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Slade Donovan POV

I carried Gabriella into my room and placed her on the bed after rescuing her from the whipping. The purple dress she was wearing was torn and soaked in blood. I ripped her dress off and examined the whipping marks.

I have a strong desire for her blood after seeing her blood. It was soothing, and I could feel my fangs emerging. I sighed deeply to resist my temptation because I had promised myself that I would never drink from her again. The whip marks on her back formed a circle, and when I touched it, she moaned in pain.

"How come you can't act like Bianca? You're too strong-willed, and I hope it doesn't kill you." I prayed to her unconscious self that she heard me.

My room door opened, and my brother and his slave, followed by my cousin, entered.

"I wonder who let him in," I thought as I locked my gaze on my cousin.

"How's she doing?" Kyle inquired.

"She's bleeding a lot," I explained. Kyle approached my bed and gazed at Gabriella's body. When he saw the blood, his eyes changed, and his fangs appeared. He was struggling to keep himself under control. Because he was a pureblood, he had to fight the desire for Gabriella's blood. When he opened his eyes again, the color had changed from purple to emerald green.

I called out, "Kyle!" he turned to face me. "Are you okay?" I requested that he not lose control.

"I'm fine. 'The sight of her blood makes my throat ache,' Kyle responded, scratching his throat.

"Gabby!" Gabriella's friend and my brother's slave, Daphne, burst into tears when she saw Gabriella's back " what is wrong with her? 'You can't die and leave me, Gabriella!' she cried.

"Her breathing has become abnormal," Teale said.

"What exactly do you mean? Will Gabriella die?" Daphne inquired.

"No," Teale replied, looking at me. "I will not let her die again."

"What do you mean?" A worried and perplexed Daphne inquired of Teale.

Teale looked at me with an accusatory finger.

"You!" he exclaimed, pointing at me. "This is entirely your fault. Will you stand there and watch her bleed to death? You couldn't save Bianca when she needed you, and now you're on the verge of losing this century, Bianca."

Teale was getting on my nerves, and I wanted to sever the finger he pointed at me. It was none of his concern.

"As I've said before, Teale, it's none of your business. It was none of your business what happened between Bianca and me. Why don't you stop talking about her?"

"Ahem," Daphne coughed to get our attention. "Are we still discussing Bianca here?" she inquired.

"Never mind them, Daphne," Kyle said, pointing to the two of us. 'Your arguments would accomplish nothing. Before she dies, feed her blood.

"I'll do it," Teale offered.

I glared at him and stopped him from approaching Gabriella with my hand. "Back off!" I yelled, pushing him away. "Last I checked, she was my slave, not yours. I, not you, will be the one to save her.

I sat down on the bed and took Gabriella into my arms. I bit my hand and inserted it into Gabriella's mouth. When the red liquid fell into her mouth, she clutched my hand tightly and sucked on the gushing blood.

"Glad to see she hasn't completely blacked out," I thought as I stared at her pale face.

"Will that be enough to save her?" Daphne asked Kyle the question.

"I hope so," Kyle replied, his tone uncertain...

"Do you think so?" Daphne almost yelled, but she restrained herself and spoke softly. "This is entirely your fault, prince Slade," she charged.

"How come everyone is accusing me?"

I thought Daphne had finished with her accusations, but she persisted. "Why did you buy her when you knew you couldn't care for her?" she yelled.

I blinked at her outburst because I hadn't seen her like this before. Daphne, the slave I knew, was a devoted and humble servant.

"Everything she has been through with you has been suffering and pain. Everything happened because of you. 'You are the reason for this,' she charged.

As she hurled the accusation at me, I felt a surge of rage pass me. I took my hand away from Gabriella's mouth and placed her on the bed. I got out of bed and walked over to where Daphne was standing. I felt like wringing her neck when I was facing her.

How could a mere mortal accuse me?

"The next time you accuse me like this, I'll tear you apart and feed your body to the birds of the air," I threatened, and she gulped. "Don't forget who you're speaking to," my voice commanded, and the room fell silent.

I didn't expect Daphne to respond as I turned back to face Gabriella.

"I know you don't give a damn about her. Vampires are heartless creatures, so I'm not surprised. You don't even understand what love is."

Kyle grabbed her arm to keep her from speaking, but she persisted.

"Your vampires don't deserve to live," Gabriella always said. 'You should all die!'' she yelled.

How dare she screams at the crown prince?

"How dare you?" I said as I approached her slowly. My eyes turned red, and I felt my fangs emerge. "How dare you!" I yelled and grabbed her neck with my hand.

"Slade, please," Kyle begged, but I didn't respond. He attempted to pull my hand away from Daphne's throat, but I pushed him back with my free hand.

"Are you going to murder me or beat me up as you did, Gabriella?" Daphne struggled to breathe.

I pushed her against the wall and held her, but Gabriella's moans prevented me from strangling her to death. I threw Daphne to the ground and dashed over to Gabriella. Daphne collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe. Kyle approached her and helped her up.

I felt Gabriella's temperature rise when I touched her head. I quickly wrapped the duvet around her because she was shivering. Someone had just entered my room—someone I didn't expect.

"What the hell is going on here? Is she gone?" Luciana inquired as she entered the room with my sister.

"What does a mere servant have to do with your bed?" Rosella, my sister, and the only vampire princess inquired.

"It's none of your concern," Daphne retorted.

"Hey, watch it, or you'll end up like her," Rosella says, glaring at her.

"Well, I don't mind if I do. "You do not frighten me." Daphne pushed back.

"How dare you, you insignificant slave?" Rosella charged at her, but Kyle stopped her.

"That's it; where are you going?" Kyle inquired.

"Why not punish your slave for being impolite?" Rosella responded

"Enough!" I exclaimed. "Everyone leave!" I yelled at them all.

They all looked at me as if I had grown two heads. "Now!" I said, motioning to the door.

"I'll see you later, Slade." Luciana waved and exited the room with Rosella.

"Tell us when she wakes up," Kyle said as he led Daphne out of the room.

Only Teale was left in the room. I gave him a murderous glare and told him he needed to go, but he laughed and walked out of the room.

"Gabriella, wake up soon," I stroked her warm hand and hoped she would awaken soon.

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