Chapter 10

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I woke up from the dream gasping, my eyes quickly adjusted to the lack of light. Slowly I got up and walked toward the bathroom and took off my shirt.

The bite mark on my shoulder was barely visible but nonetheless still there.

I touched it slowly, following the teeth marks and I shivered.

Old memories crept into me and I had to force them down.

I didn't know why I dreamed about the past, and I didn't care, as long as it never happened again.

I walked back to my bed, placing my shirt back on and was going back to sleep when I saw my phone light up.

I looked through it and saw that I had a voicemail.

"Scarlett you need to help me.....I think there's someone..." I heard a crash and some screaming. "SCARLETT!" Angie's voice blasted through the phone along with a mysterious laughter. After a couple more seconds of screaming and fighting, everything went silent. Then I heard footsteps.

"Hello darling." My body froze and the man did a evil laugh, then clicked.

Anger filled me, overpower my worryiness for Angie.

I went to my closet and dressed for battle. Then I went to my drawers and took out two of my handguns and one shotgun. I quickly loaded them with sliver bullets and placed them on the bed while I put on my boots. Then I strapped the shotgun to my back and the handguns went to my waist. Anger filled me and as I tried to walk out of my room but stopped when I notice my pack was watching me by the entrance from the door.

"Fuck off." I didn't even recognize my deep dangerous voice but I was to angry to even care.

"Come on Scarlett, we can do this together." Luke said and tried to touch my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and flung him away. I heard the sharp impact of him hitting my wall but it didn't faze me. But I knew that I was going to regret it later, but later not now.

"Love, look at me." Someone said, but I couldnt. Angie's life was in danger and it was all my fault. He took her because I was too much of a threat. Fucking pussy.

"Look at me sweetheart." The deep voice said again and I stared at Dominic.

His deep blue eyes seemed to light up the room, and I immdiantly felt calm, and reasonable.

"Luke's right, it's better to do this together." Dominic said and I looked at him and realized that he along with everyone had guns strapped to ther bodies.

I stared at my pack, and I saw determination and anger filled their eyes.

I gave up and smiled even though anger still coursed through my veins.


I slowly crept along the wall to Angie's apartment. Making sure that no noise was made, Dominic, Jose and Derek did the same behind me. The handgun in my hand stayed still and we reached Angie's room.

The door was open and a disguesting silver smell filled the air. Dominic went on the other side of the door and silently pushed the door open. He went in first and I followed.

Tables and chairs were on the floor, her picture of her family was on the floor broken, the glass sprinkled on the floor. I cleared the living room, and bathroom and then went into her bedroom. Her bed was destroyed , her lamp was broken and her sheets were splayed on the floor. I crouched and took a look under her bed. I saw nail marks and knew where she was hiding when she called me.

Anger tried to consume me, but I cleared it away from my head.

I cleared the bedroom and went back to the living room.

I nodded at my friends telling them that it was clear, they nodded back.

Dominic came up from behind me and touched me. I turned and my eyes sight went straight to the red rose which seemed to glow in the dark.

I took the rose and crushed it in my hand, feeling the thorns cut into my skin. I threw it on the floor and felt my wounds closing.

"Do it." I said to Derek and Jose while I walked out of the apartment.

My anger seemed to fuel as I jumped to the ground.

I walked to my car and signaled for Joah to come. He moved out of the trees along with ten or more of my pack.

"Can you trace him?" I asked and he sniffed the air, then shook his head.

"Sorry Scar, too many smells, don't know which is his."

I nodded and then started to undress. My guns stood on the hood of my car along with my clothes and I quickly shifted.

I didn't want to and as my anger increased I knew exactly why.

I could almost see him taking Angie away, he had her over her shoulder, their scents too close for anything else. I felt her screams, there pain when he punched her quiet, I could see everything. Anger filled me and I found his trail easily and turned back to my pack.

"Follow me." I saw Dominic take my stuff and stuff it in my mustang while he turn on the engine. The rest of the pack did the same, going into their cars and getting ready.

Then I did what I did best. Ran.

I followed his trail and dismissed his fake ones. My body moved through cars and streets in seconds. The sound of tires screeching as my pack followed me was one of the last things of my mind. The only thing that consumed my thoughts was that somewhere Angie was being kept and most probably tortured. And with every step I took I was a step closer to saving her.

His scent ended up going into a forest and I stopped. A couple seconds later my pack cut their engine and piled out onto the ground.

"Joah you and your group is to shift and go in form the west. Luke's group goes in by the east and keep your guns at ready, everyone else can follow me."

I heard the soft ripples of my men changing and slowly followed the trail.

After thirty minutes of walking we saw a broken down warehouse. Cars surrounded the building and dirty smells imitated off of the house.

We waited a few minutes until I saw my men in position.

"Dominic shoot."

Five bullets left his rifle and collided against the glass of the warehouse. Quickly I took off at a run and hid behind the wall as the werewolves inside growled in surprise. The door slammed open and a handful of werewolves went out. A series of gunshots went off and the werewolves fell. Then I signaled for Dominic and jumped though the broken window.

I snapped my jaws at the werewolves, clawing them in surprised and snapping their necks in my mouth. The taste of blood filled my mouth as I kept on killing the wolves. Pain slashed through me as some got lucky but I ignore the burning pain and kept on killing. I heard howls of battle and wasn't surprised to see my pack beside me.

Currently I was stalking a small red wolf and was about to charge when she suddenly changed back to her human form.

"Please please stop. Why are you doing this? We haven't done anything, please just stop." she was laying down, tears streaming down her face as she begged me to stop.

Something wasn't right.

I howled and the battle seemed to halt. Everyone stare at me, their gold eyes filled with fear and confusion.

Anger fumed me and I was about to change when the warehouse wall lit up and the little girl attacked me.

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