Chapter 50

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Hi, everyone! I hope you all have had a wonderful day and are looking after yourselves. This chapter is a bit iffy, but the next one will be far better ;) Your thoughts are appreciated, and I hope you enjoy it!

Louis POV

The day was finally here. My coronation. I had been excited about this day ever since I was a child, but now that it was finally here, I was feeling quite nervous.

My parents were beyond excited. They were so happy that I was finally taking over the mantle. I wasn't sure how many times I had heard about stories from when I was a child, but they spared no expense.

"It's gonna be weird with you being the king." I looked in the mirror at Sam as he waltzed into the room. "Am I gonna have to start calling you Your Highness?"

"If you start being annoying. Oh, wait..."

"Haha," he rolled his eyes, "you're so funny. Too bad you're going to lose your humour as soon as you become king."

I straightened my suit. "Too bad you won't have a job if you keep this up."

"You've gotten better."

"No, thanks to you," I smirked, adjusting my tie slightly.

Sam laughed and slumped into the chair beside the mirror. "Is it gonna be weird when you're the king?

"What do you mean?"

"Like, are we still gonna hang out, or is that gonna stop since, you'll be busy ruling the kingdom, or whatever." He rolled his eyes, looking away from me.

I glanced at my best friend momentarily. We had tried having this conversation once or twice when we were younger, but it always got too serious for us to handle.

I remained quiet. I wasn't sure what to tell him. Obviously, I didn't want our friendship to get damaged, but that was out of my control. Who knew what would happen once I become king.

"Whatever happens," I spoke, "I hope you know how much our friendship means to me." He glanced up at me, head in hand, smiling slightly.

"You know I do." He stood, giving me a brief hug. "I'll see you at the ceremony." He clasped my shoulder encouragingly before he walked out, leaving me alone once again. I looked back at my reflection, taking a deep breath.

This was it.

* * * * *

"Welcome, everyone. We are here today to..." His voice faded as I stood there. I tried to stay focused, but my mind kept drifting off.

Everyone was gathered in the great hall of our home. There were so many people, that it felt as though everyone was squished side-by-side. The room was decorated with spectacular colours, as well as a long red carpet leading to where I was currently standing, kept clear by guards. It looked incredible.

"Prince Louis, Your Majesty, please repeat after me." I put my hand over my heart, listening intently. It was incredible with just a few words and actions, I become king.

Something I've worked towards for years on end, seemingly endless nights of learning, all coming together in a single day.

And yet I didn't have the woman I desired to share it with.

"It is my greatest honour, and pleasure, to announce for the first time, King Louis Howard II ." I turned around, and the crowd applauded wildly, and it was impossible to hear my thoughts.

I looked out at the incredible crowd in front of me, my father's old crown now mine, resting on my head. My parents stood by the side, their arms draped over each other as they smiled widely.

My heart seemed to ache at the sight of them. All this hard work finally paid off. I wouldn't need their help anymore. I smiled over at them as I wondered what they would do with all of their spare time now.

I began to make my way past the crowd behind the guards and barricades and into what was now my home. Finally, I could hear myself. But as I strode in, it felt different from before. It felt...empty. Lonely, even. My footsteps seemed to echo in the halls as I headed to my new office. Once my father's, now mine, to be passed onto children of my own.

It felt strange sitting in my father's old chair. I had only ever seen him sit here, and my mother on the rarest of occasions.

But I couldn't think of that right now. I didn't want to spend long alone as king. I needed to see Ava by my side. I don't think I could picture myself happy without her.

Not seeing her on such a special day felt wrong in so many ways. I had tried finding her in the crowd, but it was impossible. I didn't even know if she bothered coming.

Even if she did or didn't, I needed her to know that I wanted her back. I don't think I'd be able to live on with her thinking I hated her. Even before I found out what happened, I didn't hate her. I never could, no matter how hard I tried. And believe me, I had tried.

So even if she didn't want me back, I was going to tell her how I feel. I was going to do everything I could to let her know.

I just hope it wasn't too late.

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