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Gabriella Monet POV

Slade avoided me like the plague after the Vervain incident, which didn't bother me initially, but by the third day, I couldn't help but think about it. I wasn't sure why I was thinking about him, but I remembered what Bianca told me about Slade in my dream.

"You and Slade have a connection."

Whatever bond Slade and I had had to be severed because I wouldn't say I like his gut, and I'm sure he despises mine. Since My master, Prince Slade, had refused to speak with me. I had been in my room for three days without leaving.

when I couldn't take it any longer on the fourth day and walked out. Slade's room was close to mine, and as I walked past it, I noticed Luciana exiting.

" it's the Vervain girl." She laughed. "What exactly are you doing here?" She inquired.

Slade exited the room as soon as I opened my mouth to respond to her. When our gazes met, I noticed his eyes changing from ocean blue to golden. I couldn't tell what emotions were in his eyes, and when it appeared that the staring contest was wasting my time, I averted my gaze and turned to walk away.

"Can you tell me where you're going?" After three days, Slade finally spoke to me.

I didn't turn or respond to him as I walked away, ignoring his and Luciana's yells. Because I was angry, I didn't want to say anything to him. I had no idea why I was mad because I saw him with Luciana, but it hurt like someone was piercing my heart with a sword. I blamed the idiotic bond.

Servants passing by pointed at me and whispered among themselves as I walked through the castle's corridor. They were most likely discussing the ball night. I recall that night vividly because it left me with a trauma I will never forget. I chose to disregard the finger-pointing and whispering among the servants because I didn't care.

I couldn't find my way out of the castle because the hallway was too long. Slade is to blame for locking me in his room after he purchased me from the auction house. I had no idea what the castle looked like.

"goodness," I sighed when I saw the end of the hallway, but there were two exits, which confused me. I couldn't decide whether to turn left or right.

"If you're leaving the castle, take the right path; if you're going to the King's chamber, take a left." Someone said behind me, and I was startled by how powerful the voice was.

When I turned to face the person, I felt compelled to punch him because he wasn't a natural person. His pale skin and distinct purple eyes revealed that he was a vampire. "Who in the world are you?" I inquired, being the impolite young lady that I was.

I was irritated when the vampire smiled at me. "Are you insane?" I indicated his head. "Sorry for bothering you with that question. I forgot vampires have no brains." I laughed.

"We do," he insisted, pointing to his head. "Just because we're vampires doesn't mean we don't have brains."

"Brainless demon sucker,"I muttered but he seemed to hear me.

"What do you say now?" He inquired.

"What do you require of me? Did Slade request that you contact me?"

"I like how you call him without respect." He burst out laughing. I assumed he was an authority vampire based on how he sounded. "My name is Teale," he said as he extended his hand. "I rescued you from your nightmares."

I blinked twice, and my mind flashed back to when I awoke. He was the same guy who was drinking blood like it was water. "I'm sure I stand out. When I'm hungry for blood, I lose my senses." He stated.

"Every vampire enjoys the taste of blood. With that brainless head of yours, I'm sure you're plotting how to feed on my blood."

"Believe me when I say I don't find your blood appetizing," he growled, but I snorted and tried to walk away. "I didn't mean to offend, but anyone with Bianca's face is a friend of mine."

"Are you familiar with Bianca?" He covered his ears when I yelled. "In my dream, I saw Bianca."

"That is significant. You are here reincarnation, and I'm sure you two have some connection." He elaborated. "Except that you're unique."

I rolled my eyes at him, and when our gazes met, the corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. His smile was lovely, and I found myself smiling in return. I didn't know why I smiled, but I felt at ease around him for some reason. He was a vampire, but I felt safe around him.

" vampire!" I reminded myself and wanted to scream, but I didn't, so my smile turned into a frown. "I think I should leave." I turned to walk away.

"If you want, I can show you around." He offered, but I declined. "Do you want to hear about Bianca?" When I heard the name, I came to a halt. I wanted, no, I needed to learn about Bianca, and this Teale guy was my only option for learning about my past.

"Tell me everything I need to know."

Slade Donovan POV

Some people never grow up. She stabbed me in the back after saving that ungrateful slave I regret ever purchasing by pouring vervain in my water. If I hadn't been a royal vampire, the vervain would have burned my skin and taken days to heal. Instead of apologizing, she pretended nothing had happened.

She acted as if I didn't exist. I would have beheaded her the day she poured the vervain into my water if it hadn't been for her face.

I ignored it for three days straight because seeing her face elicited an odd emotion. I thought I'd lost that emotion when Bianca died. I didn't love Gabriella, but I did care about her, which is why I saved her from death when she ran her mouth.

"What are you planning?"  Luciana inquired as she entered my room. "You've been locked in your room for three days. Why?" She sat beside me on my bed and grabbed my hand, but I yanked it away. "What's the problem? Because the King and Queen are concerned about you, I came to check on you." She elaborated.

"As you can see, Luciana, I'm fine."

"Is this related to the vervain? Should I notify the king?"

"No!" I yelled and jumped out of bed. "I need some alone time, Luciana. Please excuse yourself." I indicated the door.

"What's the matter with you?" Luciana yelled. "You've been acting strangely since that Bianca girl arrived. Even when she poured vervain into your water, you refused to punish her because she resembled your deceased lover."

"Don't bring up Bianca like that."

"What else? Stop acting so helpless because of a human girl. When the King discovers how weak you are when it comes to humans, he will be disappointed."

"Don't talk to me like that," I said, motioning to the door. "Luciana, leave my room while I'm being nice."

Luciana groaned in frustration as she exited my room. I noticed her talking to someone while waiting for her to leave so I could close my door.

"It's the Vervain girl," Luciana said something to me. "What exactly are you doing here?" I knew she was talking to Gabriella because I could smile at her blood, and just thinking about her brought back that strange emotion. I don't have a heart, but if I did, it would probably be racing like a human heart when they are caring for someone.

When she saw me, she looked at me, and I couldn't hear anything when I tried to read her mind. It was completely blank. She gave me a long look before turning to walk away.

"Can you tell me where you're going?" I asked her, but she walked away without responding. "Gabriella!" I yelled.

"What is disrespect?" Luciana yelled. "See what I mean..." She screamed again and ranted, but I was in no mood to talk to her. I returned to my room and slammed the door in her face.

I wasn't a bad vampire, but I wasn't a good one, either. If Gabriella thought she was going to continue disobeying him, I was going to break her until she bowed in submission.

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