Chapter 20

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Tossing and turning throughout the night; not getting enough sleep left me grumpy and definitely not happy when someone knocked on my door.

I told the person to fuck off and snuggled closer to my bed. The knocking became more rapid, more intense.

I growled into my pillow and in one fluid motion was next to my door.

Annoyance coursed through my veins which made me not even realize how I transported from my bed to my door.

I was about to yank the door open when I caught sight of my reflection.

Ignoring the increasing rhythm of the knocking I went towards the mirror.

Despite the fact that I looked sickly pale, I looked normal. I touched my gray eyes to see if they were real and sighed in relief when they didn't turn back to that red color.

The knocking started to get on my nerves and I yanked the door opened, preparing to scream at whoever the asshole was. But there was no one there, quickly turning my head side to side I tried to find the annoying person but it was no use. The hallway was empty with the exception of some lightbulbs. I sniffed the air, but could only get the old scents which told me that there was no one knocking on my door.

Frowning, I went back inside and started to get dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Tying my shoelaces, and putting my hair in a bun I was ready to go.

My wolf was jumping up and down, wagging her tail like crazy when Dominic came out of the kitchen, holding a bottle of water to his lips. I watched as he gulped down the water, his adam's apple rushing up and down as he swallowed.

Catching my scent most probably, he turned and looked at me. He stared at me as he finished drinking his water, his eyes never leaving mines.

I closed the distance between us, all the building anger and annoyance I felt earlier died at the sight of my mate with his bed ridden hair, his dark intense eyes, and that charming smile. Wrapping my arms around his stomach, I just held him and breathed in his unique aroma of rain and mint.

Tense muscles that I didn't even know existed, relaxed and my stress left me as he wrapped his arms around me, making me feel small, safe and good. Too much crap has been going on, that I couldn't even enjoy my alone moments with Dominic. Too much crap had been going on that lately I've been feeling evil. Sinister. But with Dominic, he made me feel like myself again, like the real Scarlett.

Sighing into his chest, I allowed myself to let go of him and look up into his dark orbs. He smiled at me, and cupped my face in between his hands, bringing my face closer to his, I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips touch my forehead and kiss me.

"Morning love," he whispered between forehead kisses, and with one last kiss he let me go.

"Morning," I mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Hungry?" He asked and tried to pull me towards the kitchen but a sudden burst of anger filled me and I yanked my hand away. How dare he try to order me around?

Watching his eyes widen at my reaction, I realized what just happened. Horrified, I looked at the television to make sure that my eyes were still gray, indeed they were so I glanced back up towards Dominic. His face expression was normal and he smiled, showing me his perfect white teeth and possibly the most heart throbbing smile ever.

"Hungry?" He asked again, this time holding his hand out to me and not randomly grasping my hand. Swallowing my confusion and embarrassment, I nodded my head even though I wasn't even close to hungry, and reached for his hand.

Leading me inside the kitchen, he walked us to our regular seats and together we sat down.

"Hey Boss," Derek yelled behind me, making me turn around in my seat to stare at him. Siting down in one of the many tables, he sat right next to Lyra and had a ear to ear grin on his face. Lyra who I noiticed sat between Derek (of course) and Leona, was blushing, and always glanced up at Derek when she though he wasn't looking.

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