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Slade Donovan POV

I was a werewolf.

A wolf that was supposed to be extinct, but I am one. I growled at everyone I found in the hallway as I made my way to the King's office. When I got to the entrance, I met three Guards, and when they saw me, they all bowed.  I didn't bother to ask about the king or let them announce my presence; I just barged into the office unannounced.

The office was a large one with a round table and twelve chairs, which the king used for a special meeting. He also had a unique desk at the left corner of the room. A two-seater brown leather couch was also in the office, and behind it was a shelf filled with different files and books concerning state affairs.

My father, the king, was having a Conversation with Zepeda, Luciana's father. " prince Slade!" Zepeda was the first to notice me. "We were just talking about you."

"Seems the talk has to wait," I replied. "Zepeda, step out, please," I ordered.

Zepeda looked from me to my father. He tried to say something, but I yelled at him. " Get out! I need to talk to the king."

"You may leave Zepeda." The king ordered, and Zepeda bowed and left the office. "What was that?" My father questioned.

"That was an order!" I growled.

My father gasped and stood up from his chair. He walked closer to me and touched my face.

"How? Why...."

"That's not the point, Father. You lied to me my whole life."

"It was the only way to protect you, son."

I chuckled and pointed to my eyes. "You should have informed me."

My father tried to grab my hand, but I slapped it away. I growled at him and walked towards his desk. I pushed the files, Laptop, and books on the desk to the ground. I growled again and kicked the desk. "Listen to me, Son!" My father yelled. "You are the heir to the Vampire throne. If they find out that you are part wolf, they'll reject you."

"You should have told me! You and mother lied to me!"

"How did you find out? Let me guess; it was Teale, right?"

"Does it matter?" I asked him. "I was already suspecting it, but I never thought I'll be another creature."

"You can't tell anyone. If anybody knows, they'll need to die." My father told me. "Did you tell anybody else?"

I looked at him and found him Staring back at me. "Kyle also knows."

"Anybody else?"

I bit my lips as I fell into my father's trap. He has a way of getting people's and making them spill their minds. If my father Finds out that Gabriella knows, he is going to kill her, and I isn't going to live with that. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them, My Father was standing closer to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and patted it gently. "There is no one else," I quickly said before he could trap me in his manipulative thought.

"That's good. No one needs to know until you become king."

"But they'll find out later," I pushed his hand away from my shoulder.

"We are expecting guests that help the world grow. I don't think we need to worry about your new identity now."

"Stop being selfish!"

My father grabbed me by the throat and flung me to the nearest wall. My back hit the wall. I landed on the ground but quickly jumped up. I rushed towards my father, but he was prepared. He grabbed me by the throat and raised me. I fought against him, but I wasn't strong enough. He flung me again, but I didn't hit the wall; instead, I hit the round table. "You will listen to me, son!" My father shouted. "I've served this world long, and you won't destroy all my handiwork. Keep your identity a secret, but I'll kill that slave you are obsessing with." He threatened me with Gabriella.

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