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Gabriella Monet POV

After the argument with Daphne, I thought of how humans could change so fast because they enjoy some Benefits from the vampires who took our world from us.

People could be so ungrateful.

I fell asleep on that thought, and when I woke up, it was already morning as the sun's rays brightened my room. I stretched, yawned, and opened my eyes. I jumped in fright when I saw a figure in my room. I rubbed my eyes and stared at the person in my room. It was someone I hadn't met before, and I took a closer look. I could tell he was a vampire because of his pale skin and different eye pigment.


"Who the hell are you?" I asked him.

"Prince Slade requested for you in the Castle garden." The vampire said.

"Slade!" I shouted, and the vampire raised a brow, probably because I addressed his prince by name. "Why does the prince wants to see me." The last time I checked, we were not on talking terms.

The vampire didn't reply, and he just stood in my room like a statue. I jumped out of bed and stood face-to-face with the Vampire. The vampire didn't even blink when I waved my hands at his face.

I guessed the vampires were stupid.

"Wait outside, and I need to change my clothes." I pointed to my nightie.

The vampire gave me a nod and walked out of my room. After changing into a red hood and black trousers, I walked outside and saw the vampire standing by my door. "Lead me to him," I told him.

"Right after you," he said.

I muttered a cuss word as I walked in front of him. Whatever Slade had to say to me must be essential for him to send someone to fetch me.

"Take a turn by the left," the vampire ordered.

I took a turn and walked down a long hallway. The hallway was so long that I thought I would walk forever. When we got to the end of the hallway, he told me to wait. "I thought we were going to the castle garden. Why are we waiting?" I asked.

"Because of this," he hit my neck with the back of his hand.

My eyes rolled, and I fell to the ground to the ground. My head hit the ground first, followed by the rest of my body. My eyes shut, and I blacked out.

When I woke up, I tried opening my eyes, but all I could see was darkness. Something was covering my face and tightly tied behind my ears. I was blindfolded. My hands were perfectly tied with my legs, and when I tried to break free, I cut myself. I struggled again, but I kept cutting myself.

"Try that again, and you end up bleeding to death." A stern voice warned.

"The only that will bleed is when my hand makes a connection with your face." I threatened and struggled against whatever was used to tie me. I stopped when I heard footsteps making their way towards. It was loud and noisy, as if someone was walking on sand.

The blindfold was yanked from my face, and I blinked twice to adjust to the sun that shone brightly In the blue sky. After my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked around and gasped when I realized where I was. I was at the edge of a cliff. I was so close that when I turned my head, I could see how low the ground was. I visibly gulped and stared at my assailant. He was a vampire but different from the one who tricked me out of my room.

I couldn't believe I was foolish enough to accept a stupid vampire.

This was all because of Slade.

"Who are you? What do you want me?" I asked the pale vampire in front of me.

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