43 Being A Hero Gets You Killed

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We were ready.
I was ready.
Multiple witches, including Emerald and I placed a locator spell onto the woman. Their queen Their tyrant. She was called Elizabeth Dale.

The name ignited fury within me. Deep within my magic. Her name was familiar. Though I couldn't place it. As we walked onto the battle scene. I could already see the vampires hiding within the trees. Grayson, Garadide, Brayson and I lead the soldiers. We had used all of the soldiers we could. We knew this would be the last battle. stretching my hands, I let my magic rise to the surface. With both Grayson and Brayson on either side of me, I was as strong as ever. The magic flew from my body in waves.

There was a roar.

It was a sick sound.

In the distance. I saw vampires. My stomach dropped. They were moving so quick, it was like a mass of grey. I couldn't even see the end of their army.

We were going to fail.

We waited a few moments, letting them come to us. Though, in front of both Brayson and I, a man and woman appeared in front of us in a mist of green and white smoke. My magic heightened, it involuntarily flew from my body, so did Braysons. I knew who these people were, without them having to introduce themselves. They were the descendants of air and earth. We stared at each other as everyone watched out magic intertwine. The red, blue, green and white came together, swirling to make a deep, dark black.

"Let's get ready to kill these vampires," The earth woman spoke.- well- screamed. Our army roared in reply. Grayson's hand held mine

The earth woman flicked her hand, a grand tree fell over, killing some vampires. The wind man created a brisk wind, letting it throw some of the vampires over the land. I smiled as Brayson set multiple on fire. I cast scalding waves over them.

Our army ran, my mate turned into his wolf form, the rest of his pack followed, running into the sea of vampires, pushing stakes into their hearts.

The four decendents moved as one. The black magic still linking us together.

We pushed through the crowd of vampires swiftly. Their army was double ours.

The battle went on for days. Days upon days.

After a while. I had lost the other descendants, though I could see mountains forming, tornados and lava. I cast another stake into the vampire before me. Using my magic, I threw 7 at once, all striking different hearts.

My weak body rose up again, my protection spell now completely broken, in the distance, I saw a small figure run onto the battlefield. Ginger-blonde hair shooting out from his helmet. He held a small sword in both of his hands as he ran. My mouth fell open and I screamed.


Pushing my body up, I stood tall, sprinting across the battlefield. Forcing my body towards the small boy, he swung his small steak at another vampire. "JACOB!" I screamed, reaching my hand out, I tried to use my magic, to help. I was too weak. I will always be too weak. Why was he here?

The vampire smirked, easily grabbing the steak out of the child's hand. Jacob let out a small cry, as he picked up another stick from the ground, trying to bat the vampire away. The vampire let out an evil laugh, lightning hit the ground as the vampire pushed the steak into Jacobs's chest. "JACOB!" I screamed, falling down. Tears falling from my eyes. Another vampire ran past me, one I recognised as Noah, the air whipping past me. He pulled the other vampire to the ground, quickly taking out a steak of his own, stabbing it into his chest. 

Noah sped towards me, pulling me to his chest. "Come on," He mumbled, he also slowly picked up Jacob, using his speed, he sped us out of the main fighting area, into a patch of woods close. He laid Jacob onto the ground, I fell beside him, taking off his helmet, releasing his ginger locks.

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