Chapter 16

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Gabriella Monet POV

"Bianca, like you, was a palace servant."

Teale began his story. We were both seated outside the castle under a tree. I hadn't gone outside since I first entered the castle, so seeing the sun after so long brought a smile. The sun does not affect vampires as it does in movies and books. The vampires, like humans, admire the sun. It was natural, and it deserved to be recognized.

"Are you listening to me?" Teale inquired beside me.

"Yes. I'm simply enjoying nature." I told him and smiled at him.

"I was the first to speak to Bianca when she arrived at the castle as a slave, but Slade asked her out first, so we became friends." He conveyed his regret.

"How did Bianca die?" I questioned whether I was prepared to listen to his terrible narrative.

"The king assassinated her."


"Because Bianca murdered the Queen's sister."

"What?" I refused to think she would ever do it. Call it instinct or anything, but I believe she will never do that.

"Exactly. She was framed." Teale explained. "I didn't think she'd do it."

"But Slade could have saved her. Why didn't he do that?"

"Because I had no option," Slade's angry tone echoed behind us, and I jerked up in fear. "So this is where you were?"

"Slade. I..." I attempted to speak, but I couldn't find any words. I wasn't afraid to talk to him, but I did feel like I was betraying him.

"You're talking about Bianca when you should apologize for putting Vervain into my water."

"Slade. It's not what you think; I try...." Slade snapped Teale's neck, and he slumped to the ground before Teale could continue his speech.

"What did you do?" I shouted in terror. "Did you kill him?" I yelled and dashed to wake Teale up.

"Don't waste your time. I just put him to sleep."

"What is your issue?" I left Teale's side and charged at him, but he grabbed my hand and dragged me closer to him.

"I  have gotten soft on you lately," he hissed, grabbing a fistful of my hair.

"What are you doing?" I let out a shriek.

"I'm teaching you a lesson." He dragged me inside the castle by my hair. His grasp on my hair was too firm, and I could feel my scalp tearing. When they saw me, everyone who passed us shook their heads. Slade pulled me into his room and shut the door.

"What the hell..." He stopped me with a kiss, and when I protested, he bit my lips and sucked on my blood. His kiss was violent, unlike the last time he kissed me passionately. He lifted me and flung me on the bed. I landed forcefully on the bed, and before I could say anything, he landed on me. He kissed me again, and I thought my lips would tear. I tried to push him, but he wouldn't budge. His hands discovered my clothing and pulled them, revealing my underpants. My heart raced immediately as I imagined being raped.

"Slade!" I shouted in my head because I knew he'd hear me. "What are you doing? Allow me to go!"

He appears to notice and has stopped kissing me. "What the hell is your problem?" I stated it aloud, and he put his lips back on mine.

"Beg to be set free." He told me.

"Never, " I rejected and spat in his face.

"Then watch as I damage every aspect of your body." He threatened, but it wasn't just any threat. One of his hands discovered my breast and rubbed it. I moaned at his touch and instantly regretted it. "You seem to enjoy it. How about I suck your nipples?"

When he stated it, my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. I attempted to push him away, but he wouldn't budge. Both of his hands found their way to my waist. He stroked it and touched my pants. I yelled, but he put his palm over my mouth.

"Beg to be free or beg to be fucked," he said into my ears. His warm breath sent thrills down my spine. "Beg Gabriella," he said once more.

A single tear escaped my eyes, quickly followed by other tears. Slade massaged every area of my body, and I felt my body respond, but I didn't love it. I was disgusted with myself for allowing a blood-sucking demon to touch me. I did something I never thought possible, I begged. "Please let me go." I sobbed.

Slade laughed as he saw the tears on my cheeks. He appeared to be relieved that I was depressed. This made me hate him even more, and I wanted to murder him, but I couldn't since I was powerless. "So you could plead," he said as he rose from my body and sat on his bed. "This should serve as a warning to you, Gabriella. I can be wicked and ruthless. I don't want you to talk to Teale again."

"Is this about Teale?" I was able to express myself. My voice sounded croaked from crying so much. "You almost raped me because of Teale?"

"Gabriella, I do not rape women. They ask me to take them to their beds. You don't get to talk about Bianca with anyone, especially Teale."

"If that's all, I'll go to my room. Teale is my friend! You can't make me leave him."

"You can't be with Teale. I am your master, and I have authority over you, so you will learn to listen to me!" He yelled at me, and I cringed. He tried to touch me, but I moved out of his way. "Whatever you're feeling right now is none of my business."

"Why would that be your concern? You're a vampire, and I'm sure you have no feelings because you don't have a heart. What you did today makes me loathe you even more, Slade." I told him and stood up to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" he inquired.

Instead of responding, I straightened my clothes and walked to the door, but before I could open it, he was in front of me. "Don't turn away from me when I'm talking to you, Gabriella."

"I'm just going to my room. Okay!" I screamed at him. I expected him to put his hands on me, but instead, he sighed and folded his arms.

"Go change your clothes in your room and then come back to tidy my room. It appears a little sloppy."

I bowed my head and stared into his eyes. "Yes, your highness," I made care to stress the phrase highness.

"Gabriella," he started to say, but I pointed to the door. He moved away from the door, and I opened it and walked outside.

When I got to my room, I collapsed on my bed and sobbed. I kicked and screamed, but I wasn't satisfied. I dashed into the bathroom and scrubbed my body several times until I felt clean. I looked in the bathroom mirror after a thorough cleaning. I was disgusted with myself as I stroked my hair. I dashed into my room and noticed scissors on one of the shelves. I returned to the restroom and stared at myself. I raised the scissors and began cutting my hair till I was satisfied. My once-long hair was now short and hardly reached my neck. I screamed as I glanced at my new self.

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