Chapter 52

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Hi, everyone! I hope you all are having a great day and are looking after yourselves. This is probably going to be one of the last few chapters, so I'm excited to start a new book for you all! Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter, and I hope you have a fantastic week!



As soon as we stepped foot into the room, I realised I had never been in Louis' bedroom before. The walk to Louis' house was just what I needed. It was raining a little bit, but it felt so comforting being around Louis.

I wasn't sure what people would think of some random person walking through the gates with the king, but they didn't say anything, bowing as we walked past. He held me close, holding me gently by the waist as we strode through the giant hallways.

Finally, we made it to Louis' room, and it was way bigger than I thought it was. It felt like it was the size of my house, with a bed probably double the size of mine at home.

"Uh, yeah, this is my room," Louis said as he walked up to me from behind. I gave him a look and he laughed softly, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yes, I know, I sound like a teenager bringing a girl home for the first time.

"But to be fair," he began to sway slightly, "it is the first time bringing home a woman I love."

"Oh, really?" I gave him a small smile. "You've never liked any women before?"

"The women I liked are very different from the woman I love." He kissed my forehead, resting his head on top of mine. We swayed from side to side in silence, in the comfort of his room. I knew I had missed him, but I had forgotten exactly how good being around him felt. The way I fit in his arms just felt so right. I wondered if he thought the same.

I tried stifling a yawn, but Louis noticed. "You tired?" I nodded gently. "Come, let's get you ready for bed." He led me to another door in his room, revealing a grand bathroom. He left for a second before coming back with a shirt and some shorts.

"Here, you can wear these," he handed me the clothes. "I'll wait for you in bed."

Once he left the bathroom, I changed into his clothes. They were big on me, but that just made it so comfortable. It even smelled like him too.

I washed my face before I went back into Louis' bedroom. He had already changed out of his royal attire into some pajamas and was laying under the covers with a phone by his ear.

"Thank you again. I'll make sure she gets home safely. Have a good night." He ended the call and looked over at me with a smile. "That was your mother, I was just informing her that you wouldn't be coming home this evening."

I crawled onto the bed, diving under the soft covers. "Thank you, Louis."

"Anything for you," he mumbled as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss against my lips. It was a calming, loving kiss, and I found myself sinking into Louis' touch.

He pulled me into him, holding me close. He leaned down, spreading kisses all over my shoulder. "I love you so much," he said against my skin.

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'll never get tired of hearing you say that." I felt his smile against my shoulder. He pulled away suddenly and his arms tightened around my waist as he lay his head on my chest.

"Um, Louis?" He hummed in response. "What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep."

"...On me?" All he did was hum. I asked him again, but he gave me no answer. "Louis?" I muttered, leaning over slightly to look at his face.

His steady breathing was sign enough that he was somehow asleep already, but I didn't mind. It was adorable. The small curls that rolled over his head, and his slightly parted lips as he slept. How did I manage to get so lucky? Louis is so incredible.

With a smile, I found myself drifting off to sleep with no struggle, only comfort.

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