Chapter 37

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Hello, peeps! Thank you all for all of your reads and votes!
Enjoy your reading!


"Alright, everybody knows the plan?" I leaned over the round table, staring down the people sitting around it. Everybody nodded expressionlessly except for one.

"Don't you think you're being a bit over the top?" Olivia pointed out, leaning on her arm on the table, already appearing done with the conversation.

I stared down at her. "He's my boyfriend. I'm going to take this seriously."

She raised her eyebrow.

"And also, on an unrelated note, he's the prince, so of course I'll be over the top."

"Yeah, I have to agree with Olivia on this one," Quin added with her hand halfway up. "It's actually kind of weird, I find myself agreeing with Olivia much more these days."

"Yes, maybe we should stay away from that. I can only deal with one person at a time," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Well, I  for one think that this is a fabulous plan," Sam chimed in.

I waved him off. "Sam, stop being a suckup."

"Wha-" He threw his hands up and shook his head.

"I agree, and also-" Liv turned to him in her seat, "I've never actually seen you aside from on the news." She laughed.

"That's funny, nobody watches the news. I was actually looking for something to watch and I flicked past the news and you happened to be on." She rambled and Quin cleared her throat. "So my point is, how and why are you here? Aren't you close to Louis or something?"

"Why, yes, I am."

She turned back to me. "So don't you think that he would go tell Louis about the party?"

"No, because if he does then he won't be able to tell anyone else anything," I said plainly and the three of them did a double take.

"And also because I'm his bestfriend and that I can actually get him to the party without seeming suspicious..?" Sam added hesitantly.

"Yes, and obviously that."

I didn't miss the look Liv gave Quin.

"A, are you sure you're not just a little bit..." Quinnie paused. "Stressed?"

"Of course I'm stressed, I was never hiding that." I sighed. "But anyway, we all know what we need to do?"

"Yes, you only asked us less than ten minutes ago," Olivia mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, I'm just making sure. This is very important."

"You know what's sad?" Liv asked. "I don't think you've ever put this much effort into my birthday party."

"Well, I guess that says a lot then, doesn't it?"

"Geez, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." Sam commented wide eyed.

"Sorry. Stressed, remember?"

"Damn, A, are you secretly cool?" I rolled my eyes at Liv's comment.

"I'm always cool."

"Mmm," she shook her head, "no." I rolled my eyes. Again.

God, I can't deal with this today.

"Alright, how's about instead of getting distracted, we go get ready? The party is staring soon and Sam, you need to get Louis there. Do you think you'll be able to do that?"

Sam clicked his tongue with a nod. "No problem."

"Ok," I turned back to the other two. "You guys think you'll have enough time?"

"Of course we will," Quinnie smiled, "we'll get it done in no time."

"Good, good, good," I mumbled, nodding my head. "So, we're all ready?"

"Oh, for the last time, yes!" Liv rolled her eyes.

I smiled. "Alright, let's do this."

* * * * *


"So where are we going again?" Louis sighed, following me as I lead us to my car.

"I'm taking you out."

He eyed me suspiciosly. "...On my birthday?"

'Mmhmm' was all I answered with as I continued to walk. There was no way I was going to tell Louis, otherwise Ava would... I don't even know, but no way I was risking it. She was scary.

He rolled his eyes before grabbing my arm, forcing me to stop and look at him.

"Let me make sure I have this right - you, are taking me out on my birthday." I nodded. "...I know what you're doing."

"That can't be possible, because I'm not doing anything suspicious."


"Not telling me where we are going on my birthday is suspicious enough." A thought crossed his mind and his suspicious look turned into one of hope. "Did Ava put you up to this?"

"What? No!" I said way  too innocently. How was I doing so bad at this?

Louis' frown immediately turned into a full on grin.

"She did, didn't she?" He asked, hearing the excitement in his voice clearly.

"No dude," I paused, letting out a sigh. Time for some Oscar award winning acting. "Your parents did."

And just like that, his smile vanished.

"Seriously? Again?" I nodded solemnly. He sighed, his happiness quickly turning into disappointment. "And they want you to escort me there, I assume?"

I nodded again. "They didn't want me to tell you, they wanted it to be a surprise."

Of course, they had done it far too many times for it to even be considered as a surprise anymore. It was the perfect lie.

He slid into the backseat of my car as I got ready to drive. "At least tell me Ava will be there?" I looked at him through the mirror.

"I'm not sure, they didn't tell me." He sighed sadly and looked out the window in misery. I barely held back my smile as I slid on my sunglasses and turned the key.

Damn, I'm good. I even got him sad.


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