Chapter 32

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Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you all for the reads and votes. It really encourages me to continue to write this and my other books, and I'm glad that there are people enjoying it. I also wanted to use this time to say that I will be publishing new chapters once a week on Tuesdays, so look out for that.

Anyways, happy reading!


It was a good idea to finally tell Louis about the creep, and I managed to ease the conversation into how somebody broke in. He was much more furious about that, but I somehow calmed him down, using just a little bit of Liv's advice. Just a bit. Louis was happy with that, but he didn't let it go, because as soon as we stopped, he said that regardless of what I said he was going to install better security in my house. I tried to say that it wasn't necessary, but he just cut me off with what we were doing before. That time I wasn't the one complaining.

Louis stayed the night and took me to work this morning. We took the bus again, and Louis managed to retain from being so excited when everyone else was miserable to get the bus to work.

"Louis, seriously, you don't have to stay with me," I said as I turned my head to him as we walked hand in hand. "It's really not interesting to run a fruit stand."

He looked down at me with a grin. "It doesn't sound too appealing, but it most certainly is with you." He gave my hand a squeeze and I smiled in return. It felt like we had reached another level last night. I don't know why, but I felt like we got closer than we were before. And I really liked that feeling.

We made our way to the stand, and we set everything up. We had some time to spare thanks to Louis' help, so we waited until people started to rock up.

"So, I was wondering something," I started. Louis looked up at me. "What did you say to me last night? During the game?"

Louis leaned back in his seat slightly with a cheeky grin, putting his hands behind his head. "I would love to tell you, mon ange, but that would take all the fun out of it." I tilted my head.

"Is that a new nickname?"

His grin grew. "You can tell?"

I shrugged softly. "Well, you usually call me mon étoile or however you pronounce it." Louis' eyes furrowed slightly but his smile remained.

"That pronunciation is flawless."

I felt my cheeks heat up at the compliment. "Thank you." Louis looked at me for a couple of seconds before he stood up and walked towards me. I stopped leaning on the table and kept my eyes locked on Louis. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he slid one of his hands on the small of my back and the other resting on my waist. I set my hands on his chest and continued looking at him. He held me for a few moments before he finally spoke.

"It means my star." I was confused for a second before I realised what he was talking about.

"Mon étoile?"

He nodded. "Remember how our first date was stargazing?"

I smiled. "How could I forget?"

Louis smiled back at me. "Well, you seemed to enjoy it so much, and it was the day you finally agreed for us to be together." His hand rubbed my back softly. "I knew that it suited you perfectly."

I didn't respond, I just wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. I listened as his heartbeat quickened before slowing down as he hugged me back. I felt him lay his chin on my head and we stood there in each other's arms.

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