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Gabriella Monet POV

Three days after I awoke, I made a point of ignoring Slade, and even when we were together, we never spoke. Slade and I  hatred had grown even more intense than I could have imagined. I hated that he couldn't defend me while the king was whipping me, and I'm sure he despised me because I punched his pretty girlfriend in the face.

Speaking of his stupid girlfriend, I hadn't seen her in days until she approached me yesterday and asked how my wounds were healing.

"It's nice to see you are walking again after days in bed," she sneered.

I was walking around Slade's room's corridor when I noticed her. I ignored her and walked away, but she drew me back.

"When I'm talking to you, you don't walk away from me!" She screamed.

I scoffed and attempted to walk away from her, but she continued to irritate me.

"What are you on about, you stupid barbie?" I yelled and said the first thing that came to mind.

"You are my issue. My issue is with your crappy attitude and stupid face. I should have had the king burn your face to teach you a lesson," she retorted.

"Really? Do you feel threatened by my face?" I laughed as I looked at her pitiful expression. "You know, for a noble person, you come across as cheap and stupid. I thought this cliche attitude of yours only existed in novels and not in real life, but seeing as you just acted, I can conclude that cliches do exist in real life," I replied, satisfied. She tried to hide her shock, but I could see through her mask and stupid attitude.

"If you're finished, I should probably get to work because, while others live in luxury, some of us have to work hard just to have a bed to sleep in," I said as I walked past her, making sure I hit her arm.

That was yesterday, and I'll be returning to Slade's blue room for the second time. I only went there a few seconds ago, and now he wants my presence because he thinks he owns the fucking world. When I entered his room, I found him undressed and had to turn away from his stupid hot body.

"There you are, Gabriella," he said.

This is where I am.

He raised his brows and cleared his throat at my thought, but I didn't look at him.

"How come you're not looking at me?" He inquired.

"I might turn if you don't cover your body."

"Oh!" He burst out laughing and touched my arm. His touch sends shivers up my spine, and I relax when he feels me. I pushed his hand away and took a deep breath when I realized what had just happened.

"What do you require of me?" I inquired, still not facing him.

"I require you to prepare formal attire for me to wear. I've got a date with Luciana," he said.

"Do you expect me to remain in this room with you while you undress and bathe?"

"What? afraid you'll fall for my charms?" he whispered into my ears, his warm breath sending a shiver through my body.

"Fall? My only desire is for you to fail." I pushed him away and went to his closet to look for formal attire for his stupid date.

While I was looking through his closet for formal attire, I heard screams coming from the bathroom. I rushed to the door to see what had happened, but Luciana beat me to it.

How did she get into the room in the first place? Perhaps she appeared in the room. I scoffed at the thought because I knew vampires couldn't appear and vanish.

"Dear Slade, what happened?" She inquired in the sweetest artificial voice I'd ever heard.

Slade emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He rushed up to me and grabbed my neck.

"Gabriella, what did you do?" As he tightened his grip on my neck, he asked.

What? I didn't do anything, and I didn't understand what he was asking.

"What went wrong? How can you expect me to speak when your hand is on my neck?" I couldn't say anything with my mouth, but I could with my mind.

"You filthy creature!" He screamed and shoved me to the ground with great force. "Gabriella, I'll ask you again, why did you do that?"

"What exactly do you mean? I didn't do anything wrong! I just got to your room."

"Really? So, how did vervain end up in my water? I know you despise me, but why must you go to such lengths to get rid of me?"

What did he say? What in the world was vervain?

"Vervain? "What do you call that?" I inquired because I'd never heard of it before.

"Really? Do not deceive yourself, stupid slave. How can you stand there and pretend you're unaware that vervain weakens and burns vampires?" Luciana snarled at me.

"Why did you putting vervain in my water? You might as well do it better if you want to get rid of me!" Slade yelled.

"I didn't add anything to your water, whatever it was called. I just left your room, so how do you expect me to put something I don't know in your water?" I attempted to defend myself because I wouldn't say I liked being blamed for something I did not do.

"Shut up and get out of my room before I lose it!" he exploded.

"You have to believe me, Slade. I swear I didn't do it."

"Leave right now!"

"Fine! Believe whatever you want, prince Slade, because what I'm saying now is meaningless. I'm grateful to whoever put the vervain in your water. They should have put a lot in there so you can burn to death!" With rage coursing through me, I yelled and stormed out of the room.


Slade Donovan POV

"Are you going to let her get away with it?" Luciana inquired as soon as Gabriella exited my room. "She didn't even feel remorse for doing something wrong. "How did you obtain such a slave?"

I didn't respond to her, instead walking to my closet and pulling out the first piece of clothing I could find, a black hoodie.

"Are you hearing what I'm saying, Slade?" Luciana's irritating voice rang out once more in my ears.

"Luciana, get out of my room."

"What do you mean leave? That was the only way you could respond to everything I said."

"I hate repeating myself, Luciana. Get the hell out of my room!" I yelled at her and shoved her out of my room. When I was finished, I shut the door and lay on my bed, thinking about Gabriella.

I wanted to believe her, but she despised me and would do anything to see me in pain, so who did it?

Who dared to enter my room and put vervain in my water? Someone close to me or someone who despises me, like Gabriella, must have done it.

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