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Gabriella Monet POV

Daphne and I dropped the luggage in each room and walked back to the ballroom. On our way back to the ballroom, Daphne stopped me in the hallway and pointed to the bruises and cuts that were visible on my neck.

"Gabriella, what with all these bruises and cuts?" she asked.

"The idiot who bought me like to continuously beat the crap out of me, "I replied.

Daphne raised a brow at me, and I knew what she was thinking. She knew how sassy I was and how fiery I could get when it came to the issues of the vampires.

"Why are you staring at me like that? The stupid prince caused all these cuts and bruises, "I told her, and she raised another brow. "Wait, you think I'm lying?"I asked.

Daphne shook her head, but I knew she doubted what I'd just said. She knew I didn't back out without a fight. "Look, gabby, you must take things easy with the prince. He is a good prince."

"Good! That is the opposite word for him. Why are you even supporting him? I thought you hated the vampires and their rules."

Daphne quickly looked away from me and pretended to look elsewhere, but I wasn't going to let her keep a secret from me.

"What going on, Daphne? Don't tell me that you have become a puppet to the vampires?"

"I'm not a puppet, Gabriella. I'm starting to like it here, and I like prince kyle," she whispered the last word.

"Are you crazy!"I yelled, and she quickly covered my mouth before I said anything terrible. My voice echoed through the hallways, and I earned glares from some vampires passing by the hallway. Daphne removed her hand from my mouth and shushed me.

"Are you out of your mind" I whispered and pulled her to a corner. "You must be crazy to think that he would like you back or his kind would welcome you, "I told her to let her know that any feelings she had for prince kyle were all going to be in vain.

"You don't know anything, Gabriella. Just because you hate your master doesn't mean I would hate mine, "she fired back at me, and I chuckled at what she had said. "Look, Gabriella, "she continued. "prince kyle is nice and good to me. Ever since he bought me from that auction house, he has been nice to me."

When she finished her explanation, I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. "That's so cliche Daphne. Wake up from your dreams and face reality. This is the world of the vampires, not some world where humans can do whatever they want."

"Whatever you say. All I...." she didn't finish her sentence as she bowed to Slade, that had walked up to us. "My prince"

"Hello, slaves. What are you two doing here in the hallways when you are needed in the ballroom," he said.

"I think you know our names. Why are you calling us slaves?"I questioned him.

"Because that's what you are, "he replied with a smirk.

"Bastard," I muttered.

Daphne pinched me to stop talking and quickly bowed to Slade in apology."We are sorry for wasting Time, my prince."Daphne apologized.

"That's okay, Daphne. you may leave now; I need to speak with Gabriella."Slade told her.

"Okay, my prince, "she bowed and whispered some words to me before leaving. "Control yourself, gabby," she whispered and left.

When Daphne left, I gave Slade a challenging look and waited for what he wanted to do. When he did nothing, I walked closer and shouted at him.

"Are you going to beat me again? Was that why you sent my friend away?"I shouted. Slade pushed me to the wall and pinned me down with his hands.

"I'm not touching you, but I will when the party ends. Mind the way you talk to me; I'm the prince of the vampires," he shouted and punched the wall, and glared hard at me.

"That's the second time I'll hear that word from you. Who cares if you own the world, Slade?"I fired back.

"You are impossible."

"you are frustrating."

"Sassy bitch"

"Bloodsucking demon," I retorted.

Slade groaned and touched his face. "What is your problem, Gabriella? Are you angry that I asked you to drop the luggage, or are you jealous because Lucy is prettier than you?"

"Wait for a second... Jealous!! Why would I be jealous of that bitch?"

"I can see it in your eyes and feel your emotions. I could feel your emotions when Luciana walked in and sensed your jealousy."

"Pfffft..... As if?"

"You can never be like Luciana because she is of noble blood, and you are just a mere slave," he stated. His last word hurt my feelings, and I could feel my heart breaking.

Why was I feeling this way? I didn't know why I allowed his word to get to me, but his word pierced my heart and got to me. I was not easily broken, but he had hurt me with his words. I was not going to allow him to get to me because I was strong. I looked up at him with my almost teary face and decided to give him the reply he deserved.

" you are a jerk; I hate you so much. I don't care about your stupid girlfriend and you. All I care about now is how you vampires would go to hell and..." He didn't let me finish my sentence as he pulled me closer to him and kissed me. His soft lips met mine, and I felt like drowning in his sweetness.

"What are you doing?"I asked in between the kiss. Slade gave no reply and deepened the kiss. Before I knew what was going on, I was also returning the kiss. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and it was like magic. I had no idea Why I was feeling like that to someone I hated?

When I remembered what happened to my sister and father and what the vampires were to the humans, I pushed Slade away.

"What? Don't you like the kiss?" he mocked.

I pointed a finger of warning at him. "Don't you ever do that again?"

Slade laughed and put my finger down with his hand. "Look, Gabriella. It was just a kiss, nothing more. It was the only way to shut you up when you wouldn't stop talking, and just because I kissed you doesn't mean I want to have anything with you." He confessed.

His words hurt me, but I didn't let them get to me. "Really? It was just to shut me up. This made me hate you more, prince Slade. Don't you dare do this again?"I threatened and pushed him out of the way. I gave him one final look before walking away from the hallway. He had succeeded in bringing out my soft side, but I wasn't going to turn into a fool because Of a stupid kiss from an arrogant, self-centered prince. I planned to change the world, and I was going to do It.

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