Chapter 21

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The café didn’t help me with my mood swings. Twice I almost punched a customer. Twice! So I took that as a sign and went inside my office for the rest of the day. I filed, and planned out all the bills and orders for the next month or so. I stayed well after midnight at my job. Sighing, I got up and grabbed my stuff, turning off all the lights and making sure that my employees did their jobs; I went out into the cool night and locked the door.

I was fumbling with the keys when an arm wrapped around my chest and a cloth was smuggled into my face. Coughing at the Wolfsbane, I tried not to breathe it in or ill really be a goner


I grabbed the attacker’s head and yanked hard on him until he went flying against my café’s door. Once the Wolfsbane cloth left me, I started to choke. The poison started to spread throughout my system. I collapsed to the floor, the coughing more intense now.

The man grabbed me, and started to drag me somewhere. Growling I grabbed him and heard as his head collided against the concrete floor. I felt his blood splatter on me, but didn’t take notice. The only thing on my mind was the fact that I was coughing up blood.


I grabbed my throat, trying to stop the Wolfsbane from spreading. It was pointless. My vision started to go fuzzy and my body started to heat up. The man moved besides me. How?

He grabbed my ankles and pulled me along. Even though the Wolfsbane was taking affect, I wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Suddenly the evil me awoken, the one that tried to kill Luke.

I kicked the man, hitting him in the groin and causing him to cry in pain. I got up; anger flooding me even though I was still coughing and blood was running down my throat. I kicked the man again, hitting him in the stomach. I grabbed his hair, saw that his eyes were bright red and growled.

“Who sent you?” My voice dangerously low and threating.

The demon started to laugh, he reached out to me with his arm and I tore it out of its socket, flinging it and hearing it hit a nearby car. The demon scream, the sound making me smile from ear to ear.

“Tell me or I swear…” I allowed him to imagine what I’ll do with him, but he didn’t seem to notice me at all anymore. His gaze was on something behind me.

I turned slightly and stared in horror at Vincent. He looked exactly the same as he did when I first saw him. Short black hair and the most evil looking blood red eyes. He smiled, showcasing his perfect white teeth. My mark started to pulse, my body heated up in anger. Without looking at the lesser demon, I ripped off his head, feeling the blood oozed onto my hand. I knew that it was pointless, you couldn’t kill a demon that way, but still it felt good.

“Hello love, did you miss me?” He started to walk closer to me, with every step; his bite mark increased it pulsing.

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