Chapter 26

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I didn't touch anything in the room as I waited for Olivia and Quin to show up. I bit my thumbnail as I paced back and forth in my now messy room. I heard the front door slam shut and two pairs of rushed footsteps heading towards my room. I stopped my pacing and stared at the two people rushing through my door, out of breath. Liv hung onto the doorknob as she kneeled to the ground to catch her breath. Quinnie stood behind her with her hands on her knees, panting.

"We came as fast as we could," Quin panted, finally looking up to me before her eyes widened at the scene behind me.

"We sure did, and I honestly think that we were faster than Bolt for a second-the dog, not the person. And in the car, not on foot. We definitely can't run that fast-" Liv stopped herself as soon as she looked up and saw the same mess and Quinnie. They were both silent as they took it all in. If I hadn't known there was a person following me that night, I would've been surprised too. This is a very safe town, and there were rarely any break-ins.

"Holy shit!" Liv was the first to say something, and I couldn't help but wholeheartedly agree. "What the hell happened?!"

"I don't know! I came home from your house and as soon as I walked into my room, it was like this! I don't know how anyone would manage to sneak through the front door without waking my mum up!" I said rather loudly, but I lowered my voice slightly at the end of the last sentence.

"Well, are you sure they went through the front door?" Quin asked as she and Liv carefully came into my room and started looking around.

"Of course, they did! There was no other way to get i-" I stopped my gaze landed on the window. I had already closed it, but it was open when I had walked into the room. "Shit..."


"I left the window open when Louis came over! How could I be so stupid?!" My hands clung to my hair and pulled on it.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't beat yourself up about it!" Quin strode over to me and pulled on my hands, successfully taking their grasp off my hair. "You made a mistake; it happens. Sure, usually not to this extent, but you can't change what you did. All you can do is make sure it doesn't happen again." She comforted me, and I took a deep breath.

Even though she was right, I still felt like an idiot. How could I let something like that happen? I was basically asking for someone to break in and take my stuff. Although I hadn't checked, it didn't seem like anything was gone, even if they were out of place.

"I know I'm asking a lot of you guys right now, but do you think you could help me see if anything is missing?" I mumbled as I picked at my fingers once more.

"A, you've barely asked us for anything, and you haven't got a thing to worry about; we're always here to help you. That's what friends are for," Quin stated as she took a step back. "Let's get looking then, shall we?"

* * * * *

After about an hour of looking around and reorganising, we had finished our search, but came up fruitless.

"Are you guys sure you didn't find anything?" I asked for what seemed like the hundredth time, but the two shook their heads.

"I'm surprised that we didn't see more clothes thrown around, if I'm being honest. Are you sure that you still have all of them?"

I walked over to my wardrobe. "Of course I am. They're all right-" My sentence was cut short as soon as I opened the doors. Most of my clothes were there, but it was the ones that weren't that made my stomach drop.

"...They took some of them," I mumbled.

"Which ones?" I heard Olivia ask, but I stayed silent. "A, did you hear me? I said, which on-" Her voice stopped as she realised what clothes I was talking about. "That is so sick."

"Don't worry, A. You can borrow some of mine and I'll go out and buy some more for you," Quinnie spoke, and I muttered a weak thank you.

I heard some quiet chattering between the two behind me, but I didn't turn around. "We need to get going, A. I'll bring the clothes to you tomorrow."

I didn't answer, just nodded. And with that, they left the house, leaving me to wallow in my thoughts.

* * * * *

It was the next day. I had done everything as usual. Quin and Liv had brought me some extra clothes, and I told Louis that they were some clothes that I had left at their house.

But right now, I was sitting on my bed with my hair in a half up half down style, and my make-up done. All I was waiting for was the dress.

I had already talked to my mum about the break-in, and she suggested we move, but I reminded her that we didn't have the money for it. We agreed to change the locks, but then we had to cut down on food for the rest of the month, otherwise we wouldn't have a roof over our heads. And I know that the problem wasn't with the locks, but we may as well get better quality ones.

I was sat on my bed just waiting, until there was a knock on the front door.

I quickly got up and rushed to the front door, slightly anxious on who it was.

"Can you get the door please, Ava?" Mum called out from her room.

"Already on it!" I called back and I had reached the door in a moment of seconds. My hands grasped the door handle and I pulled the door open.

"Hello, how can I help you-" I started, but paused when I saw Louis standing in front of me. He scanned my face with a smirk.

"My, my, princess," he smirked, "you look incredible." I was glad that I was wearing make-up to hide the blush that rose to my cheeks.

My hands subconciously rose to my hair. "Thank you, but what are you doing here?" It was only then I noticed the black box he held in his hands, topped with a pretty purple bow. Louis followed my gaze and gave me a grin.

"Well, I wanted to personally deliver the dress for the ball tonight," he shook the box lightly and I peered up at him.

"Really?" He nodded and handed me the box. "Thank you so much, Louis. I don't know what to say." Louis took a step toward me and gave me a small kiss.

He pulled away with a smile. "You could wear it. I had it custom made for you."

I raised an eyebrow and gave him a teasing look. "How do you know my measurements? Even I don't."

Louis shifted a bit as he stood, and rubbed the back of his neck. "I admire you, and I may or may not admire your body as well from time to time. Sue me." He said the last part with such confidence and looked me right in the eyes as he spoke. At this point, I don't there was enough make-up to hide the redness in my face. But I refused to let him see me flustered.

"Well, I can confidently say the same," I stated with a small smirk of my own. Louis raised his eyebrows with a smirk, and I thought I saw a slight redness in his own cheeks.

"Oh, is that so?" He chuckled. "Well, maybe we could admire one another's body in more detail soon," he flirted as he leaned his head down slightly. Ok, now that got me much more flustered.

Louid chuckled again at my embarrassed behaviour. "It's alright, mon amour. We still have plenty of time." He leaned down and gave my cheek a soft peck. "I'll see you later tonight, I'll find you. Unless you manage to find me first." He gave me a cheeky grin, and I returned one of my own.

"Oh, don't worry, I will." Louis chuckled inwardly and gave me one last kiss on the lips before he left.

Hopefully, tonight would be a good night.

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