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Gabriella Monet POV

I was on the verge of being killed by people I thought were my family. Thank you to the voice that helped me break out of my trance. I awoke screaming, and I was in the blue room, as usual.

"Gabriella," I heard someone call my name, and it was none other than my stupid master. "Thank goodness you've woken up," he said as he embraced me.

"Really? This is strange because the last time I remember you, you were watching me get beaten."

"That was not the case. I put an end to the whipping, "He attempted to explain, but I wasn't in the mood to hear him speak or even come close to me.

"You monster, get away from me!" I yelled and pushed him away from me.

"Can't you see I'm attempting to assist you here?"

"assist me? You slapped me in the face the last time I checked, and now you're acting as if you care." I scoffed and moved my gaze away from him.

"Gabby, please calm down. You just awoke." Kyle, or whatever his name was, had just said something to me that I didn't care about. All I wanted was to get out of this bed and out of this stupid castle.

"I don't care, and I didn't ask for your opinion," I snarled.

A guy I hadn't seen before was gulping down blood bags like they were water.
"Disgusting," I said, shaking my head at his condition. I got out of bed and removed my body's bed cover.

"Little girl, relax. You've only recently recovered," A man dressed in a white lab coat said.

"How many people are there in this room?" As I looked around, I had this thought.

"Relax, child." The doctor said it again, which irritated me because he had previously called me a little girl and now simply a child.

"Little lady? Child? Do you think I look like a little girl?" I yelled and stood up from the bed, but when my feet hit the ground, I staggered and fell to the ground, and Slade decided it was the best time to touch and help me up, but being the jerk that I was, I pushed him off of me and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"I thought vampires had good hearing, but you seem deaf. Do not come near me!" I yelled and pushed him away from me once more. Daphne and Elegance walked in as the door burst open.

"Oh my gosh, Gabby!" Daphne rushed up to me and drew me in for a quick hug. "You're still alive!" She screamed.

"Did I already die?" I asked sarcastically, and she laughed.

"Fuck you, Gabby," she chuckled before hugging me again. "Gabriella, I've missed you. You were on that bed for days, and I assumed you were dead until Teale came in. "She pointed to the bloodsucker still sucking from the blood bags on the floor.

"Who exactly is he?" I inquired as I stared at him and his state.

"Prince Teale is the king's brother's son." Elegance explained to me as I stared at the vampire on the ground. When our gazes met, he growled at me and rushed to me, but Slade drew him back.

"Take her to her room, Elegance," Slade said.

"Right. Let's go, Gabriella, "She grabbed my arm, but I couldn't stop staring at the vampire, whose eyes had lost all color but were a shade of purple. Why was he this way? As I walked out of the room with Daphne and elegance, I thought.

On the way to my room, Daphne and Elegance discussed how Slade offered me his blood to survive and how Tea or Tale saved me from the nightmare I was having.

I thought about the terrifying dream. What was Bianca attempting to convey to me? I debated whether or not to tell Daphne, but my friend isn't one to keep secrets, so I decided not to.

Slade Donovan POV

I was relieved when Gabriella awoke, but how she treated me like dirt made me hate myself. I knew she despised me, but I wanted her to see that I didn't give a damn about her. All I cared about was that she was okay because she reminded me of Bianca.

I wanted to follow her and stay with her until she was fine, but I am a prince who demands respect, and no human, not even the girl who resembled my dead lover, would disrespect me.

"May I go now?" The doctor's voice jolted me out of my reverie.

"Thank you very much, doctor," I said.

The doctor bowed and exited the room, leaving Kyle behind to assist me with Teale, who was losing his mind. As he growled at me, his fangs were exposed, and the vein on his neck became visible.

"How should we handle him?" Kyle inquired.

"Knock him out and lock him in his room."

"What happens when he awakens? Do you think he would have relaxed?"

"Maybe. Is that the better solution, or do you have another?" I inquired.

"I don't think so."

"Right. Let us now take him to his room, "I told him, and we both dragged Teale out of the room. It wasn't easy dealing with a pure-blooded hungry vampire, but it was tough in Teale's case. We placed him on the bed in his room, but he stood up and ran to the door.

"He's losing his mind. What do you think we should do now?" Kyle inquired, his voice trembling.

I considered what to do, and when I came up with an idea, I walked over to Teale and snapped his neck. Teale groaned and collapsed to the ground, his eyes closed.

"How long do you expect him to be out?"

"With the energy he expended and blood, he drank, he should be out for at least two days."

"What if his father asked?" Kyle inquired.

"We'll tell him he can't come out of his room."

"All right, bro," Kyle said in response to my suggestion.

We put Teale to bed and locked his room with his assistance.

"Gabby seems to hate me too," Kyle voiced out.

"Gabriella's resentment is directed at me, not you. Everything that had happened was due to her, and she was too sassy to notice."

Yes, she was because she is sassy, ungrateful, and insulting. Do not, I mean, never judge a book by its cover. We saved her from death, but she was too proud to see that.

She was so sassy that I had to swallow pride and save her dying ass.

I bought myself an annoying slave.

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