Chapter 3

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Ten minutes later I was sitting on top of the toilet seat fixing my shoelaces on my boots. Then I ran my hands through my wet hair since their was no hairbrush and paced the steel cross around my neck. I had re-broken my nose so it could heal right and fixed my dislocated arm in the shower for the same reason.

No more blood was on my body but it felt like there still was. After staring blindly into the mirror I walked out of the bathroom, placing my watch on as I went.

Dominic sat on the same chair he was in before, but stood around to face me when I walked back into the room.

"Five more minutes before your time limit is up, Scarlett," he said using my name, I stopped dead in my tracks and took a look at him.

He was tall, very tall, with long black hair that was tied in a pony tail at the nape of his neck. You could tell that he was muscular under his shirt but it was his eyes that drew you in. Dark blue eyes that almost look like they were black stared at me, his full lips curved up in a smile.

"Don't get to familiar with that name. You haven't even pledge yourself to me yet." I started to walk again this time toward the door where he stood.

"We should go." But he didn't move, but stared at me with his dark eyes.

Then very slowly he smiled, "I will forever be loyal to you, Scarlett Rose Mercer," he whispered as he took my hand and kissed my fingertip.

"I won't even ask how you know my full name," I said as I felt myself becoming hot. Then Dominic open the door and I asked him to lead the way.

The house was silent, the only giveaway that people were here was the beating of their hearts. Some fast, some slow, some normal. I walked into what I guessed what was the living room because the whole room was crowded by men.

Some sat on chairs, others on tables, the couches were jammed with huge bulky men, some men even sat on the floor. But when I walked in, every head turned my way, and stayed on me as I walk toward the front of the room. Once at the front I was going to do a head count but decided against it.

"Is everyone here?" I asked Dominic with a little more command that I planned on.

But he didn't say anything as he scanned the room, then he nodded.

I nodded absently to myself and then took a look at my pack. A lot were older than me, I mean I was only 19. But some were around my age and some were younger. But there was only males.

"My name is Scarlett Rose Mercer, I became your alpha by a fight with your previous leader, Samuel Blaze. I won, end of story. You know how this works, either accept me or go rouge." I paused letting my words sink in.

"I am not trying to be your best friend so I don't care if you hate me, but you better respect me. I will not tolerate anybody from disobeying me and there is to be no fights in this house. If you have a problem take it outside, no need to break more furniture that I'll have to replace. Taking about money, you are not to go to neighboring territories and steal from them, I have a business and I can handle any kind of expense you put in my way. So don't do anything foolish that I'll have to fix."

I paused and looked around the room, most of the men guarded their emotions but when I met naked boy's eyes (he wasn't naked right now though) anger filled them.

I ignored him and then leaned against the wall.

"Any complaints?" I wanted to close my eyes but didn't as I looked at them. No one moved and I was about to make everyone pledge themselves to me when naked boy stood up.

"I challenge you," he said his voice filled with anger.

"Your name?"

"Luke Wilson," he spat out.

I nodded, "any more challenges?" I glared at them but no one spoke up.

"Challenge accepted. Meet me outside in five minutes, I have to save the only clothes I have, right?" I gave a friendly smile and walked back toward my room.

I could sense Dominic following me, but I didn't care. I opened the door and went toward the bed, sat down and started un-lacing my shoe-ties. After I stuff my socks into my shoes, I unlatched my necklace and took off my watch. I could feel Dominic staring.

"Out," I commanded and watched as he closed the door behind him after sending me a smile. Then I tug my remaining clothes off, placing them in a heap on top of my bed and shifted.

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