Chapter 16

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Okay I'm warning you that this chapter is really just a filler, so don't think that I'm a sucky writer and you had it with my book!!!! But it's necessary :) please vote and comment.

P.S the picture is Leona!!!!!!!!

I woke up nearly suffocating. I had to stop myself from doing any fast movements because Leona wrapped her arms around my arm and Lyra was squeezing my waist. Quickly I found my breath and checked the time, 6:30.

I grabbed a pillow and gently pulled Leona's arms away from me and replaced them on the pillow. I grabbed another pillow and did the same with Lyra. Finally I swiftly got out of the bed and grabbed some clothes and went to take a shower.

I was braiding my wet hair as I went outside. Wood, tools, paint and almost everything they had at Home Depot was all over the place and there was already one spot that had the outline of a house.

Because we had extra pack members who were girls I told the majority of the guys that they had to sleep outside. Some of the guys just changed and were now sleeping against tress, and others were sleeping in their cars. For a moment I wondered where Dominic was, but then his scent came over me and I walked over to his hummer.

His hair was tied in a ponytail by the base of his neck and he was wearing a white shirt that outlined his muscles. His bangs were everywhere but I couldn't care less. I wondered how uncomfortable he must have been feeling and I felt even more guilty once I realized that probably everyone was feeling uncomfortable.

Slowly I walked away from Dominic's car and went back inside and toward the kitchen. I was surprised to see Joah already having ingredients out.

"Ah Scar, now I haven't see you around lately."

"Hey Joah, you always here this early?"

"How else would I be able to feed our dogs?"

"Need help?"

"Nah sugar, I'm good. Once I start my magic, your gonna have your hands full with hungry and angry dogs."

After I checked every room to make sure the girls were alright and no boys tried to get their room back, people were already in the dining room, waiting for food.

It was a little tense today since today was the day that I'll mark them and I'll officially be the alpha. Plus the moon was still making them upset, but you could see that they were trying to ignore her. I scanned the room for Dominic but couldn't find him, and after a double check on Leona and Lyra, I went outside to find him.

When I got outside I was surprised to see Dominic helping the pack fix the houses. He had gloves on and he's carrying a long stick of wood. Not only was I only surprised at him working, I was surprised that my pack were working at this time of the day, I mean it was barely 8:00 and they were going at it.

I walked over to them and picked up an abandon pair of gloves and went toward Danny who looking really tired and kept on snifting the air.

"Hey Danny, let's switch. Get some food and then you can come back."

He looked a little undecided but then took out his pouch and gave it to me along with the hammer. Then he told me that all I needed to do was hammer down the nails and then he rushed off toward the house.

Five minutes in, and I could already feel the sweat coming. But I kept on hammering.

"What in bloody hell do you think you are doing?"

I jumped at Dominic's angry voice and turned to look at him.

"Hello to you too, Dominic. And what does it look like I'm doing."

"Nothing that you should have been doing. Come on, get down from there."

"Why you afraid I might break my neck?" I knew that I was teasing him but I couldn't help it, he looked so hot angry. Plus it did annoy me that he was bossing me around.

"Honey let's eat, plus the girls are inside alone with all the boys."

I gave in and jumped down from the wood, tossing my gloves on the ground. Almost immediately he entwine his hand with mines and pulled me toward the house.

A good amount of the girls stood to the side of the dinner room and looked guarded. Leona and Lyra included. Once they saw me, a look of relief passed though their eyes.

"Come on girls, guys make room for them."

I watched as the eager men squeezed each other so the group of girls could sit. The girls sat in pairs, even if there was barely room for one. The only girl who didn't care was Kristina. I rolled my eyes as I saw her go in between two men who were both very muscular.

Joah placed some food on the table and I watched as the men got the plates and gave them to the girls. After about five minutes every girl had a plate and was nervously talking to a guy. Satisfied, I allowed Dominic to pull me to our seats and we sat down. I kept on glancing at Leona and Lyra who were sitting in front of each other and surprising were laughing at what my boys were saying.

"Come on kiddo, you gonna eat my food?" Joah had a look on his face and I forced myself to not look back to see how the girls were doing.

Dominic let go of my hand so I could eat and whenever a girl came, he told her to just find a space.

The rest of the morning went that way, one by one the girls relaxed with my boys and Dominic convinced me that I couldn't help them work on the houses and that I needed to go shopping with the girls because they were still wearing my clothes.

After all the girls had their full, I asked some of the guys if they wanted to go shopping with us, because twenty five girls couldn't fit in my mustang. Also I needed to take Ace and Rick (the only guys that were with the girls) with us, so that was twenty seven people who needed to go to the mall.

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