Chapter 14

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(((((((Sorry for the wait, school started and it's been crazy. I don't think I'll be able to think after this school year -.- but yes i need you guys and beautiful ladies to comment. Please lately I've been thinking that I'm a sucky writer and I can't have if you don't think I'm a sucky writer :'( then COMMENT to tell me that I'm not! Please I love hearing from you guys >.< Loooveee you!)))))))

Oh and P.S does this chapter sound cheesy?!!!

I was eating breakfast when suddenly I heard tables being flip over and could hear the brawling of two of my pack mates. I rolled my eyes and finished my orange juice before I stood up and walked lazily over to the fighting scene.

Tom was straddling Eric and punching him while Eric tried to break his ribs. I watched as Eric got angry and flipped Tom over so they were sprawled sideways on the tile and they threw random kicks and punches.

"Stop." I told them but as usual they didn't listen. I sighed and cursed the moon.

I walked toward them but was pulled back by Dominic.

"Let me."

"Dominic no, I'm alpha I believe I can handle my pack." With that I moved into the opening and walked up to the two grown men.

Before I touched them i let my shields down, allowing my wolf to dominate theirs and then I grabbed each of them by their necks and pulled them up from the ground. Their eyes were already gold, their bodies were hot, ready to change. I pulled them toward the front yard and pushed them to the floor. Then I ran over to the hose before they got a chance to fight each other and I hosed them down.

"You know the rules! And your old enough to handle the moon power. Stop fighting each other like dogs. We are not dogs, ok? Deal with the moon, the full moon is only a couple days away now." I stop the hose and threw it to the grown and walked over to them. They were drench now, but at least their eyes had turn to normal.

I looked up into the sky imagining the moon smiling down upon me. Yeah make my pack mates crazy because of your power pull. How many times had this happen already? Oh yeah for like a week.

I stop talking to myself and crouched down toward my friends.

"I know that this time it's even more stronger because you haven't been able to bind with me, and your not used to my wolf, but trust me in three days everything will be fine." I cupped each of their cheeks and spread the warmth of my wolf. Tom sighed and leaned into my hand, while Eric's muscles loosen and he relaxed under my hand.

"There, now you can take a run but be back in a hour, we need to rotate the runs." They nodded and then dashed off to the woods. I could hear clothes being teared and bones cracking as they shifted. I let go of my sigh and walked back to the house.

Dominic leaned against the frame, looking at me with so much passion that I just wanted to go to him and wrap my hands around his waist. I wanted to be held by him, I wanted to feel that secureness that I was feel with him. I wanted him.

My wolf thought the same because she was standing up, her sliver eyes filled with need and her tail was swishing so much that I couldn't even see it.

It been a week and a day since he told me he loved me. After that, well I walked away from him. I couldn't accept him, not now at least.

I walked towards Dominic, growing warmer with each step until I was passing by him. I thought I was successful until he grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers together. He pulled me close until I was snuggled with his chest and he lifted our hands and kissed mine while he wrapped his other hand around my waist.

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