Chapter 54

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As soon as Louis left, I had regretted asking him to go out tonight. Apparently, it didn't occur to me that he was a freaking king, which meant I had to look like a freaking queen. A queen. I do not have the kind of clothes a queen wears. Most of my clothes were jumpers and tracksuit pants.

By the time 5 came around, I still had nothing. I had done my hair and spent hours on my make-up, but I was wearing my pajamas. I felt so bad when I picked up my phone to call Louis. He answered instantly. "Hello, mon étoile."

"Hi," my voice was quiet, and Louis immediately noticed that something was wrong.

"What's the matter, my love?" 

My eyes stared to well up. I didn't know why, it was just clothes. "I don't have anything to wear."

"That's alright, my love, just come in whatever you're wearing."

"I can't go out with you in my pajamas. I don't have anything that would look good enough."

Louis sighed. "He should have been there by now."

I sat up from my bed confused. "Who?" Just then, there was a knock at the front door. Taking the phone with me, I opened it to see a man holding a few hanging garment bags and some boxes behind him. He handed me a clipboard, and I signed for the packages.

"What is all of this, Lou?"

"Look inside a box." I did as he said, almost dropping my phone.

"Holy crap." He laughed. "You bought all of these for me?"

"Of course, my love. If I'm being completely honest, I was hoping you would call me."

I raised an eyebrow, taking the boxes  and hangers inside. "Really?"

"I remember when I looked in your wardrobe a few months back and didn't see very many clothes. So, I took the liberty to buy you a few."

"A few?"

"Don't worry, there's more here for you."

I rolled my eyes. "That's not what I meant, Lou."

He laughed. "I know, mon étoile."

"Then you also know I'm going to pay you back."

"Uh, uh, uh," the smile in his voice was obvious. "What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine. That means everything, my love."

I hooked my finger through the coat hanger and lifted the dark green floor-length dress, smiling at the beauty of the dress and the words of my boyfriend. "Does that mean you're going to wear my clothes too?"

Louis laughs heartily. "No, my cheeky girl, I won't. But you'll wear mine."

The smile on my face was so wide it hurt my cheeks. "Thank you so much, Louis."

"Anything for you, Ava. I'll see you at 7. Je t'aime."

"I love you too." I really needed to learn French. The only reason I knew what he said was because everything he said a few nights ago were on repeat in my mind. I don't think I'd ever be able to forget.

I eagerly ran into the bathroom, putting on the dress and fixing up my hair. At 6:59, I stood in front of the door, waiting for Louis. As soon as the clock ticked 7, a knock came from the door. I took a moment before I opened the door, grinning at the handsome man waiting.


"Hello, mon étoile." He smiled, pulling out a bouquet of flowers from behind his black suit.

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