Chapter 51

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The sound of rain pattering on the ground was soothing as I packed up the market stand, umbrella in hand. I cursed my boss for making me stay late and pack everything away. At least I was getting paid overtime, money was tight.

I ignored the light drops of water that fell on my arm. These past few months had been hell. My friends were still upset with me, especially Quinnie, but it's not like I had much of a choice unless I wanted Louis' life to go downhill.

Mum supported me though. She understood both sides of the situation and was there when I needed to vent about Quin and just everything.

I turned around, ready to face the rain and walk home. I wanted nothing more than to see Louis and explain everything, but I couldn't. I couldn't be selfish. His safety is more important, and the way he is seen by his future people - no, his now kingdom is almost just as important. But it doesn't stop the way I wish I could talk to him-

I don't know what I expected to see, but it definitely wasn't Louis standing a couple of metres away from me.

He looked even better than when I last saw him. Ever since he was crowned king, he wore his crown with pride, well, from what I've seen on T.V. He wore something similar to his dad's old clothing, the royal texture, and material, altered to his body type. He looked incredible, even with his hair stuck to his stuck, damp from the rain.

I wanted to run over to him, tell him everything and beg and plead for forgiveness, but I didn't. I couldn't throw everything away after so long, that would make all of this pointless. So if it meant I had to hurt him again and again, then I would do it. I would do whatever it took.

"Your Highness," I nodded, my face blank. Just because I wanted him back didn't mean all of this didn't feel awkward. Maybe if I was rude, he would leave.

The king nodded back. "Ms. Harlow." His arms were hidden under his cloak as he stood tall, just metres away from me. I clutched onto my umbrella tightly, starting to feel anxious as he stared at me in silence.

I wanted to ask him how he found me, but then I remembered; he was the king now, not the prince. And not my boyfriend.

So I just stood there, and he did too. The silence was uncomfortable, the sound of rain on the ground filling the void of our voices.

"You can be a very difficult woman to find when you want to be, Ms. Harlow." The king's voice echoed in the empty space of the markets. I didn't know whether to be thankful for him breaking the silence or not.

I shrugged, pulling my bag more securely on my shoulder. "What can I say? I aim to please."

"Well, it isn't very pleasing. But thankfully, I don't have to look any longer." I just stared at him silently. "I didn't see you at my coronation."

"Yeah, I didn't go." I shot back. I didn't want to be rude, but if I was, he would leave, surely. "My apologies, Your Highness."

He shook his head. "Don't call me that."

"It's what I'm meant to call you." He sighed. "We don't have the same relationship from eight months ago, and you know that."

"Even so, I don't like you calling me that."

"Well, you'll just have to deal with it." He looked off to the side, and his jaw ticked slightly. Puddles started to form, and I was dreading the walk home.

"Why did you leave me?" I looked up at him, his eyes already on me.

"Like you said," I swallowed, "I was using you."

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