if thinking.

"If I knew how sad she would have been at that time, I would have challenge Samuel to a duel and become alpha just so that she wouldn't have to endure the pain." His dark eyes met mines and I saw anger swell in them.

"But I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy Scarlett's company. Matter of fact I'm glad things are the way they are because at least I get to be next to her." The boy said, his eyes showing no anger and now there was something that I was afraid to acknowledge.

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