Chapter 23

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((So many of you read this book....and it means a lot to me, but why can't you comment? Is it that hard for you to do? Am I asking too much? Tell me it's horrible (I don't really want that) but if thats the case then I'll try to fix it, tell me it's good. Don't automatically think that since I'm the author that I KNOW it's good, maybe I'm insecure? Maybe it's taking me all I have to write for you guys and ladies....

So all I ask is that you tell me how you feel about these books...If your a writer, you understand how much one comment....just one comment means to us. It boosts our motivation, takes away our writers block, makes us smile.

And the sad thing? I know that your not going to comment, but at least you know how I feel...))










Vincent grabbed my hand and twisted, making me shout in pain. Suddenly he was on top of me. His body held down mine as he yanked my hands until he was holding them on top of head. I growled at him, feeling anger as he pushed himself on me.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed and smashed my head against his. He snarled and yelled for someone.

I got my hands out of his hold and then took him by his hair and ripped him away, crying softly at the pain in my chest.

"Stop that before you get hurt, you insane women!" He shook his head and then grabbed my hands, shaking me so that I could stop. Then a man came, the lesser demon that shot me, he was holding a needle, and had an evil glint in his eye.

"Stop," Vincent tried telling me but I used everything in my power to push away from him and run away. There were all these different doors and staircases so I took the staircase closest. Running up the stairs, I went to the first room that I saw. The room was filled with demons and they stared at me like I was insane.

"Stop her," Someone growled and I saw the people move closer to me, without thinking I ran towards the window, smashing it. I felt the glass cut my flesh, could smell the fresh air and the snow. My body collided against the earth, the snow being a pillow for my fall; I scrambled to my feet and started to run.

Vincent lived in the woods, or away from civilization. So running away was harder for me to do, but I ran. The woods opened up to me, the dew filling my nose as I ran for safety. My heartbeat raced a mile a minute as I tried to escape, hearing voices and footsteps right behind me, making me run faster.

The snow made my feet numb seeing as how I didn't have my shoes on, but I jnew that I couldn't stop now. It was just too soon.

The sounds of footsteps were louder now, I could hear ragged breaths and when I looked behind me I saw the demon, I growled and turned around. I was sick of this!

I grabbed his neck when he was close enough and pulled so that he fell to the floor, I took his needle that was still in his hand and stuck it through his neck. When I heard his cry of pain, I leaped off him and ran. Only to be pulled by my ankle.

Everything went slow then, I watched as the demon pulled out the needle from his neck; saw that the needle was filled with the demon's blood and that it still had a liquid in it. I watched as someone grabbed my arms, not letting me go as the demon stuck the needle in my thigh, pushing on it, making the liquid fill my veins.

I screamed, but then stopped short. My eyelids going heavy and my head spinning, I tried to shout for help, I could feel that we were close to civilization. If only...only if I could just move....But I couldn't. I saw Vincent, his red eyes filling my sight of vision. Then black dots came...and I fainted.

When I awoke, I was in a room. I looked around and saw someone sitting down; he had short black hair and red eyes. Red eyes?

I shook my head and smiled at him, I must have been dreaming.

"Umm where am I?" My head burned and I felt like I was missing something incredibly important.

"Actually...what's my name?" I gave him a small laugh, and shook my head. I can't remember anything...

The man seemed to like my answer because he went up towards me.

"My name is Vincent Wells, your name is Scarlett Mercer Wells, and you're my wife. Darling, you fell from the second floor and you been in a coma for a few days now. But its okay, the doctor said that you'll be just fine."

"Wait...I'm your wife? And I fell? Been in a coma? Why can't I remember anything?" I felt myself start to hyperventilate, am I really married?

"Darling the doctor told me that there were some cases when someone who been in an accident that they could be amnesic, so don't worry. Your family is almost here, hopefully your regain your memory then." Vincent smiled and then sat down, taking my hands gently in his and looking at me with hope in his eyes.

"My family? I have family?" The man seemed to smile even more, and I frowned. Why was he smiling so much?

"Yes you have family...even though you haven't seen them in a few months." Vincent bended over and then kissed me. I was shocked, but if he was my husband...I must have loved him. So I allowed him to kiss me, he gently moved his lips against mine and when I sighed, he took control.

When he was done, I felt myself get warm, but at the same time I couldn't help but feel as though I betrayed someone...I shook my head and then smiled up at Vincent, seeing that his eyes were dark brown and not red. Yes I must really be insane.

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