Chapter 15

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"You will?!" The girls squealed over the phone, making my ears ring.

I reluctantly brought the phone back to my ear. "Yes, I told you that three times already," I laughed.

"Well, sorry you always work and barely relax during the day like a normal person." She gasped. "Are you a vampire, A? Is that why you don't go into the sun? Oh my god, don't worry, we support you."

"Olivia!" Quin lectured. "Ignore her, A."


"What time do you want to meet up?"

"Any time is good, but do you guys want to meet up in like," I checked the time on my phone. "Twenty minutes at the park?"

"Sure, we're cool with that."

"Umm, I haven't even gotten out of bed yet, though-"

"We'll see you there! Bye!" Quin hung up the phone, and I quickly followed. I was already dressed in a white tank top and black shorts. I wore a pair of black and white converse to match and I decided to complete the outfit with my dad's ring. 

It was a simple ring, but it meant a lot to me. He gave it to me the year of the accident. It was my birthday, and he explained to me that it wasn't just any ring, it was special.

"This isn't like any ring, sweetie. Look on the inside."

Inside the ring, he managed to get words engraved on it.

Your prince will find you someday. For now, enjoy the present.

I had lived by those words when I was a child, but when he died, my belief went with him. How could I enjoy the present if he was in the past?

A knock pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You can come in, mum," I called out. The door slowly opened, revealing mum still in her pajamas.

"Oh, look at you, Ava! All dressed up. Are you not going to work today?"

I shook my head with a smile. "Not today, mum. I'm going to hang out with Liv and Quin. I'll see you later?" I asked as I swung my bag over my shoulder. She gave me a nod, and with that, I left the room.

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later, I was walking down the path of the local park with Olivia and Quin next to me.

"So, why'd you decide to finally take a break from work?" Quin asked from my left.

I shrugged. "No reason, just felt like a break."

Olivia scoffed. "Yeah, are you sure that's the reason, or is it because of a certain prince?" My cheeks heated up at her suggestion.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just felt like I should take a break for the day," I defended, but Liv just laughed.

"So, you worked without a single break for years because you didn't feel like taking a break?" She nudged my arm. "Come on! Just admit that you didn't want to see His Royal Hotness today."

"Ok, first of all, don't call him that. Second of all, I would tell you if it were true, but it's not."

"Oh, come on!" She scoffed and look to the woman on my left. "Quinnie, you agree with me, right?"

"I have to admit," my head whipped to her, "you were pretty freaked out last night."

"Not you too," I groaned and dragged a hand down my face. Quin shrugged with a small smile while Liv gave a successful 'humph.'

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