Chapter 4

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Excitement made my body tremble, my wolf was let out two times today and I felt her excitement as if it were my own. But there was anger too, how dare a lowly pup challenge me? I thought to myself as I walked toward the door. I scratched and Dominic opened the door.

I wasn't small for a wolf, but I wasn't huge either, but I reached Dominic's chest as I stood up straight and walk toward outside to where my disobedient pup waited. Walking outside, the whole pack stood there waiting. And as I walked by, they moved.

Luke waited in the middle of the circle of werewolves. His wolf a beautiful color of black and white. Gold eyes met mine and anger fumed off of him. I felt our connection together and I pulled until I could hear him.

"Are you sure?"

But he growled and ran towards me. At the last second I dodge him as he slid on the dirt. He came running again and I moved away from him again. He growled and charged. My wolf yawn and when he was near I grabbed him with my claws and then circled around him until I was biting down on his neck. Sweet hot blood filled my mouth as he clawed my arms but I ignored him.

"Accept me." I demanded.

His body tremble as he was trying to disobey me but then our wolves faught a battle only we could see.

My wolf stood over his, mine pure white and silver eyes, his black and white with gold eyes. She placed a palm onto his chest and she growled, his wolf did not want to accept it but when my wolf growled again his wolf whimpered and bowed his head.

The fight was over, I softly unclench my teeth from his neck and stepped back. Luke turned around and bowed his head so deep into the earth that I thought he was going to become one with it. But my wolf just smiled as if she expected nothing less.

"I accept you, my Alpha." His voice filled my brain and I knew that the other wolves could hear him.

I turned toward the other werewolves and then they all bowed down low and repeated what Luke said.

About thirty or so voices said "I accept you, my Alpha," all at once in my head that I sway for a second.

"And I accept you as my pack, rise." They did, Luke one of the last ones to do so and they stared at me, their eyes no longer guarded. I smiled at them and saw some blush.

"Now I believe I'm going to sleep."

My pack nodded and some even said goodnight as I walked toward the house. They followed me as if they couldn't leave my side. Once inside and the door way was packed with lots of males, I bid them goodnight and walked over to my room.

Dominic came from behind me and opened the door. I walked inside on all fours and jumped onto the bed. Curling myself in a ball and was about to close my eyes when Dominic cough.

I barked at him to leave me alone but he didn't move.

"Here, shift and wear this to bed." He walked toward me and held out a white shirt and some sweatpants. I rolled my eyes at him but nodded my head as I bit the clothes and placed them on the bed.

"Go," I told him but he stood there looking at me. I jumped off the bed and growled.

"Is this you disobeying me?" I growled into his brain.

Within seconds the boor burst open and the hallway was filled with werewolves. I snap my fangs at them and growled.

"Close the damn door." They did and I turned to face Dominic again.

"Is it? Are you disobeying me when you already pledge yourself to me? Is it Dominic?" I growled losing hold of all my emotions that were filled up inside me. The torture I felt, the pain of facing my brother, the sadness of watching him leave, the anger of my pack's reaction toward me, everything was breaking.

Dominic was on his knees in front of me, and then he started to pet my ears.

I growled, snapping away at his fingers. "Answer the question?"

"No I'm not disobeying you Scarlett, I would never." His voice was serious and deep in my mind and then I nodded. Tightening my reins on my feelings, I huffed.

"Sorry," I spoke to him and I saw his eyes widen and then he chuckled.

"Never be sorry Scarlett, never." Then he stood and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. I could hear hush voices and I growled, they went silent and soon no one was by my door anymore.

I shifted and then placed on Dominic's clothing. Noticing with a smile that they were his because of his rich minty forest scent that clung to it. After dressing and a quick brushing of my teeth with my finger because I didn't have a toothbrush and I was under the covers, staring into the darkness since I turn off the light. I could smell Samuel scent strongly but snuggle into the pillow and inhaled Dominic's unique scent and found myself relaxing and then soon I feel into a deep sleep.

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